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For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Long-acting recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein (rFIXFc)

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Presentation on theme: "For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Long-acting recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein (rFIXFc)"— Presentation transcript:

1 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Long-acting recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein (rFIXFc) for perioperative management of subjects with haemophilia B in the phase 3 B-LONG study Jerry S. Powell, Shashikant Apte, Herve Chambost, Cedric Hermans, Shannon Jackson, Neil C. Josephson, Johnny N. Mahlangu, Margareth C. Ozelo, Kathelijne Peerlinck, John Pasi, David Perry, Margaret V. Ragni, Xuefeng Wang, Haiyan Jiang, Shuanglian Li, Lynda M. Cristiano, Alison Innes, Karen Nugent, Aoife Brennan, Alvin Luk, Geoffrey Allen, Glenn F. Pierce and Brian Robinson November, 2014 1

2 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Table I. Surgical assessments Category Endpoint rFIXFc dosing Number of rFIXFc infusions Median dose per infusion (iu/kg) Total dose (iu/kg) required to maintain surgical haemostasis rFIXFc consumption Total consumption (iu/kg per surgery) on the day of surgery Total consumption (iu/kg per surgery) in the 2-week period following surgery (stratified by Days 1–3, 4–14 and 1–14) Estimated blood loss Perioperative estimated blood loss Postoperative estimated blood loss Transfusions Number of transfusions required during surgery Type of blood component(s) transfused Bleeding episodes Total number per major surgery on Day 0 (day of surgery) through postoperative Day 14 Surgical haemostasis Assessment of haemostatic response (i.e, excellent, good, fair, poor/none) rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein. 2

3 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Table II. Four-point scale for assessment of surgical haemostasis* Rating Criteria Excellent Intraoperative and postoperative blood loss similar to or less than a person without haemophilia Good Intraoperative and/or postoperative bleeding slightly increased over expectations for a person without haemophilia, but not significantly different Fair Intraoperative and/or postoperative blood loss increased over expectations for a person without haemophilia, with need for additional treatment Poor/none Significant intraoperative and/or postoperative bleeding substantially increased over expectations for a person without haemophilia, requiring intervention, unexplained by a surgical/medical issue other than haemophilia *Adapted from World Federation of Haemophilia guidelines (Srivastava et al, 2013). 3

4 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Table III. Haemostatic response to surgical dosing (Major surgeries) Subject Study arm Type of surgery Age at screening (years) Investigator/ surgeon rating of haemostatic response Pre- operative rFIXFc loading dose (PK- based, iu/kg) Total number of rFIXFc infusions Days 0-14 Total rFIXFc consump- tion Days 0-14 (iu/kg) Intra- opera- tive Post- operative Blood trans- fusions Thrombo- prophylaxis 14 Total L knee replacement 32Good105.510607.91000None Y §§ 2 4 Total L knee replacement 38Excellent124.27500.4750NoneN 3 4 Total R knee replacement 61Excellent99.79590.256140NoneY ¶¶ 4 1 Total L knee replacement 34Excellent100.8141081.6<10075NoneN 5†5† 4 Total R knee replacement 30Excellent142.39649.32500 RBCs (3 total units) N 6 1 R knee arthroscopy 35Excellent79.311597.710 Not provided NoneN 7 3 R ankle arthroscopic fusion 50Excellent122.810754<50NoneN 8 4 External fixation of R knee 17Excellent120.29787.21000NoneN 9 1 R arm tendon transfer 54Excellent82.110373.313040NoneN 10 ‡ 4 Closure of intestinal fistula 43Excellent59.3271348.7300500 § FFP,RBCs (7 units total) ¶ N 4

5 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Table 3. Haemostatic response to surgical dosing (Major surgeries) (Continued) Subject Study arm Type of surgery Age at screen ing (years) Investigator/ surgeon rating of haemostatic response Pre- operative rFIXFc loading dose (PK- based, iu/kg) Total number of rFIXFc infusions Days 0-14 Total rFIXFc consump- tion Days 0-14 (iu/kg) Intra- operative Post- operative Blood trans- fusions Thrombo- prophylaxis 11 1 Incision and drainage of dental abscess, with multiple extractions 24 Excellent58.35291.500NoneN Incision and drainage of abscessed pilonidal cyst †† Excellent51.35261.100None N 12 1 Debridement, fracture dislocation, partial amputation** 22 Excellent49.4 †† 12 ‡‡ 684.8 ‡‡ 00NoneN Amputation L middle finger** Excellent49.4 iu/k00NoneN rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein; PK, pharmacokinetic; L, left; R, right; RBC, red blood cell; FFP, fresh frozen plasma. *Assessment of haemostasis was to be recorded by surgeon/investigator approximately 24 h postoperatively, but some assessments were recorded days to a week after surgery. †Subject continued on a postsurgical rFIXFc regimen into the extension study. ‡Subject received study-prohibited medication in the postoperative period and was discontinued from study. §Early postoperative blood loss primarily owing to diffuse oozing from surgical wound; wound was closed by secondary intention. ¶Subject received 2 units intraoperatively, 5 units within 2 weeks of surgery. **Emergency surgical procedure for trauma (all others were elective). ††Subject self-administered 1062 iu/kg rFIXFc on day of surgery, before surgical loading dose; an unauthorized 987 iu/kg dose of rFIXFc was administered 28 h post-surgery. ‡‡Includes both surgeries and Days 0–17. Day 17 is 14 days after the second surgery. §§Subject received tranexamic acid 1 g every day for 1 day and enoxaparin sodium 04 ml every day for 15 days. ¶¶Subject received dalteparin sodium 5000 units every day for 10 days, heparin 300 units as needed for 10 days and enoxaparin 40 mg twice a day for 44 days. 5

