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Asking Effective Questions. Some of the youth can go through Primary, Sunday School, YM/YW and seminary and come out without testimonies. Why? Because.

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Presentation on theme: "Asking Effective Questions. Some of the youth can go through Primary, Sunday School, YM/YW and seminary and come out without testimonies. Why? Because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asking Effective Questions

2 Some of the youth can go through Primary, Sunday School, YM/YW and seminary and come out without testimonies. Why? Because our young people have grown up spectators.

3 Before you teach Be prepared through study and prayer Think of the needs of your students Identify the doctrine you would like to teach

4 Facilitate learning by the Spirit First five minutes… – Object lesson – Question – Activity – Make connections

5 Three levels of questions Low, medium and high…that help students knowledge, analyze and apply. Start with low-level and progress to deeper ones giving students the opportunity to warm- up and feel the Spirit. Adjust the question for the child.

6 Effective Questions Never answer your own questions! Accept every answer Use techniques to involve the more quiet students and limit the more talkative ones

7 Effective Questions Ask questions that don’t have an obvious answer…but not beyond the student’s capacity to answer Avoid “yes” and “no” questions


9 FEAST F – find the principle E – explain as needed A – apply – how does this apply to me S – share – a personal experience T – testify

10 Invite to Act Ask Encourage

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