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Health TechNet Presented by: Suniti Ponkshe October 8, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Health TechNet Presented by: Suniti Ponkshe October 8, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health TechNet Presented by: Suniti Ponkshe October 8, 2010

2 Unprecedented Moment for Health System Performance Improvement HITECH Act Affordable Care Act Action at Local, Regional, and National Levels ◦Shared urgency to seize opportunities and address gaps ◦New communications and technology tools ◦Growing body of evidence about effective approaches ◦Strong and growing local leadership and collaboration

3 HITECH Act – The Federal Response to the Demand for Health IT Investment Part of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Goals  Define Meaningful Use  Support Attainment of Meaningful Use  Establish Public Trust  Foster Health IT Innovation

4 Data capture and sharing Advanced clinical processes Improved outcomes 4 Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 2 Making Meaning of “Meaningful Use” Improving health and transforming health care through Meaningful Use of HIT

5 Game-changer: Focus on how technology is used HITECH requires that MU include: ◦Adoption of certified EHR products ◦Health information exchange ◦Quality reporting MU Stage 1 is being implemented now MU Stage 2 is being defined – will be defined through a formal rulemaking process led by CMS MU is the pursuit of transformation 55 Meaningful Use (MU)

6 Regional Extension Centers Workforce Training Medicare & Medicaid Incentives and Penalties State Grants for Health Information Exchange Standards & Certification Framework Privacy & Security Framework Adoption of EHRs Meaningful Use of Certified EHRs Exchange of Health Information Improved individual and population health outcomes Increased transparency and efficiency Improved ability to study and improve care delivery Blumenthal D. Launching HITECH. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jan 4. HITECH Act Research to Enhance Health Information Technology

7 7 Implementing HITECH “Meaningful User of Certified EHR Technology” Certified Complete EHR Combination of Certified EHR Modules = ObjectivesMeasures & ONC-ATCB / ONC-ACB Certification Criteria Standards EHR Modules Complete EHRs Correlated Meaningful Use Regulations Meaningful Use Regulations HIT Certification Programs Regulations HIT Standards & Certification Criteria Regulations Source: ONC

8 How HITECH Addresses Challenges to Health IT Adoption ObstacleInterventionFunds Allocated Market Failure, Need for Financial Resources Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs for “Meaningful Use” $27.3 B* Addressing Adoption Difficulties Regional Extension Centers Health IT Research/Resource Center $643 M $50 M Workforce Training Workforce Training Programs $84 M Addressing Technology Challenges and Providing Breakthrough Examples Strategic Health Information Technology Advanced Research Projects Beacon Communities Programs $60 M $250 M Privacy and Security Policy Framework New Privacy and Security Policies Addressed across all Programs Need for Platform for Health Information Exchange NHIN, Standards and Certification State Cooperative Agreement Program $64.3 M $548 M *$27.3 B is high scenario

9 Looking towards the future: A learning health system: Patient-centered Uses information to continuously improve health and health care of individuals and the population. 2010

10 Our Speakers Today Suniti Ponkshe Partner Accenture Phone: 703.903.9685 Mobile: 703.966.6689 10

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