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Go to the back of your Ch 3 notes #2 to fill out the chart  Put an “X” on the characteristics that kingdom has.

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Presentation on theme: "Go to the back of your Ch 3 notes #2 to fill out the chart  Put an “X” on the characteristics that kingdom has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go to the back of your Ch 3 notes #2 to fill out the chart  Put an “X” on the characteristics that kingdom has

2 KINGDOMS 1. MONERA (eubacteria) * unicellular * prokaryote * reproduce asexually – splitting * mostly heterotrophic – (absorb food) EX: bacteria

3 OTHER FACTS:  The first living thing on earth was bacteria!  Main importance: to decompose/ break down dead material  Many can cause diseases: such as typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and pneumonia

4 WHAT???? All the bacteria living inside you would fill a half- gallon jug; there are 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than human cells, according to Carolyn Bohach, a microbiologist at the University of Idaho There are estimated to be more than 500 species living at any one time in an adult intestine

5 2. PROTISTA (250,000 species) * unicellular * eukaryote * mostly asexual reproduction * autotroph or heterotroph EX: algea, ameoba, paramecium


7 OTHER FACTS:  Found mostly in water  Importance: used in detergents, polishes, paint removers, insulators, fertilizers, deodorizers, plankton (food for marine animals) One type causes malaria

8 The next kingdom was added in 1969

9 3. FUNGI (100,00) * mostly multicellular (except yeast) * eukaryote * reproduce asexually and sexually (spores) * most heterotrophic (absorbs food) EX: mushrooms, fungus, mold yeast


11 FACTS: Importance: for decomposing dead organisms, helping plants grow, food, antibiotic Penicillin Negative: some can be poisonous, kills plants (crops), infections such as athletes foot, spoil food, cause allergies


13 Mold is used to make cheese, soy sauce

14 Yeast for making  Bread and beer and wine

15 2. PLANT (350,000) * multicellular * eukaryotic with cell walls * autotrophic * sexual reproduction - seeds EX: moss, ferns, grass, trees


17 FACTS: IMPORTANCE: oxygen for us to breathe, food, clothing, shelter, medicines

18 5. ANIMALIA (1,000,000) * multicellular * eukaryotic * heterotrophic * sexual reproduction most complex organisms: EX: horse, dogs, birds, humans, bugs

19 1 st living thing - bacteria

20 What were the 5 kingdoms?


22 WARM UP #3 10/6 5 pts 1. List the 5 kingdoms. 2. Which kingdom(s) is unicellular only? 3. What do you call a cell that has a true nucleus? 4. What do you call an animals that needs to eat food to survive? 5. What do the fungi and plant kingdoms have in common?


24 LEVELS OF CLASSIFICATION 1. Kingdom (largest group) 2. Phylum 3. Class 4. Order 5. Family 6. Genus 7. Species (smallest group - all the same type) Kings Play Chess On Flat Game Surfaces


26 LESS ORGANISMS IN A GROUP AS YOU GO DOWN The lower you go, the more related the organisms in the group are because they have more traits in common The last two groups, genus and species make up the scientific name

27 Canis lupus

28 Graptemys geographica

29 Mephitis mephitis

30 Bufo Americanus

31 Loxodonta africana

32 Ursus americanus

33 Gorilla gorilla

34 Panthera leo

35 Panthera onca

36 Apis mellifera


38 The classification of humans  Kingdom: Animalia  Phylum: Chordata  Class: Mammalia  Order: Primata  Family: Hominadae  Genus: Homo  Species: sapiens

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