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Two brothers…. About film…. This television drama is about two brothers. 22 years ago, John Winchester awoke in the middle of the night to find his wife,

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Presentation on theme: "Two brothers…. About film…. This television drama is about two brothers. 22 years ago, John Winchester awoke in the middle of the night to find his wife,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Two brothers….

3 About film…. This television drama is about two brothers. 22 years ago, John Winchester awoke in the middle of the night to find his wife, Mary, pinned to the ceiling, bleeding from the stomach, and set aflame. He managed to get his sons, 4-year-old Dean and six-month old Sam, out of the house, but Mary was killed leaving John devastated and determined for revenge against the supernatural thing that killed her. Present day, John has raised his sons to fight supernatural forces. Demons, ghosts, even crypto logic creatures. However, they can't find the thing that killed Mary. With his constant clashes with his father, Sam becomes disenchanted with the hunter's lifestyle, and goes away to college, where he falls in love with a girl named Jessica Moore. After years of estrangement, Dean shows up at Sam and Jess' one night to ask for Sam's help to look for their father who had gone missing during a "hunting trip". At first, Sam is reluctant to be roped back into the world of hunting and prefers his "safe" normal life he had managed to make for himself with Jess, but when he finds Jess dead through the same M.O. as their mother, he sets out with Dean to find their father by following any supernatural leads they can find across the country, hoping they track him down. But in 3 season they did not research their father. They killed demons. And in 4 season Dean died. But finally he came to back and killed many demons with angel who helped him.


5 1 st question. Who is it?  "Here's how I always heard the story. You go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off. You begin, in a whisper, to chant ******', as you continue to chant your voice should grow louder and louder into a near scream. You should be spinning while chanting, looking at the mirror at each turn. Near the 13th repetition of the words... "she" should appear. A friend of mine said that her roommate tried this and ran out screaming from the bathroom. She was shaking and appeared genuinely terrified and refused to talk about the incident, but those who were around her when she came out noticed that her clenched fingers were covered in blood."

6 2 nd question Who is it?  "I heard that a young couple was parked under a tree on a dirt road one night. When the time came to go home, the car wouldn't start so the boy told the girl to lock the doors and he'd go for help. As time went by the girl grew more and more nervous, and by the time she started to hear a scraping noise on the top of the car she was terrified. In a state of shock the girl passed out in the car. The police found her the next day, as they took her away from the car they told her not to look back, but she did. Her boyfriend was hanging from a tree limb, his feet scraping the roof of the car.

7 3 rd question Who was not the demon in the serial?  Picture 1 or picture 2

8 4 th question What is it?

9 5 th question Who is a wendigo? picture 1 or picture 2

10 6 th question. Who is it?

11 7 th question Who is it?    

12 8 th question Who was more senior? g DEAN ?? or SAM??


14 Right answers.  QUIZ (Викторина)  1 st question. -Bloody Mary (Кровавая Мэри)  2 nd question.- Hook man (Человек с крюком)  3 rd question. -Picture 2 4 th question. -Ghost Ship (Корабль призрак)  5 th question. -picture 1  6 th question. -Grim Reaper (Жнец или Смерть)  7 th question. -Vampire (Вампир)  8 th question.-DEAN

15 Работу выполнила ученица 8 « А» класса ГОУ СОШ №511 Астахова Маргарита Учитель Мустафина А.А.

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