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Child Development/Parenting Assessing The Parenting Role Family Systems.

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2 Child Development/Parenting Assessing The Parenting Role Family Systems

3 Family Forms Families are very important. Families have been defined as a group of two or more persons, related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who reside together in a household.

4 Nuclear Families A husband and wife and their children.

5 Extended Families A family group consisting of parents, children, and other close relatives.

6 Blended Families A husband and wife, at least one of whom has at least one child from a previous relationship.

7 Single-Parent Families A family that is headed by one parent. Possible reasons –Never married –Death of a spouse –Divorce

8 Adoptive Families One or more children not born into a family are made permanent members of that family.

9 Foster Families Formed when a couple or an individual assumes responsibility for the care of a child for an indefinite period of time.

10 It’s Your Turn The next 6 slides will be a review. Select the best answer that describes the type of family listed. If you need to review click the review button.

11 Review Starts Single- Parent Families A. Husband and wife only B.The most traditional family C.Divorce may be the cause If you selected “C” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review

12 Review Continue Extended Families A.Mr. And Mrs. Wilbert Jackson B. Joy Jones and her son Jacob C.Taylor Pride, Joyce Pride, and Aunt Vanessa If you selected “C” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review

13 Review Continue Foster Families A. Lives with family permanently B.Lives with family for an indefinitely period of time C.Lives with birth parents If you selected “B” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review

14 Review Continue Nuclear Families A. Larry Turner, Jessica Turner,and Toni Bains - Jessica’s daughter B.Bob and Stacy Brown and son Bill C Oscar and son Phillip. If you selected “B” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review

15 Review Continue Blended Families A.Has at least one stepparent B. Lives with Aunts and Uncles C. Lives with only one parent If you selected “A” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review

16 Review Continue Adoptive Family A.Individual or family has arranged to have a child live with them permanently B. Living with birth parents and siblings C.Substitute family for a short period of time If you selected “A” move on the next side, if not click on review button. Review


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