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Dott. Luciano Consolati part two 2 Varieties and New Scenarios.

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Presentation on theme: "Dott. Luciano Consolati part two 2 Varieties and New Scenarios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dott. Luciano Consolati part two 2 Varieties and New Scenarios

2 2 How to identify a cluster Types Critical mass Life cycle Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico

3 Identifying clusters 1 Economic indicators in a large area Activity rate Number of companies in manufacturing Rate of activities in manufacturing Rate of independent local processing units Rate of independent local processing units in the manufacturing industry Rate of employed personnel in manufacturing in local units with less than 50 employees Percentage of property owned homes Rate of demographic growth Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico

4 Identifying clusters 2 Local Production System Indicators High level of specialisation in production Rate of specialisation and plant location (see part 3) Prevalence of small enterprises and absence of big ones High level of professionalism in workforce High turnover rate amongst workers High company turnover Extensive and articulated social association and unbroken processes of social mobility Complex system of productive interdependence between enterprises Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico

5 Identifying clusters 3 Indicators for the identification of local productive systems in a specific area (enterprise/employees) Productive specialisation indicators (rate of employed versus the total of the manufacturing sector), absolute and relative export rates Comparison of sectorial specialisation and the working population in the area (this emphasises the importance sectorial specialisation has on the local economy) Rate of employed in the area, compared to the regional rate in the sector of specialisation Location quotient (comparison between the rate of employed in the sector of specialisation and the corresponding rate at a regional level) Rate of employed in local units with less than 100 employees, in the sector of specialisation (indicator of the presence of a multiplicity of enterprises in the area) Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico

6 Le tipologie distrettuali Distinctive Structural Features EmbryonicEvolvingWell establishedRepositioning Size and number of enterprises Small and micro handicraft enterprises Significant number of micro and small enterprises. Growth of new enterprises Enterprises, micro, small and medium enterprises (achievement of a critical mass) Fall of marginal enterprises Relations between enterprises Horizontal competition Horizontal competition and starting off of subcontracting processes Extended and articulate sub contracting and local horizontal network qualitative + quantitative towards internationalisation. Process technologyLow level and coming form outside Medium with a higher controlHigh level of local learning by-interacting High technological level Degree of innovationPoorScarcely growingConstant growthRadical innovation Diversification and differentiation level NoneMarginalCorrelated to product market Correlated but articulate diversification Work marketCostFormal informalFormale stabileHigher quality Types of competitive advantages Informal\ formalCosts and specialised economies Costs and growing innovation Innovation and learning Market outletsLocalLocal/regionalNational/exports start offInternational Presence of available financial resources Poor/ self financing AvailableAvailable for projects Local banksNoneFew and isolatedNumerousNumerous but concentrated Institutional \ System Relations with institutionsFew and essentialMore intense but still more logistic and technical aspects Constant and in addition to logistics also for development Continuous for system projects Level and role of associationism NoneBirth of groups and/or associations Consolidating system of associations Strong role of associations Services for productionNoneInsufficient demand at local level Presence of local services Strong growth of contribution to enterprises Service centresNoneDefinition of necessities/start-off Projecting and operational From service centres to Meta Organisations Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico Types of clusters

7 Life cycle of a cluster AgglomerationGrowing cluster Emerging cluster Mature cluster Transformation Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico

8 Life Cycle fossilisation decline saturation marketing + finance financemarketing distribution finance productionengineeringRes. & Dev. More emphatical functional interest weak WeakGreat moderate Very greatModest weak Technological variation in the process drawing weak moderategreatGreatTechnological variation in the product drawing few From few to lotssome FewNumber of segments weakRapid decrease, than slow, than it can gradually grow deboleGradual decrease Rapid decrease Rapid growth modestFluctuation in development rate From poor to non existant negativeEqual to demographic growth Equal to GDP highGreatpoorMarket Development Rate saturation maturitySelective elimination Growth Developmen t Level Sales unit Profits Take off Downturn Rate of growth of GDP Rate of demographic growth Development rate < 0

9 Carta d’identità di un distretto a)Data: - Number of enterprises, type, employees - Urban location, non-urban etc. - Cluster specialisation - Rate of specialisation activity on the referred area - Rate of specialisation activity on the national sum total - export % and relative rates b) Types: embryonic, evolving, etc. c) Life story: birth, growth, etc. d) Presence of Meta organisations e) Competetive advantages: relations between enterprises, competition, etc. f) Threats: local and international competition g) Strategies in progress Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico Identity of a cluster

10 Size: - 50% > 200 enterprises - With 30% > 600 - 50% < di 5.000 employees - 30% > 20.000 employees - Critical Mass Competitivity - 15.000 employees> Competitivity Decisive factors: - Environmental factors: human resources, capital, co- operative resources - Level of demand: local needs that anticipate global needs - Level of interaction\ integration other sectors : evaluation of process from beginning to end - Level of cluster competition : directly linked to the cluster - Other factors Dott. Luciano Consolati – 09.2005 - Mexico Competitivity in clusters, some obvious facts

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