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The Scottish Magnet Lesson starter: Life in 19 th Century Ireland was of a poor quality for most. Do you agree? Provide reasons for your answer (4 marks)

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Presentation on theme: "The Scottish Magnet Lesson starter: Life in 19 th Century Ireland was of a poor quality for most. Do you agree? Provide reasons for your answer (4 marks)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scottish Magnet Lesson starter: Life in 19 th Century Ireland was of a poor quality for most. Do you agree? Provide reasons for your answer (4 marks)

2 Today we will… Understand why Scotland was an attractive country to Irish people

3 Last lesson talked about reasons why people would want leave Ireland These are known as PUSH factors Scotland also had many PULL factors, attracting people to the country PUSH Factors – make you want to leave a country PULL Factors – attract you to another country

4 Scotland was easy to reach from Ireland Short and cheap journey 1820s onwards – steamers were even faster Stranraer

5 Most boats had very poor conditions onboard

6 Wages were higher in Scotland work in Scotland was available for more days in the year Scotland needed workers There were jobs available in growing industries such as railways, coal mining, farm work, builders and road builders

7 There were also jobs for whole families Women and children could work as servants, shop workers, in factories and in woollen mills Scotland was industrialising Ireland was not

8 8 Mark Essay Explain why many Irish people emigrated to Scotland in the late 19 th Century. Intro 6 Points Conclusion

9 Today’s Task Reasons to leave Ireland (PULL) Reasons to go to Scotland (PUSH)

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