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Cognitive Development Neo-Piagetian Research I.Neo-Piagetian research A.New research on sensorimotor stages 1.Object permanence 2.The A-not-B error 3.Immediate.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Development Neo-Piagetian Research I.Neo-Piagetian research A.New research on sensorimotor stages 1.Object permanence 2.The A-not-B error 3.Immediate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Development Neo-Piagetian Research I.Neo-Piagetian research A.New research on sensorimotor stages 1.Object permanence 2.The A-not-B error 3.Immediate and deferred imitation B.New research on preoperational thought 1.Egocentrism 2.Animism 3.Conservation C.New research on concrete operations 1.The sequencing of conservation abilities D.New research on formal operations 1.Does everyone achieve formal operations? 2.Does formal operations appear earlier than supposed? II.Evaluation of Piaget’s theory A.Piaget underestimated developing minds B.Competence versus performance C.Does development occur in stages? D.The explanation of intellectual development E.The importance of social and cultural influences

2 New Research on Sensorimotor Stages Object Permanence Rene Baillageon Elizabeth Spelke Baillargeon, Spelke, & Wasserman (1985) Habituation Display Test 1 Test 2

3 New Research on Sensorimotor Stages The A-not-B Error A trials: A location B location Toy hidden here in front of infant Infant searches here B trials: A location B location Toy hidden here in front of infant Infant searches here

4 New Research on Sensorimotor Stages The A-not-B error Bjork & Cummings (1974) Spatial orientation versus memory deficit A trials: Infant searches here B trials: Infant searches here X X

5 New Research on Sensorimotor Stages Immediate and Deferred Imitation Meltzoff & Moore (1994)

6 New Research on Preoperational Thought John Flavell Egocentrism John Flavell Lemperers et al. Animism Dolgin & Behrend Conservation Dolgin & Behrend

7 New Research on Concrete Operations Problems with the sequencing of abilities Horizontal decalage

8 New Research on Formal Operations Is there evidence for formal operations earlier than supposed? Positive If … then … statements Premise 1:If Jack washes the dishes, his father will be pleased. Premise 2:If Jack’s father is pleased, Jack receives a toonie. Premise 3:Jack washes the dishes. Conclusion (?): Jack gets a toonie.

9 New Research on Formal Operations Is there evidence for formal operations earlier than supposed? Negative If … then … statements Premise 1:If there is a knife there is a fork. Premise 2:There is not a knife Conclusion (?): There is not a fork.

10 Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory Piaget’s contributions: Humans are active in their own development Young humans think differently than older humans Impetus for researchers Challenges to Piaget: Piaget underestimated the abilities of young minds Is this a serious criticism? The competence versus performance issue Does cognitive development occur in stages? Stages as “holistic” structures Horizontal decalage Piaget’s explanation of intellectual development Too little attention paid to social and cultural factors

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