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English Language Arts 9 October 23-24, 2013. Bellringer In your NOTEBOOKS, write today’s date, then answer the following questions. 1. How are the majority.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts 9 October 23-24, 2013. Bellringer In your NOTEBOOKS, write today’s date, then answer the following questions. 1. How are the majority."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts 9 October 23-24, 2013

2 Bellringer In your NOTEBOOKS, write today’s date, then answer the following questions. 1. How are the majority of points in my class earned? 2. How many points is the Reading Quote packet worth? 3. How many points do you earn just by reading every class period? How can you get those points taken away? 4. Where should you be just before class is dismissed? 5. Where should your cell phone, computer, and other electronics be during class?

3 Reading Workshop 20-25 minutes Remember: You need to be reading. Not talking, going to the bathroom, doing homework, goofing off, sleeping, distracting others, etc. You may listen to music as long as it is kept quiet and kept in your pocket. You receive 5 pts. for being present and on-task during Reading Workshop.

4 Mini Lesson-Fractured Fairy Tales What is a Fractured Fairy Tale? When the author takes a known fairy tale and “fractures,” or changes, parts of it, usually to make readers laugh. Ex: Sleeping Ugly, Bigfoot Cinderella, Goldilocks & the Three Hares, The Three Little Wolves & the Big Bad Pig Fractured Fairy Tales are a type of story, so it has story elements appropriately placed in the beginning, middle, and end. Fractured Fairy Tales need to have: Hero/heroine Villain Magic or fantasy Authors fracture fairy tales by changing some of the story elements and fairy tale elements and adding unexpected and silly events and details to help readers create funny pictures in their minds.

5 Eyes Past Print “Little Red Ski Cap”

6 Writing Workshop With your table partner (the person next to you), answer the following questions about the fractured fairy tale, “Little Red Ski Cap”. 1. What was the original fairy tale? 2. Who is the hero? 3. Who is the villain? 4. What are 3 examples of magic or fantasy? 5. What are 3 ways the author fractured this story? 6. What are 3 unexpected or silly details and events that the author included?

7 Writing Workshop Choose a fairy tale to “fracture”. Answer the questions about the fairy that you have answered previously. 1. What was the original fairy tale? What is your new title going to be? 2. Who is the hero/heroine? 3. Who is the villain? 4. What are 3 examples of magic or fantasy? 5. What are 3 ways you’re going to fracture this story? 6. What are 3 unexpected or silly details and events that the author included? Once you have answered the following questions about your chosen fairy tale, begin brainstorming with your partner ways you can “fracture” this fairy tale in humorous, silly, and interesting ways.

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