6 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Table IV. Haemostatic response to surgical dosing (Minor surgeries) Subject Type of surgery Investigator/surgeon rating of haemostatic response Arm 1 1 Third molar extraction Excellent 2 Surgical extraction of tooth 14Good 3 Left ankle arthroscopic removal of osteophyteExcellent 4 Dental extractionExcellent 5 PCI with stenting Coronary angiography Excellent Arm 2 6 Wart removalNot Provided 7 Biopsy of alleged paratonsillar abscessExcellent 8 Dental crownExcellent 9 Dental extraction Excellent Fair Arm 3 10 Extraction of multiple teeth and alveoplastiesExcellent 11 Removal of 4 wisdom teethExcellent 12 Root canal treatmentNot provided Arm 4 13 Extraction of teethNot provided PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention. 6

7 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 1. Mean nominal dose of rFIXFc administered per day across all subjects in Arm 4 (n = 12). [Some subjects received >1 dose on a given day, but means were calculated assuming independence (i.e., the denominator was the number of doses rather than the number of subjects)]. The mean nominal dose is represented by a solid black circle, and the standard deviation is represented by a dashed vertical line. rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein; SD, standard deviation. 7

8 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 2A. Surgical pharmacokinetic profiles: Population pharmacokinetics model. (A)Predicted FIX activity using the population pharmacokinetics model. In all 14 major surgeries, there was an excellent correlation (R 2 = 0.9586; P<.001) between central laboratory observed FIX activity and that predicted by the pharmacokinetics model [relative prediction error, 0.332% (95% confidence interval, 2.08% to 1.42%)]. The solid line represents unity, and the dashed line represents the regression line. FIX, factor IX. 8

9 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 2B. Surgical pharmacokinetic profiles: Representative central laboratory measurements. (B) Central laboratory measurements of FIX activity over time for 3 representative subjects. 9

10 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 2C. Surgical pharmacokinetic profiles: Representative local laboratory measurements. (C) Local laboratory measurements of FIX activity over time for 3 representative subjects. 10

11 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 3A. Surgical dosing regimen and FIX activity over time for 3 representative subjects: Subject 1. Target trough levels varied with the type of procedure and local standard of practice. Solid data points and connecting lines indicate FIX activity over time as measured by the central laboratory. Arrows at the top of the plot indicate timing and actual dose in iu/kg; the dosing regimen (iu/kg) recommended by the dosing committee is also noted above the horizontal line at the top of each panel. FIX, factor IX; rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein; ND, no dose. 11

12 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 3B. Surgical dosing regimen and FIX activity over time for 3 representative subjects: Subject 2. Target trough levels varied with the type of procedure and local standard of practice. Solid data points and connecting lines indicate FIX activity over time as measured by the central laboratory. Arrows at the top of the plot indicate timing and actual dose in iu/kg; the dosing regimen (iu/kg) recommended by the dosing committee is also noted above the horizontal line at the top of each panel. FIX, factor IX; rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein; ND, no dose. 12

13 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Figure 3C. Surgical dosing regimen and FIX activity over time for 3 representative subjects: Subject 3. Target trough levels varied with the type of procedure and local standard of practice. Solid data points and connecting lines indicate FIX activity over time as measured by the central laboratory. Arrows at the top of the plot indicate timing and actual dose in iu/kg; the dosing regimen (iu/kg) recommended by the dosing committee is also noted above the horizontal line at the top of each panel. FIX, factor IX; rFIXFc, recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein; ND, no dose. 13

14 For use by US Medical in response to unsolicited requests only. Do not copy or modify. H9-US-0133 Safety Overall, 10 (83.3%) of the 12 subjects who underwent major surgery reported ≥1 adverse event during the surgical/rehabilitation period. -Each reported adverse event was experienced by 1 subject, except for anaemia and dizziness (n = 2 for each). -Adverse events reported during the surgical and rehabilitation period were generally mild or moderate in severity; all were assessed by the investigators as unrelated to rFIXFc treatment. Three (25%) of the 12 subjects who underwent major surgery experienced ≥1 serious adverse event during the surgical/rehabilitation period. All 6 serious adverse events were assessed by the investigator as unrelated to rFIXFc treatment; all resolved, and no action was taken with the study treatment as a result. No subjects developed inhibitors to rFIXFc, and no subjects experienced anaphylactic or vascular thrombotic events during the study. 14

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