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TOWARDS A WORKABLE REACH Dr. Mari Pantsar-Kallio UPM-Kymmene, Environmental Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "TOWARDS A WORKABLE REACH Dr. Mari Pantsar-Kallio UPM-Kymmene, Environmental Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWARDS A WORKABLE REACH Dr. Mari Pantsar-Kallio UPM-Kymmene, Environmental Affairs

2 UPM2 Basic assumptions of REACH  REACH uses definitions and concepts from the existing chemicals legislation and applies them also to not man-made chemicals.  Supply chain assumption Chemicals producers Producers Formulators Downstream users Articles Paper Producer of recovered paper? Paper makers Producer of virgin pulp? X

3 UPM3 Outcome of the KPMG study REACH requirements, as they stand today, impose a high level of uncertainty on recycling/recovery business. "The case study for (in)organics (metals, paper and cement) showed that REACH definitions and concepts are difficult to be applied to the highly complex primary and recycled / recovered materials as their exact composition is not known. If recovered materials remain within the scope of REACH and frequent analyses for them were required, the increased costs could, in the worst case, push companies to shift back to the use of virgin materials."

4 UPM4 Plenary voting in the Parliament + Cellulose pulp is included in Annex 2 + Waste is clearly exempted + New recital: (28a) … wastes and materials used as secondary raw material or as a source of energy should exempted... and this Regulation must not introduce requirements which reduce the incentives for such recycling and recovery. + Concentration limit 0.1 % for substances in articles - Concentration limits in 6.2 do not apply if the producer cannot exclude any exposure of the public or the environment - Recovered paper is not clearly exempted.

5 UPM5 CEPI Amendments to the Council - To include Cellulose pulp in Annex 2 - Recovered paper must stay outside the scope of REACH. - To delete the narrow definition for substances which occur in nature - Retain the draft proposal of the Council for Article 6.2. Cellulose fibers

6 UPM6 CONCLUSIONS If the right pieces are put in the open places in a puzzle… … the paper industry is on a way towards a workable REACH

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