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新版小学英语 五年级下册 Lesson 五年级下册 Lesson 25 新开口镇第一中心小学 新开口镇第一中心小学 高天福.

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2 新版小学英语 五年级下册 Lesson 五年级下册 Lesson 25 新开口镇第一中心小学 新开口镇第一中心小学 高天福

3 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty 20 30 40 50 60 seventy eighty ninety one hundred 70 80 90 100 One, two, three, four, five, six, … 数一数

4 twenty-six forty-three fifty-one sixty-eight seventy-four thirty-two eighty-five ninety-nine one hundred Twenty-six, 26. 读一读

5 28 , 36 , 47 , 52 , 63 , 71 , 82 , 94 , 100 Twenty- eight …. 读一读

6 Go Shopping

7 Can I help you? Yes. I want a dress. 您想要点什么吗? 是的。我想要件连衣裙。

8 How much is it? It is fifty yuan. 多少钱? 五十元。

9 Thank you. Here is the money. 给你钱。 谢谢。

10 Let's talk in groups.

11 ¥30 ¥8 ¥50 ¥60 ¥3¥2

12 Read and Practice. A: look at B: Sure C: Can I help you D: Here you are E: How much is it F: Do you want anything else A: Dad, ____ the lamps. they are so nice! Can I have one, please? B: ____! C: Good afternoon.____________? B:Yes. I want a lamp. Can I have a look at this one? C: OK.______________. A: But I like that one. B: Which one? A: The one over there. C: All right. Here you are. B: _____________? C: Fifty-six yuan. B: We will take it. Here is the monkey. C: Thank you.______________? B: No, thanks. Goodbye! C: Bye!

13 A: dad, ______ the lamps. They are so nice! Can I have one, please? B: _____ ! C: Good afternoon. ________________? B: Yes. I want a lamp. Can I have a look at this one? C: OK. _____________. A: But I like that one. B: Which one? A: The one over there. C: All right. Here you are. B: ________________? C: Fifty-six yuan. B: We will take it. Here is the monkey. C: Thank you._______________________? B: No, thanks. Goodbye! C: Bye! A: look at B: Sure C: Can I help you D: Here you are E: How much is it F: Do you want anything else look at Sure Can I help you Here you are How much is it Do you want anything else

14 NameThings ¥ExpensiveCheap Xiao Ming T-shirt T-shirt 30 30 How much is your T-shirt, Xiao Ming? It’s thirty yuan. 小采访

15 Ask and Answer 1. Is there a shop near your home? 2. What can you get from the shop? 3. Do you often go and buy things there? 4. Do you think the things there are good? 5. Are the things cheap or expensive?

16 Choose the Right Sentences A: Good morning, sir. ___1_____ B: I’d like to buy some tofu, please. A: ________2__________. B: Half a kilo, please. A: OK. Here you are. ____3______ B: No. And some tomatoes, please. A: ________4_________ B: Four, please. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. _____5______ A: Let me see. 3 yuan 80 fen. B: OK. Here’s the money. A: Thank you. How much would you like? Is that all? How much are these things? May I help you? How many do you want?


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