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Future Vision of Education Case Presentation LaTeena Bartee EDU 505 Future of Education February 28, 2015.

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1 Future Vision of Education Case Presentation LaTeena Bartee EDU 505 Future of Education February 28, 2015

2 Summer Bridge Summer Bridge program is a free summer program that includes academic courses, preparatory exams, job shadowing and exposure to the medical profession (nursing, paramedic, doctor) and visiting various departments in the hospital such as Emergency Room, Radiology, Neurology, Pediatric, medical recording and maternity ward (Waterbury Hospital, 2015). The Summer Bridge Program service about 30 middle school and high school students from the local school district that operates for 2 months during the summer break (Waterbury Hospital, 2015).

3 Online Learning Online simulation program (already within program) Simentor “Teaches students about soft skills, communication skills, teamwork, professionalism, networking and problem solving” (Access Technologies, 2015). Addition: Hybrid Learning (NMC Horizon Report, 2014) ● To create constant learning during coursework due to classes being sporadic during the week of the program ● Added element to provide instruction and review of already taught concepts within the class.

4 Scenarios Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths A bility to see multiple, desirable futures Adds component of reflection for the manager; challenge long term internal beliefs in an organization. Can recognize weak signals such as disruptions in technology, and think about how to solve weak signals in the long term process of planning Creating and improving strategic communication in an organization Strengthens the coordinating function in the scenario process Very flexible and adjustable to task or situations Weaknesses Weaknesses Process is very time consuming Process is very time consuming Correct data needs to be collected and interpreted from various sources The overall process to select participants and experts that are suitable for data collection and interpretation is more lengthier Difficult to reduce the urge to wishful think All information in chart (as cited in Mietzner, Reger, 2005, p.235-36)

5 Scanning Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Strengths Offers a snapshot of the problem through the lens of the following areas: public policy, demographics, social and economical to determine the concern and address it properly (Sobrero, 2004). vs.Weakness Scanning may not be as useful alone and may be more beneficial when combined with another technique. (Sobrero, 2004)

6 Educational technology in Out of School Time Programs Summer Bridge Program is an out of school time program Out of school program: program, activity, or opportunity that occurs after school hours when children and youth ranging from 6years old to 18 are supervised by adults who when children and youth ranging from 6years old to 18 are supervised by adults who are promoting their development (Cook, 2015, p.1). are promoting their development (Cook, 2015, p.1). Parents place their child into programs because: ● One parent household or sole provider for the child ● Working more than one job ● Looking for programs to place their children while they work. Educational Technology used: ● Simentor: students will use this program for summer youth employment and go through modules that teach them professionalism, conflict resolution skills and soft skills.

7 Economic & Public Policy trend Common Core Standards Created to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live (Common Core State Standards, 2015). Skills needed for the student: Some students will not choose to attend college after they complete high school graduation. ● Work readiness (resume building, career exploration) vs. College preparation State by State Adoption: ● Additional funds needed for implementation of new curriculum and professional development for teachers, school administrators, and school personnel. ● States are participating in field testing and those results will be used for data collection.

8 Demographic trend Field tests were performed so that the developers of Common Core Standards, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, can build demographic representative samples of students" (Gewertz, Sawchuk, 2014). Field tests were performed so that the developers of Common Core Standards, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, can build demographic representative samples of students" (Gewertz, Sawchuk, 2014). ● Group of students will be administered: some will complete English/ Language Arts & Math (subject tests) while another group of students will be taking only one subject. ● Demographics is an component that will be one of the indicators to determine how school districts and states will receive funding for educational services.

9 Vision/Plan ● The Summer Bridge Program is an out of school time program designed to extend learning through summer vacation and aim to help the student improve in academic skills such as math and English/writing. ● Be an adoptable model for various settings (classroom, individual community program, component of an program inside the school after school hours are complete) ● The use of computers will be used to assist students' in learning. More additional devices will be needed as students are asked to perform more tasks. ● Summer Bridge Program will continue to service 30 students that are part of the Waterbury school district and surrounding areas. ● The recruitment process and the interview process for prospective participants will continue to be rigorous.

10 Challenges vs. OpportunitiesChallenges ● Due to the lack of funding and the instability of the hospital, Summer Bridge Program may have to cease operations in the hospital and find another location. ● The uncertainty of funding for this year is causing a challenge with hiring team members, scheduling and formatting the programs in time slots where classes will be taught (for example: teacher to student ratio) ● Aligning all lessons being taught to fit Common Core Writing and Math standards for students between grades 6 – 11. ● Hiring teachers who have taught Common Core within the school system and are able to teach the students correctly however the amount of funding for salary and hours may vary. ● Program Administrators and teachers need to find an more better system to monitor each students individual progress in the program and be able to compare it to the students' grades in school for the following school year Opportunities ● The Summer Bridge Program is an adaptable model so programs components can be altered or added into other existing programs ● Gives students exposure to the medical field. Many students want to pursue a medical career or are interested in being exposed to medical professions.

11 Plan for Change Workshops should be provided from SERC to assist summer teaching instructors during Summer Bridge to assure correct application and implementation of the curriculum. (This is including revision of homework worksheets, quizzes, practice sheets and exams that will be distributed during the program). Add recreational component within the program or provide an healthy choice and exercise program for students that encompasses various styles of exercise (yoga or zumba) Add lessons about dealing with stress (learning different techniques to help reduce stress in students) Partnering with a agency that creates database for monitoring students' progress and better assessment of how students felt about the program (their participation)

12 Call to Action These are steps that should take place immediately to enhance the functions of the program: ● ● Better evaluation system for the program ● ● Partner with agency to create database for students' progress within the program ● ● Developing a committee of different stakeholders: students, funders, parents, team members that will provide feedback in order to improve the program

13 References Access Technologies Group (2015). Effective Integration of Technology and Instructor- Lead Training to Promote Soft Skills Mastery Clarke, J. (2015). Interview with Summer Bridge Director. Waterbury Hospital. Interviewed on 11 Jan 2015 Cook. K. (2015). Out of School Time Programs. Out of School Time Programs – Research Starters Education, 1 Common Core Standards Initiative (2015). About the Standards: Common Core State Standards Initiative Mietzner, D., & Reger, G. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic" \t "_blank foresight. Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, 1(2), 220–239. Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic" \t "_blankforesightAdvantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic" \t "_blankforesight NMC Horizon Report (2014) Increasing of Hybrid Designs. Driving Educational Technology adoption in schools within three to five years. NMC Horizon Report K – 12 Edition. adoption in schools within three to five years. NMC Horizon Report K – 12 Edition. Sobrero, P.M. (2004) Futuring: The implementation of anticipatory excellence. Journal of Extension (Online), 42(2). Retrieved from Extension (Online), 42(2). Retrieved from Waterbury Hospital (2015). Waterbury Hospital Youth Pipeline Initiatives. Retrieved from http://www. http://www. department-cb/ department-cb/

14 References continued NMC Horizon Report (2014) Increasing of Hybrid Designs. Driving Educational Technology adoption in schools within three to five years. NMC Horizon Report K – 12 Edition. adoption in schools within three to five years. NMC Horizon Report K – 12 Edition. Sobrero, P.M. (2004) Futuring: The implementation of anticipatory excellence. Journal of Extension (Online), 42(2). Retrieved from Extension (Online), 42(2). Retrieved from Waterbury Hospital (2015). Waterbury Hospital Youth Pipeline Initiatives. Retrieved from http://www. http://www. department-cb/ department-cb/

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