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Tanner Ryerson HOW TO ACE THE INTERVIEW. GETTING PREPARED Preparing for the interview can be extremely stressful, you may not know what to say, what to.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanner Ryerson HOW TO ACE THE INTERVIEW. GETTING PREPARED Preparing for the interview can be extremely stressful, you may not know what to say, what to."— Presentation transcript:


2 GETTING PREPARED Preparing for the interview can be extremely stressful, you may not know what to say, what to wear, or what to do. So here are some tips for you: 1.Try and dress in the most professional manner you can. (suit, tie, slacks, etc.) 2.Come into the interview with confidence. 3.The night before your interview research your company a little more and try to learn as much as you can about it.

3 GENERAL TIPS An interview is always hard but here are some tips to help you through it: 1.Study some questions you are likely to get asked and process in your head some answers you would like to give. 2.Make sure your on time. If you can show up early, not too early though. (5-10 minutes) 3.Have your resume in hand, completed and updated. 4.Make sure you have done your studying on the job.

4 UNDERSTAND AND KNOW YOUR JOB 1.Find out information the company and position for what your applying yourself to. 2.Only use information that applies to your position, don’t just try to impress your employer. 3.Find out what kind of skills you will need to obtain in order to succeed in this position. 4.What kind of knowledge will you need to have for this job?

5 1.Skinny jeans 2.Tuxedo shirt 3.Vans 4.Cargo shorts 5.Tank-top 6.Ear phones 7.Basketball shorts 8.Sweats 1.Slacks 2.Tie 3.Blazer 4.Collard shirt 5.Dress shoes 6.Dress 7.Medium sized skirt 8.Long sleeved collard shirt WHAT TO WEAR What to WearWhat Not to Wear For you interview you shouldn’t dress to casual, but at the same time you don’t want to dress up in a tuxedo. Remember to always have your clothes ironed! Here are some ideas as to what to wear: Some jobs will vary a little more as to what you can wear.

6 WHAT TO BRING Now you don’t want to walk in empty handed, but at the same time you shouldn’t walk in with a bunch of stuff in your hands. Here are some ideas: 1.Be sure to have a copy of your resume in your hand to give to the interviewer. 2.Typed reference sheet. 3.A pen and paper will be okay so you can take notes. 4.If it is appropriate you might even bring a briefcase.

7 ARRIVING AT THE INTERVIEW When you arrive at the interview, don’t be nervous. Try your hardest to be as casual and calm as possible. 1.MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON TIME!! 2.Try to show up 5 to 10 minutes early. 3.When you walk in, walk in casually and don’t cause a scene. 4.Sit in the waiting room and study for the interview. 5.Be as polite and courteous to other employees there as possible.

8 INTRODUCE YOURSELF When you arrive at the interview don’t just say any thing and sit down, introduce yourself! 1.Be sure to remain standing and shake the employers hand and state your name. 2.Be as polite as possible. 3.Before sitting down, wait for your employer to ask you to take a seat. 4.Ask “how are you?” 5.Make eye contact. 6.Talk firmly with confidence.

9 EXCHANGING INFORMATION This should go smoothly and easily. Be prepared and know what you should do! 1.Keep your things organized so that you don’t have to scramble looking for the right paper. 2.Hand him your resume in a polite manner. 3.Don’t use any negativity. 4.Keep eye contact and don’t chew gum. 5.Be prepared to explain or tell the interviewer about you. 6.Keep a positive attitude.

10 CLOSING THE INTERVIEW When the interview is coming to an end, don’t start packing up and getting ready to leave. Stay seated and wait for him to dismiss you. 1.Be sure to remain seated and until it’s okay to leave. 2.Be sure to thank your employer for their time. 3.Shake hands when your are all finished. 4.Be sure to set a reminder if you have an interview for a further time. 5.Thank anyone who helped while in the office.

11 FOLLOWING UP Interviews aren’t done the second you walk out the door. Be sure to keep up to date as to what is going to happen. 1.If the interviewer doesn’t say, be sure to ask him when you should get back to him. 2.Set reminders for further dates of interviews or when to call or expect a call. 3.If they say they will call and do not, it is okay to give them a call. 4.If you do not get the job, in a proper manner you may ask them what you could have done better.

12 FOLLOWING UP+ Even still your interview is not over. A kind and good thing to do after your interview is a send a thank you letter or email. 1.In your thank you note be sure to thank them for their time. 2.If you promised a writing sample, then you should send them a written resume or written thank you note. 3.This is also the proper time to add additional information you forgot to state. 4.Keep your notes short and to the point. 5.Make sure you spell the interviewers and companies name correctly!

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