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APM Registered Project Professional A Bluffer’s Guide Nick Rickard.

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1 APM Registered Project Professional A Bluffer’s Guide Nick Rickard

2 Why APM RPP? "The standard for extraordinary project professionals” It is always useful to build your qualification set and the RPP process is recording and explaining the work you have already done; there are no new courses or examinations to undergo. When (if) the APM get royal approval, APM RPP will most likely transfer to become Chartered Project Manager. This is no bad thing for someone in a project management organisation going through considerable change to have. The application form is lengthy but is ultimately recording your achievements against competences rather than any ‘clever’ questions or essays. Tip: two days offline will probably break the back of the application.

3 Process A portfolio of evidence – to demonstrate competence across 29 core and 18 complementary project management competences, which is to be accompanied by your CPD log. A professional review – an interview with two peer APM Registered Project Professional assessors. There are no membership or academic / qualification prerequisites. Anyone who can provide the appropriate evidence can apply. If you are not already a member of APM, successfully completing your portfolio assessment will earn you full membership (MAPM).

4 Portfolio of evidence (1) Project track record 1200 words - a description of the projects and roles you have been involved with (up to six and over last eight years). Tip: ‘Project’ does not equal post, ie you might record one job position as having multiple concurrent projects if different scope or complexity. Tip: ‘Project’ can include change projects, in-service support roles and project office roles; be creative.

5 Portfolio of evidence (2) Core competence statements 4500 words (about 150 words for each core competence statement) - comparable to MoD JOB process, a short statement on the evidence of your role using “I”, showing leadership, decisions, etc. Cross-reference to the six projects from the track record. Tip: refer to “projects” not programmes or portfolio; this is the AProjectM. Tip: reference use of BoK and APM methodology when managing projects and addressing issues. Tip: quote experience and application of knowledge not theory (the APMP tests theory). Tip: double check terminology, don’t confuse risks and issues.

6 Portfolio of evidence (3) Complementary competence statement 250 words - evidence across 18 complementary project management competences. Not required if you have completed APMP or APM PQ. 35 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) within the last 12 months - cross referenced to the project track record (where appropriate). Ensure it is APM-related CPD, ie not engineering if also counting to that profession. Tip: non-formal on-the job learning (eg a new role) and experience (seeing how other projects work) can rack up several hours, as can informal mentoring or supporting others (new starters). Tip: get comfortably over 35hrs to look more credible. Support of two senior and informed stakeholder referees - their supporter role is not onerous, beneficial if at least one is an APM RPP. Tip: there are several in AA.

7 Professional Review (1) Submitted portfolio is assessed (within six weeks of submission, mine was quicker) and, if successful, you are invited to a professional review. Demand appears to currently outstrip supply so may be a few months to wait and it may not be Bristol (eg London, Birmingham). The review lasts 45-60mins and comprises 10min intro by you outlining experience and why you should be RPP and then follow up questions based around the competences.

8 Professional Review (2) Given that your portfolio has been assessed as ‘pass’, the reviewers are trying to check that you are the person on the application and that you did the roles you are stating, ie not claiming credit for boss’s work. Tip: give an enthusiastic sales pitch at the outset of how APM RPP fits into your career progression, eg stepping stone to Fellowship of APM, and how you will use the letters at work to spread good PM practice. Notification is up to four weeks (mine was a week). There is no feedback and the only appeal is for process rather than disagreement with the decision.

9 And then? You get a certificate. And a badge. And a few more letters to add to your LinkedIn profile. And (hopefully) a MoD special bonus. More information:

10 APM Registered Project Professional A Bluffer’s Guide v1.0Nick Rickard

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