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Building synergies in agriculture support - DPG Main Meeting January 8, 2014 Minoru Homma, AWG Lead (JICA) Diana Tempelman, AWG Deputy-Lead (FAO) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Building synergies in agriculture support - DPG Main Meeting January 8, 2014 Minoru Homma, AWG Lead (JICA) Diana Tempelman, AWG Deputy-Lead (FAO) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building synergies in agriculture support - DPG Main Meeting January 8, 2014 Minoru Homma, AWG Lead (JICA) Diana Tempelman, AWG Deputy-Lead (FAO) 1

2 Topics 1.Introduction 2.Overview of Agriculture Sector 3.Achievement of ASDP1 (basket fund) 4.Big Results Now – Agriculture 5.Challenges 2

3 1. Introduction [Important figures] GDP share: 24% (with Growth rate of 4% average) Export: 15% (800m$: traditional cash crop) Workforce: 75% (of which 56% women) [Commitment of GOT] Ag - Big Results Now Kilimo Kwanza, SAGCOT initiatives Ag Policy (2013) 3

4 Ag. Sector Dev. Strategy ASDS - 2001 Ag Sector Dev Program - ASDP-1 2006 – 2013 (Basket Fund) Big Results Now BRN - by 2015 SAGCOT 2011 - 20.. Kilimo Kwanza KK - 2009 Feed the Future 2011 - 2015 TZ Ag & Food Sec Invest Plan TAFSIP 2011/12-2020/21 2. Overview of Agriculture Sector 4 G8 New Alliance - Coop. Framework - 2012 Vision 2025 LTPP 2010 - 25 NDP 2010 - 15 Mkukuta 2005 - Sector level Macro level

5 5 Strategy Policy Plan Programme Project Public Private ASDP (basket fund) TAFSIP KK ASDS Ag. Policy SAGCOT BRN FtF 2. Overview of Agriculture Sector

6 Key issues for Coordination  Sector Program with clear focus and priorities  Evolving institutional framework  Wider stakeholders (including private sector)  Relation with ADD(Ag Delivery Division) for ASLMs 6 2. Overview of Agriculture Sector

7 Institutional Capacity - Planning: DADP (District Agricultural Dev Plan) - Implementation, Reporting - Steering Committee for ASDP basket fund - Joint Implementation Review - Audit follow-up - ASDP M&E (25 indicators) & ASR/PER 7 3. Achievement of ASDP1 (basket fund)

8 FINDINGS: Irrigation impact study - DIDF(District Irrigation Dev Fund) - Irrigated area: 264,400ha (2006) to 400,000ha(2013) - Little change in cropping intensity - Cost effectiveness - Many rehabilitations - Irrigation engineers & technicians (ATC) 8

9 3. Achievement of ASDP1 (basket fund) FINDINGS: Extension impact study - Increase of Agricultural Extension Officers: 5,181 (2011/12) to 7,974 (2012/13) - Promotion of FFS(Farmers Field School) - Farmers’ contact with extension officers : 35%(2006) to 66 %(2013) - Ward Agricultural Resource Centers - Not increasing extension activity budget 9

10 4. Big Results Now - Agriculture (1)Commercial farms (25) : rice, sugar - Focus on the 7 priority projects - Various operational issues (land title, etc.) (2) Rice - professional irrigation scheme mgnt (78) - Professional scheme managers - Collective management (3) Maize - Collective Warehouse Based Mgnt (275) - Collective storage & marketing 10

11 4. Big Results Now - Agriculture Strong leadership by the Minister MAFC Unclearness in: ? Working relationship : ADD (Ag Delivery Division ), ASLMs ? M&E : ADD, ASLMs ? Financial resources ( 1.9 tTsh (Public), 12.3 tTsh (Private) ) ? Balance of resource allocation in the sector (8 priority districts for rice and maize each) 11

12 5. Challenges (Immediate)  Formulation of ASDP2 - Common goals & targets, Monitoring - Information sharing & networks - Sector forum - Institutional Framework (inc ADD, MDU)  Formulation of ASDP2-BF (?)  PAF2014 - Ag indicator 12

13  Ag Commercialization & PS participation  Inputs (fertilizer, seed, mechanization)  Financing (Ag Dev Bank)  Ag Statistics, M&E (annual sample survey)  Ag Policy decisions (export & import)  ASR/PER (JSR) 13 5. Challenges

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