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Promotions – North India. Bill Bharega Toh Udega.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotions – North India. Bill Bharega Toh Udega."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotions – North India

2 Bill Bharega Toh Udega

3 Terms & Conditions This “Bill Bharega Toh Udega” offer (hereinafter referred as “Offer”) is open from 16th Aug 2007 to 15th Nov 2007 at all Easy Bill Stores in selected cities viz. Delhi & NCR, Jaipur, Ludhiana, Patiala, Jullandhar, Panipat, Sonipat, Hissar, & Karnal. The offer shall also be open at all Easy Bill Stores in Kolkata city from 1st Sep 2007 to 30th Nov 2007. The Offer is open to individuals of 18 years and above. Employees of Easy Bill Limited (hereinafter referred as “Easy Bill”), their immediately family members, Easy Bill retailers and their advertising agencies are not eligible to participate in the Offer The Offer is available for a limited period and Easy Bill reserves the right to withdraw or change any term or condition of the Offer at anytime and without assigning any reasons whatsoever at their sole discretion and any prior notice. No liability, whatsoever will accrue to Easy Bill for such withdrawal or change in the terms of the Offer. To be eligible to participate in the Offer, the consumer is simply required to pay the bill before the bill due date of any of the associated Bill Issuers with Easy Bill at any Easy Bill collection Store during the offer period in the selected cities. As per the Offer consumers who pays their bill before the due date becomes eligible to participate in the lucky draw. Easy Bill to carry out Lucky draw after the end of the scheme period. The Lucky customer stands to win any one of the prizes mentioned below: –First prize: 4 days 3 nights Holiday Package to Singapore –Second prize: Colored Mobile Phone –Third prize: DVD Player –Fourth prize: Camera Easy Bill would contact the winner customer only (in writing) within 30 days from the date of Lucky draw. The cost for courier to intimate the consumer will be borne by Easy Bill. However, Easy Bill does not take the responsibility in case of loss of the letter in the course of transit or late delivery of the letter. To claim the Prize the customer must produce the original bill and Easy Bill instant payment receipt at the time of claming the prize. Decision of Easy Bill regarding winning Customer shall be final and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.

4 Terms & Conditions The winning customer would have to collect the prize in person on the date, time and place fixed by Easy Bill. All expenses of procuring the prize, including travel and taxes will have to be borne exclusively by the winner. Easy Bill will not bear any cost in this regard. In case, if the winning customer fails to collect the prize on the date fixed by Easy Bill, then the customer would not be legible to claim the prize in future. The winner will be liable to pay all the applicable taxes on them for the prize won. Easy Bill reserves the right to withhold the prize and not award to the customer if he/she refuses to bear the taxes as applicable on the prize. Easy Bill shall be at full liberty to use the name and photographs of the winners for purposes of media coverage, advertisements, and publicity and for being put on Easy Bill website without the payment of any consideration to these winners. The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash i.e. under no circumstances will cash be given in lieu of the prize won in the Offer. The prizes shown in the advertisement, if any, are of indicative in nature and actual prizes may be differing in colour, size and price of the prizes shown in the advertisement. Easy Bill does not guarantee the quality of the branded prizes and will not have any liability on the same. All such responsibility shall lie with the concerned manufacturer and any complaint as to the quality must be taken up with the concerned manufacturer directly. Bill payment without this offer is also available. However, as stated above there is no additional charge for participating in the Offer Since the Registered Office of the Easy Bill is situated at Delhi, Court of Law at Delhi shall have the exclusive Jurisdiction in connection with any disputes arising from or related to the Offer Easy Bill shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any entry, due to any Force Majeure circumstances, and will not be liable to pay any amount or compensation whatsoever to any participant for any loss arising there from. All personal details submitted by the participant/winner must be accurate. Any incorrect or incomplete information found in the entry will result in disqualification from entering the draw.

5 Terms & Conditions The prize- winner releases Easy Bill of any liability arising out of acts or omissions related to the Offer or any terms thereof. Further, the prize-winner agrees to indemnify and hold Easy Bill harmless from any third party claims arising from or related to the Offer or any terms thereof. A copy of the terms and conditions of the Offer is available at the Easy Bill website i.e. Special Terms & Conditions applicable for First or Mega Prize:- The mentioned package does not include Visa Fee, applicable taxes, Mediclaim, Services of personal nature or any incidental charges. The free package is for 03nights / 04 days as mentioned above for a Couple only. All services in package will remain subject to availability at the time of booking. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) or Easy Bill Ltd. will not be responsible for non-availability of services during Peak / Blackout dates. Booking has to be made 21days prior to intended departure date. The package shall be valid upto –March 31, 2008 i.e. the Last day for redemption of package. Winner will not have any claim in case of loss of original prize letter. STB will be appointing a travel agent of its choice to develop the 3N/4D package for each couple winner and will have the sole discretion on choosing the travel agent. Easy bill will deduct TDS from each package winner as per applicable income tax rate.

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