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Sexual Plant Propagation Joe Green : Pope High School May 2007.

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2 Sexual Plant Propagation Joe Green : Pope High School May 2007

3 Plant Propagation The process of reproducing or increasing plants. Can be sexual - seeds or asexual – cuttings or division.

4 Plant Propagation The process where WE reproduce or increase the number of plants. A vital part of the plant production business.

5 Reproduction vs Propagation Plants reproduce themselves to make more plants… Mainly by producing seeds after pollination. Horticulturists propagate to make more. Many methods to propagate plants

6 All About Seeds

7 Seed germination The miracle process when seeds begin to sprout and grow to begin a new plant Germination occurs when a seed receives the correct amounts of light, temperature and water simultaneously.

8 3 Main Parts of a Seed

9 Seed coat The outer covering of a seed. Protects the inside of a seed.

10 Seed coat Some seed coats are very soft and germinate easily.

11 Seed Coat Some seeds have very hard or dense seed coats. These type seeds may need to be SCARIFIED to unlock their coats…. Soaking, cooling, grinding.



14 Endosperm The stored food supply for the young developing seedling, which is contained in the seed.

15 Endosperm is like rocket fuel! It’s the initial fuel to get the plant started !

16 The embryo (or embryonic plant) The entire baby plant inside the seed waiting patiently for its moment to germinate. It’s the fertilized egg in a dormant state.

17 embryo It’s like the child inside the womb waiting to enter the world.

18 Planting Seeds When we plant seeds it’s called what? Sowing seeds!

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