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Monday, Feb. 23 rd p. 182, 183. Monday, Feb. 23 rd 182 2/23/15 Mon. L.T.: I can collaboratively plan and find the avg. speed of the RC car traveling dif.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, Feb. 23 rd p. 182, 183. Monday, Feb. 23 rd 182 2/23/15 Mon. L.T.: I can collaboratively plan and find the avg. speed of the RC car traveling dif."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, Feb. 23 rd p. 182, 183

2 Monday, Feb. 23 rd 182 2/23/15 Mon. L.T.: I can collaboratively plan and find the avg. speed of the RC car traveling dif. intervals along the RC track using a timer and the equation S = d/t. DO NOW: Our goal today is to find the speed of the RC car at 9 points on the track. What info do we need? How can we do this? Through diagramming and explanation, make a plan. ………………………….. Reflection: Did I make and write down a plan as to how we could gather the speed data? Did I participate with my classmates to find time data and calculate it to speed? Did I write my data down in a table on my right side? 183 Title: Finding Speed on the RC Diagram of Set-Up: Procedure: …………………………………….. Data: SNB Checks due today!

3 Roller Coaster final project 1 2 5 3 4 6 7 8 9 Analysis 123456789 Forces diagram Speed m/s Energy graph and explanati on In order to complete this class chart, what more do we have to do?

4 2 nd period plan Plan 1: We can time 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, etc. Plan2: We can have a timer at each station and find avg. speed. Plan 3: We could measure the whole thing and divide into 9 parts. Plan 4: Have 2 timers at each section, find avg. time and then use that for avg. speed. Plan 5: Have 2 people find the avg. speed at each section.

5 3 rd period plan Plan 1: We can apply added force to get car going Plan 2: Measure with a tape ruler each section (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, etc.) Plan 3: Get a few people in the first section (1-2) and assign a timer and have that person get time every time the RC car goes by (trials??) Plan 4: Make sure that each section is the same distance. Plan 5: Find an average of the trials.

6 4 th period plan Plan1: Measure the track at each interval. Time the car in each interval and also in the entire track. Maybe measure the height of the RC track (for PE calculation??) Plan2: Figure out the measurements. Then make a diagram and procedure and start out to test your trials. Making a prediction?? Find average time. Find avg. speed using S = d (of each interval) / time. Plan3:

7 5 th period plan Plan 1: Have timers and calculators. Plan 2: Assign timers and calculators a section (1-2, 2-3, 3- 4, etc.) Plan 3: Measure the distance of each section. Plan 4: Need distance and time. Use timers and length. Need distance between each point and time for each section. Use S = d/t afterwards for avg. speed of each section. Plan 5: …

8 Procedure How to find distance data: 1. How do we gather distance data? Measure each section (1-2, 2-3, etc.) with measuring tool. Record. How to find time data: 1. Gather materials. 2. Assemble people into their teams and into their sections. 3. How do we start our 1 st trial? Put the car on starting point (1) and push car down the track. 4. How do we gather data as the car is moving down the track? Use timers to start time when car enters into the zone and stop it when the car exits the zone. Report times to calculator who will calculate average time. 5. How do we make sure everyone has the necessary information? Everyone write down their data. 6. Repeat steps ____ -____ ____ times. Repeat steps 3-5 2 times. 7. Report data to Ms. Kim. 8. Students will calculate S = d/t.

9 1. Gather data. 2. Assemble people into their teams and into their sections. 3. RC car gets pushed down the track. 4. Gather time data for each interval – ex: start timer at section 1 and stop when car’s at section 2. 5. Check to see that everyone got time (or else need to do trial again). Report times to calculator; calculator calculates average time. Everyone records in SNB. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 2 times. 7. Report data to Ms. Kim. 8. Students will calculate S = d/t for each section.

10 Data Table: How do we organize our data table to include the following? Info to organize: 1. 8 sections of track 2. 3 time trials 3. distance of each section 4. average time 5. average speed of each section

11 1-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-9 d0.66 m0.42 m0.33 m 0.35 m0.44 m0.46 m0.37 m T1 T2 T3 Avg. time Avg. speed

12 Speed data on RC 1-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-9 d t Avg. speed of section Is this table ready to use as is? If not, change it to fit our data collecting needs…

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