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Quantum Computing: An Overview for non-specialists Mikio Nakahara Department of Physics & Research Centre for Quantum Computing Kinki University, Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Computing: An Overview for non-specialists Mikio Nakahara Department of Physics & Research Centre for Quantum Computing Kinki University, Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Computing: An Overview for non-specialists Mikio Nakahara Department of Physics & Research Centre for Quantum Computing Kinki University, Japan Financial supports from Kinki Univ., MEXT and JSPS

2 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Plan of lecture 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

3 Overview @ Tehran 2009 I. Introduction

4 Overview @ Tehran 2009 More complicated Example

5 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Quantum Computing/Information Processing Quantum computation & information processing make use of quantum systems to store and process information. Exponentially fast computation, totally safe cryptosystem, teleporting a quantum state are possible by making use of states & operations which do not exist in the classical world.

6 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Plan of lectures 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

7 Overview @ Tehran 2009 2. Qubits

8 Overview @ Tehran 2009 2.1 One Qubit

9 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Candidates of qubits : Electron, Spin 1/2 Nucleus Photon Grand State and Excited State of Atom or Ion

10 Overview @ Tehran 2009 2.2 Two-Qubit System

11 Overview @ Tehran 2009 2.3 Multi-qubit systems and entangled states

12 Overview @ Tehran 2009 2.4 Algorithm = Unitary Matrix

13 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Implementation of U

14 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Plan of lectures 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

15 Overview @ Tehran 2009 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuit and Quantum Computer

16 Overview @ Tehran 2009

17 3.2 Quantum Gates

18 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Hadamard transform

19 Overview @ Tehran 2009

20 n-qubit Operations

21 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Quantum Mechanics

22 Overview @ Tehran 2009 3.3 Universal Quantum Gates

23 Overview @ Tehran 2009 3.4 Quantum Parallelism and Entanglement

24 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Power of Entanglement

25 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Plan of lectures 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

26 Overview @ Tehran 2009 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 4.1 Deutsch’s Algorithm

27 Overview @ Tehran 2009


29 Plan of lectures 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

30 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Necessary Conditions for a PC to Work Properly Hardware (Memory, CPU etc), Able to reset all the memories to 0, The PC lasts till a computation stops (maybe a problem if it takes more than 10 years to finish the computation.) Able to carry out any logic operations Able to output the results (display, printer, …)

31 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Necessary Conditions for a Quantum Computer to Work Properly (DiVincenzo Criteria) Hardware (Memory, CPU etc) Able to reset all the memories to 0, The PC lasts till a computation stops. Able to carry out any logic operations Able to output the results (display, printer, ) A scalable physical system with well characterized qubits. A scalable physical system with well characterized qubits. The ability to initialize the state of the qubits to a simple fiducial state, such as |00…0>. The ability to initialize the state of the qubits to a simple fiducial state, such as |00…0>. Long decoherence times, much longer than the gate operation time. Long decoherence times, much longer than the gate operation time. A “universal” set of quantum gates. A “universal” set of quantum gates. A qubit-specific measurement capability. A qubit-specific measurement capability.

32 Overview @ Tehran 2009 DiVincenzo 2004@Kinki Univ.

33 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Realization: NMR

34 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Realization: Trapped Ions

35 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Realization: Josephson Junction Qubits

36 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Tunable coupling (interaction on demand)

37 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Realization: Neutral Atoms

38 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Physical Realization: Quantum Dots

39 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Plan of lectures 1. Introduction 2. Qubits 3. Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Quantum Computer 4. Simple Quantum Algorithms 5. DiVincenzo Criteria & Physical Realizations 6. Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

40 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Difficulty of Prime Number Facotrization Factorization of N=890208368187479079568319892720916003 03613264603794247032637647625631554961 638351 is difficult. It is easy, in principle, to show the product of p=928101320540413151847590244727697333 8969 and q =9591715349237194999547 050068718930514279 is N. This fact is used in RSA (Rivest-Shamir- Adleman) cryptosystem.

41 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Factorization algorithm

42 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Realization using NMR (15=3×5) L. M. K. Vandersypen et al (Nature 2001)

43 Overview @ Tehran 2009 NMR molecule and pulse sequence (~300 pulses) perfluorobutadienyl iron complex with the two 13C-labelled inner carbons

44 Overview @ Tehran 2009

45 Foolproof realization is discouraging … ? Vartiainen, Niskanen, Nakahara, Salomaa (2004) Foolproof implementation of the factorization 21=3 X 7 using Shor’s algorithm requires at least 22 qubits and approx. 82,000 steps!

46 Overview @ Tehran 2009 Summary Quantum information and computation are interesting field to study. (Job opportunities at industry/academia/military). It is a new branch of science and technology covering physics, mathematics, information science, chemistry and more. Thank you very much for your attention!

47 Overview @ Tehran 2009

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