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Configuration Management at CMM Level 2 Copyright, 2000 © Jerzy R. Nawrocki Requirements.

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1 Configuration Management at CMM Level 2 Copyright, 2000 © Jerzy R. Nawrocki Requirements Engineering Lecture 8 Requirements Engineering Lecture 8

2 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Plan of the lecture Introduction Abilities Activities

3 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction CMM Requirements management Software project planning Software project tracking and oversight Software subcontract management Software quality assurance Software configuration management CMM Level 2 - Repeatable

4 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction A way of dealing with changes Soft. Configuration Management? Couldn’t you remove the second floor?

5 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction Configuration item = “An aggregation of hardware, software, or both that is designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process.” [CMM, IEEE Std 610] Configuration item [CMM ] How about SRS?

6 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction SCI = “Information that is created as part of the software engineering process.” [R.Pressman] Types of SCIs: computer programs (source code or exec) documents (also manuals) data (e.g. test cases) Soft. Configuration Item (SCI) if (a > b) a-= b;  18 27

7 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction Name (character string) Description (SCI type, project identifier, version information, change information) Resources required by the SCI (e.g. global variables required to compile the module) Realisation (e.g. a link to a text file) SCI identification if (a < b) a+= b; What’s this?

8 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction Basic Aggregate (composed of basic or aggregate SCIs) SCI can be....bat.pas Test Batch file Input Expected output Test suite: an aggr. SCI

9 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 IntroductionIntroduction A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures. Baseline [IEEE 610-1990] SpecificationDesignCodeTest cases

10 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Base- line IntroductionIntroduction Baseline or SCI? Engineering Change it! Change control SCI FTR SCI Baseline library Baseline

11 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Plan of the lecture Introduction Abilities Activities

12 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 AbilitiesAbilities Ab1. A Software Configuration Control Board (SCCB) having the authority for managing the project software baselines exists. Ab2. A Software Configuration Management Group (SCMG) responsible for co-ordination and implementation of SCM for the project exists.

13 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Soft. Configuration Control Board AbilitiesAbilities Authorise: to give official or legal permission for something. Establish: to start a company, organisation, system, situation etc that is intended to exists or continue for a long time.  Longman Dictionary

14 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Soft. Configuration Control Board SCCB AbilitiesAbilities Authorises: the establishment of software baselines, the identification of configuration items, the creation of products from the baseline library. Represents the interests of the project manager and all groups affected by changes to baselines. Reviews and authorises changes.

15 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 SCCBs at PUT SCCB AbilitiesAbilities In-SCCB (for changing internal commitments): Quality Assurance Group (5th year) Project Managers (4th year) Ex-SCCB (for changing external commitments: In-SCCB members Customer representative Project area manager (Bartek)

16 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Soft. Configuration Management Group AbilitiesAbilities Creation and management the baseline library. Development, maintenance and distribution of the SCM plans, standards and procedures. Identification of work products to be placed under SCM. Management of access to the baseline library. SCMG co-ordinates or implements: SCMG

17 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Soft. Configuration Management Group AbilitiesAbilities Updates of the baselines. Creation of products from the baseline library. Recording of SCM actions. Production and distribution of SCM reports. SCMG co-ordinates or implements: SCMG

18 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Soft. Configuration Management Group SCMGAbilitiesAbilities SCMG at PUT: one of Project Managers (4th year) called S.C. Manager

19 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 AbilitiesAbilities Ab3. Adequate resources and funding are provided. Ab4-5. Software engineers and members of the SCM group are trained to perform their activities. Is it enough?

20 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Plan of the lecture Introduction Abilities Activities

21 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Ac1. A SCM plan is prepared for each project according to a documented procedure. I’m afraid, I need a documented procedure!

22 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities The SCM plan is developed not later than the first version of the SRS. The SCM plan is authored by S.C. Manager. The SCM plan should be baselined, i.e. it should be placed under SCM. The SCM plan is reviewed by all the team members i.e. Quality Assurance Group (5th year), Project Managers (4th year), and Developers (3rd year). SCM Planning Procedure (I)

23 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities The SCM plan is approved by the Project Area Manager (Bartek). The SCM plan is available through the project’s web page along with all the previous versions of it. That web page is maintained by the S.C. Manager and is referenced in the Initial Project Description (IPD). SCM Planning Procedure (II)

24 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Ac2. A documented and approved SCM plan is used as the basis for performing the SCM activities Lather Rinse Repeat Hair Management Plan

25 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.2 Scope of the Plan 1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 2. SCM scheduled activities (establishment of the baseline library system, SCM training, etc.) SCM Plan (I)

26 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities 3. Products to be placed under SCM 4. Change management procedure (Ac. 5-6) 5. Creating a product from the baseline library 6. Recording the status of configuration items 7. Reporting SCM activities 8. Software baseline audits SCM Plan (II)

27 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Ac3. A configuration management library system is established as a repository for the software baselines (Baseline Library System). Baseline library Baseline

28 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Storage and retrieval of SCIs. Sharing and transfer of SCIs within the project team. Helps in the use of product standards for SCIs. Storage and recovery of archive versions of SCIs. Baseline Library System (I) Baseline library Baseline

29 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Helps to ensure correct creation of products from the baseline library. Storage, update, and retrieval of SCM records. Supports production of SCM reports. Maintenance of the library structure and contents Baseline Library System (II) Baseline library Baseline

30 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities BLS at PUT: HTML pages + (CVS [CVS] or MS Visual Source Safe) Baseline Library System (III) Baseline library Baseline

31 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Ac4. The work products to be placed under configuration management (baselined SCIs) are identified. SpecificationDesignCodeTest cases

32 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities At minimum: IPD SRS Design Code Test cases and test beds Baselined SCIs at PUT SpecificationDesignCodeTest cases

33 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Ac5. Change requests & problem reports for all SCIs are initiated, recorded, reviewed, approved, and tracked according to a documented procedure. Remove 2nd floor!

34 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Change control at PUT Change request Err User S.C. Manager Change request Developer Change report SCCB Deci- sion

35 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Change control at PUT Change request Err UserS.C. Manager Change request Developer Change report SCCB Deci- sion Change order P. Manager

36 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Change request Change request number:............................ Sender:......................................................... Sender’s e-mail:........................................... Date:.............................................................. Urgency:................. Importance:.............. Description:........................................................................................................................ Evaluator:..................................................... Evaluate by:........... Type (in/external).......

37 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 ActivitiesActivities Change report Change request number:.......................... Evaluator:................................................... Evaluator’s e-mail:..................................... Date:............................................................ Urgency:................ Importance:.............. Is the change justifiable?.......................... Main risk factors:....................................... Possible implementor:.............................. Change implement. effort (expect):......... Change evaluation effort (actual):............

38 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 SummarySummary A baseline is a kind of SCI. Baselines can be identified and accessible through their web pages. A SCCB at PUT consists of QAs and Project Managers. A SCMG at PUT consists of one person called S.C. Manager. SCM Planning procedure & Standard SCM plan struct.

39 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Further readings [CMM] M.C. Paulk et. al.,The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994. [Pressman] R. Pressman, Software Engineering. A practitioner’s Approach, McGraw Hill, New York, 1997. [CVS] cvs_toc.html 

40 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 HomeworkHomework Write SCM plan for your project. (4th year) Organise a FTR or Fagan-like inspection of an SCM plan. (5th year)

41 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 8 Quality assessment 1. What is your general impression? (1 - 6) 2. Was it too slow or too fast? 3. What important did you learn during the lecture? 4. What to improve and how?

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