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ECEN 248: INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN Dr. Shi Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "ECEN 248: INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN Dr. Shi Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECEN 248: INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN Dr. Shi Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 Random Access Memory (RAM) Static (SRAM) and Dynamic (DRAM)

3 SRAMs  Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)  Each bit is a latch made of 6 to 8 transistors.  Fast, used for CPU cache World Line to select Bit Line to read/write

4 DRAMs  Dynamic Random Access Memory  Each bit (cell) uses 1 capacitor and 1 transistor  Charge will leak, so need to refresh every few us  Inexpensive, used for main memory

5 Flash Memory: Non-volatile RAM  Both SRAM and DRAM will lose its content when power is turned off  Flash memory hold data in “floating gate”


7 Overview  Read-only memory can normally only be read  Internal organization similar to SRAM  ROMs are effective at implementing truth tables  Any logic function can be implemented using ROMs  Multiple single-bit functions embedded in a single ROM  Also used in computer systems for initialization  ROM doesn’t lose storage value when power is removed  Very useful for implementing FSMs

8 Read-Only Memory (ROM)  An array of semiconductor devices  diodes  transistors  field effect transistors  2 N words by M bits  Data can be read but not changed  (normal operating conditions)

9  N input bits  2 N words by M bits  Implement M arbitrary functions of N variables  Example 8 words by 5 bits: Read-Only Memory (ROM) 3 Input Lines ABCABC F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 5 Output Lines ROM 8 words x 5 bits

10  ROM = "Read Only Memory"  values of memory locations are fixed ahead of time  A ROM can be used to implement a truth table  if the address is m-bits, we can address 2 m entries in the ROM.  our outputs are the bits of data that the address points to.  ROM is a combinational device, not a sequential one  m is the "height", and n is the "width" ROM Implementation mn 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

11  Suppose there are 10 inputs 10 address lines (i.e., 2 10 = 1024 different addresses)  Suppose there are 20 outputs  ROM is 2 10 x 20 = 20K bits  Rather wasteful, since lots of storage bits  For functions, doesn’t take advantage of K-maps, other minimizations ROM Implementation

12 Each minterm of each function can be specified Read-Only Memory (ROM) 3 Inputs Lines ABCABC F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 5 Outputs Lines ROM 8 words x 5 bits

13 ROM Internal Structure...... n Inputs Lines n bit decoder... m Outputs Lines...... Memory Array 2 n words x m bits

14 ROM Memory Array 3 to 8 decoder ABCABC m 0 =A’B’C’ m 1 =A’B’C m 2 =A’BC’ m 3 =A’BC m 4 =AB’C’ m 5 =AB’C m 6 =ABC’ m 7 =ABC F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4

15 Inside the ROM  Alternate view  Each possible horizontal/vertical intersection indicates a possible connection  Or gates at bottom output the word selected by the decoder (32 x 8)

16 ROM Example Specify a truth table for a ROM which implements: F = AB + A’BC’ G = A’B’C + C’ H = AB’C’ + ABC’ + A’B’C

17 ROM Example Specify a truth table for a ROM which implements: F = AB + A’BC’ G = A’B’C + C’ H = AB’C’ + ABC’ + A’B’C

18 ROM Example Specify a truth table for a ROM which implements: F = AB + A’BC’ G = A’B’C + C’ H = AB’C’ + ABC’ + A’B’C

19 Function Implementation 3 to 8 decoder ABCABC m 0 =A’B’C’ m 1 =A’B’C m 2 =A’BC’ m 3 =A’BC m 4 =AB’C’ m 5 =AB’C m 6 =ABC’ m 7 =ABC F G H Each column is a new function Note: two outputs unused!

20 ROM Implementation of a Moore Machine  ROMs implement combinational logic  Note that ROMs do not hold state  How would you determine the maximum clock frequency of this circuit?  Look at the FF to FF path (NS to PS) ROM Present State Next State Outputs Input s

21 ROM Implementation of a Mealy Machine  ROMs implement combinational logic  Note that ROMs do not hold state  How would you determine the maximum clock frequency of this circuit?  Look at the FF to FF path (NS to PS) ROM Present State Next State Outputs Inputs

22 Summary  ROMs provide stable storage for data  ROMs have address inputs and data outputs  ROMs directly implement truth tables  ROMs can be used effectively in Mealy and Moore machines to implement combinational logic  In normal use ROMs are read-only  They are only read, not written  ROMs are often used by computers to store critical information  Unlike SRAM, they maintain their storage after the power is turned off


24 24 Programmable logic arrays  A ROM is potentially inefficient because it uses a decoder, which generates all possible minterms. No circuit minimization is done.  Using a ROM to implement an n-input function requires:  An n-to-2 n decoder, with n inverters and 2 n n-input AND gates.  An OR gate with up to 2 n inputs.  The number of gates roughly doubles for each additional ROM input.

25 25 Programmable logic arrays  A programmable logic array, or PLA, makes the decoder part of the ROM “programmable” too. Instead of generating all minterms, you can choose which products (not necessarily minterms) to generate.

26 26 A blank 3 x 4 x 3 PLA  This is a 3 x 4 x 3 PLA (3 inputs, up to 4 product terms, and 3 outputs), ready to be programmed. Inputs Outputs AND array OR array

27 27 PLA example V2V1V0V2V1V0 xy’z’ xy x’z x’yz’ V 2 =  m(1,2,3,4)= xy’z’ + x’z + x’yz’ V 1 =  m(2,6,7)= x’yz’ + xy V 0 =  m(4,6,7)= xy’z’ + xy xyzxyz

28 28 PLA evaluation  A k x m x n PLA can implement up to n functions of k inputs, each of which must be expressible with no more than m product terms.  Unlike ROMs, PLAs allow you to choose which products are generated.  This can significantly reduce the fan-in (number of inputs) of gates, as well as the total number of gates.  However, a PLA is less general than a ROM. Not all functions may be expressible with the limited number of AND gates in a given PLA.

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