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Last updated Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech

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Presentation on theme: "Last updated Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech"— Presentation transcript:

1 Last updated 2015. 03. 22 Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech
Pixels Last updated Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech

2 Outline What is Pixel-level processing? Pixel level Operations
Transform Histogram HE (Histogram Equalization) HA (histogram Matching) Trhesholding

3 1. Pixel Processing in pixel level Information of pixel level
Not using information of neighbor pixels Information of pixel level visual color/intensity : camera data IR (infrared) : emission from heat object, night-vision, surveillance Medical image : density of tissue, CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 3D (stack of 2Ds) Ladar/sonar 3-D imaging: 3D scanning, depth map Scientific image


5 2. Operations upon pixels
Individual, pixel-by-pixel Iout (n,m) = f (Iin(n,m)) E.g. Iin(n,m) + IB(n,m) or Iin(n,m) + C Arithmetic operation contrast adjustment : imadd(I, const)

6 Blending(mixing): imadd(I1, I2)
Substraction: imsubstract(I1, I2) Difference : imabsdiff(I1, I2)

7 Multiplication, division : immultiply(I, const), imdivide(I, const)
Saturation issue Overflow & underflow problem in range [0, 255] matlab “im” functions handle the saturation

8 Logical operations Thresholding Mostly for binary image
NOT: imcomplement(I) OR, XOR, AND, NAND, NOR, NXOR Thresholding Gray scale to binary image : im2bw(I, thres) Io = 1 if Iin > T or 0 o.w. Used for extract fg from bg variations

9 Thresholding for simple and complex image

10 4. transform Mostly for improving the contrast of images (dynamic range) Logarithmic transform Increase the contrast in “low” values

11 Exponential transform
Increase contrast in high values

12 Gamma (power) flexible r < 1 : log-style r > 1 : exp-style

13 4. Histograms Histogram h(x) = # of pixels whose value is x.
pmf (x) = h(x) / # of pixels

14 Thresholding Global Threshold selection
Bi-modal distribution (F3.12, previous slide) : easy to select Multi-modal/complicated (F3.13) : not easy

15 Otsu’s Method: global optimal algorithm
Threshold that minimizes the intra class standard variance (a clustering algorithm) level =graythresth(Img) in MATLAB Minimizing Intra-class variances Maximizing Inter-class variances

16 Adaptive thresholding
Reason: Illumination is not uniform, multiple objects T(n, m) = f ( W[n,m] ) Threashold value “adapts” neighbors of pixel (n,m), W. E.g of function mean, median, floor((max – min/2) +C still noise f median + margin T orignal

17 (value – c) (a-b)/(c-d) + a
Contrast Control To enhance visual perception Linear contrast stretching Tips: outlier problem Use c at 5%, d at 95% [c, d] [b= 0, a = 255] (value – c) (a-b)/(c-d) + a

18 Histogram equalization
Resultant histogram is flat/equal Nonlinear & dependent image histogram Global method proof: Iin ~ px(x) Iout ~ py(y) y = f(x)

19 Example Not exactly flat (in discrete values)

20 Histogram Matching Generalization of histogram equalization
map output image’s histogram to a specific function. Iin ~ px(x) ~ Cx(x) Iout ~ py(y) ~ Cy(y) y = f(x) f(x) = C-1z[Cx(x)]

21 Adaptive histogram equalizer
Similar reason as adaptive thresholding Local histogram generation Sliding windows method Tile-based method Low computation Blocking effects outter window inner window

22 Pizer’s approach Weighted histogram I = histogram for i

23 Contrast limiting MATLAB Not to over-amplificate noise pixels Concept
J = adapthisteq (I, [param1,val1]...) Params ClipLimit : [0:1] (0.01) NumTiles: (8) Distribution Target distist. (uniform) Rayleigh exponential uniform

24 A Real Application Budapest Castle (Hungary)
Taken by Galaxy S5 in the evening rgb AHE gray/hsv GHE

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