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Water Chapters 13, 8, & 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Chapters 13, 8, & 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Chapters 13, 8, & 20

2 Water Covers 71% of Earth’s surface

3 Water’s Importance Regulates climate Dilutes waste
Sculpts Earth’s surface Major habitat

4 Water Supply 97% salt 3% fresh 2.976% in ice caps 0.024% available
Groundwater, lakes, & rivers

5 Access to Water Supply Women and children’s issue Global health issue
Economic issue National security issue

6 Hydrologic Cycle Natural recycling and purification
Driven by solar energy and gravity

7 Human Affects on Hydrological Cycle

8 Water Supply: Groundwater
Zone of Saturation Space in soil filled with water Water Table Top of zone of saturation Aquifers Natural recharge Lateral recharge

9 Water Supply: Surface Water
Water flows across the earth’s surface Sources: precipitation & snow melt Watershed (drainage basin) Land from where water drains into a particular waterway

10 Case Study: US Freshwater Resources
More than enough freshwater but… Unevenly distributed Polluted Droughts

11 Case Study: US Freshwater Resources
Water hotspots Identified areas where competition for water may cause conflicts

12 Case Study: US Freshwater Resources
Storages will grow due to: Dry climate Droughts Population increases Wasteful use

13 Case Study: The Colorado River Basin
Spans 7 states 14 dams & reservoirs Supplied from snow melt of Rockies

14 Case Study: The Colorado River Basin
Many uses include: Drinking water Electricity Crop irrigation Recreation ~30 million people Las Vegas Los Angeles San Diego

15 Case Study: The Colorado River Basin
Major Problems: Colorado basin has dry lands Modest flow for size Legal pacts allocate for more water for human use than it can supply Amount of water reaching the mouth (Gulf of California) has dropped since 1960

16 How can we increase our water supply?

17 Groundwater Most are renewable
Provides drinking water for half the world Most are renewable


19 US Groundwater Supplies: Withdrawn at 4 times the replacement level
Almost all rural drinking water 1/5 of urban water 37% irrigation Withdrawn at 4 times the replacement level

20 High Moderate Minor or none
Groundwater Overdrafts: High Moderate Fig a, p. 308 Minor or none

21 Case Study: Ogallala Aquifer
Largest known aquifer Spans 8 states Irrigates the Great Plains Slow recharge = dropping water table Supplies springs – vital habitats

22 Case Study: California Central Valley
Serious aquifer depletion Supplies ½ the country’s fruits & veggies

23 How can we increase our water supply?
Groundwater Dams & reservoirs

24 Main goal of Dams Capture & store runoff Release runoff:
Control floods Generate electricity Supply irrigation Recreation

25 Three Gorges Dam Yangtze River, China World’s largest power station
Video in picture


27 How can we increase our water supply?
Groundwater Dams & reserviors Desalination

28 Desalination Removal of salt from ocean water Processes:
Distillation (evaporate & condensate) Reverse osmosis (microfilter) Middle east the most; US #4


30 Desalination Problems: Expensive Large amounts of energy
Disrupts marine ecosystems Brine waste

31 Ways that Humans Use Water

32 Ways that Humans Use Water

33 Ways that Humans Use Water
70% is used for agriculture 1/3rd of US water – irrigation

34 Ways that Humans Use Water
70% is used for agriculture 20% industry Electricity generation Cooling machinery Refining metals/paper

35 Ways that Humans Use Water
70% is used for agriculture 20% industry 10% household uses




39 Water Conservation Estimated 2/3rds of water wasted Why? Low cost
Lack of government incentives

40 Irrigation Conservation

41 Household Conservation
Fix leaks Landscape smart Water efficient appliances Recycle greywater


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