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Miracle Stories In-depth Focus on Lukan Theme. Form Criticism One task of "form criticism" is to study many stories of one genre in order to determine.

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Presentation on theme: "Miracle Stories In-depth Focus on Lukan Theme. Form Criticism One task of "form criticism" is to study many stories of one genre in order to determine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miracle Stories In-depth Focus on Lukan Theme

2 Form Criticism One task of "form criticism" is to study many stories of one genre in order to determine a typical pattern for that genre. For example, most English "fairy tales" begin with "Once upon a time," then develop some sort of conflict, then show how the hero resolves the problem, and finally end with "and they lived happily ever after."

3 Healing Miracle Patterns In the NT, most "healing miracles" are narrated according to a fairly regular pattern that typically consists of five stages. (Some scholars count only three, others count six or more different stages, we will look at the following five). In the NT, most "healing miracles" are narrated according to a fairly regular pattern that typically consists of five stages. (Some scholars count only three, others count six or more different stages, we will look at the following five).

4 Five Stages Introduction Request Action Confirmation Reaction Introduction Request Action Confirmation Reaction

5 Introduction The sick person's condition is described; the healer encounters the sick person, the sick person is brought to the healer, or at least someone tells the healer about the sick person.

6 Request Often the healer first investigates what the sick person wants or needs; sometimes the healer hesitates or tests the sick person's readiness to be healed; sometimes other persons intervene or delay the healing.

7 Action The healing itself can be brought about either verbally, or through simple touch, or through more elaborate therapeutic means. Sometimes the healing action is only implied, but not explicitly described.

8 Confirmation The fact that the healing has taken place is either asserted by the narrator or demonstrated through some action performed by the person who has been healed.

9 Reaction Usually some reaction is reported for those who witnessed the event. In the Gospels, this response is often positive, involving praise given to God. Sometimes there are negative reactions from some opponents.

10 Example #1: Luke 7:11-17 1.Introduction: v.11-12? 2.Conflict: v.13 - slight delay 3.Action: v.14 - words 4.Confirmation: v.15 - by action 5.Reaction: vs.16-17 - fear & glory 1.Introduction: v.11-12? 2.Conflict: v.13 - slight delay 3.Action: v.14 - words 4.Confirmation: v.15 - by action 5.Reaction: vs.16-17 - fear & glory

11 Example #2: Luke 13:10-17 1.Introduction: vv.10-11 2.Conflict: [see vv. 14-17] 3.Action: vv.12-13a - words & touch 4.Confirmation: v.13b - by action 5.Reaction: vv.14-17a - negative vv.17b - positive 1.Introduction: vv.10-11 2.Conflict: [see vv. 14-17] 3.Action: vv.12-13a - words & touch 4.Confirmation: v.13b - by action 5.Reaction: vv.14-17a - negative vv.17b - positive

12 You Have A Go… Luke 5:12-16 1.Introduction … 2.Conflict … 3.Action … 4.Confirmation … 5.Reaction … 1.Introduction … 2.Conflict … 3.Action … 4.Confirmation … 5.Reaction …

13 You Have A Go… Luke 5:17-26 1.Introduction … 2.Conflict … 3.Action … 4.Confirmation … 5.Reaction … 1.Introduction … 2.Conflict … 3.Action … 4.Confirmation … 5.Reaction …

14 Pair Up… And Present On One of the Following Jesus Heals a Centurions Servant (7:1-10) Feeding the Five Thousand (9:10-17) Jesus Heals a Boy With a Demon (9:37-43) Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers (17:11-19) Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar Near Jericho (18:35-43) Jesus Heals a Centurions Servant (7:1-10) Feeding the Five Thousand (9:10-17) Jesus Heals a Boy With a Demon (9:37-43) Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers (17:11-19) Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar Near Jericho (18:35-43)

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