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Design & Safety Review Work Group meeting 10 March 2005 Progress update Wing Lau, Oxford.

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Presentation on theme: "Design & Safety Review Work Group meeting 10 March 2005 Progress update Wing Lau, Oxford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design & Safety Review Work Group meeting 10 March 2005 Progress update Wing Lau, Oxford

2 Progress to date:- Beamline & Targets: Initial design audit completed, some details not available and needs to be re-worked to bring it to an auditable standard; Initial safety audit completed, but needs to be re-worked to bring it to an auditable standard; Fibre tracker: Initial design audit done two weeks ago. A revision was made at yesterday’s meeting with Imperial College, The revised version will be available at the beginning of next week.

3 Others on the pipeline: The Infrastructures – engineering This awaits Yury’s availability PIDs Had a meeting with most of the PID physicists, the following conclusion was reached Magnetic shielding and Cherenkov 2 Design audit on these are almost ready to be carried out. I will arrange with Ghislain to meet up and do this face to face; TOF0,1 &2 Design not quite ready for this yet Cherenkov 1 Design not ready for this yet Calorimeter Design not ready for this yet

4 Others on the pipeline: PIDs – cont. Diffuser Further update needed to see if this could be done shortly Tracker Solenoid Project wise this needs to be sorted out as to who does what and who pays for the supply etc. Until that is done, no audit can be contemplated R & D work Absorber R & D Shigeru to advise the time to do this audit. Hydrogen R & D Tom & Elwyn to advise when this can be arranged

5 The management of the audit information My plan is to put a hyperlink on each of the referenced boxes. The TRD will bookmarks on each of the referred sections. It is for this reason that the TRD may need to be revised during the course of this audit process to bring all the relevant design and safety information under one roof! As for our audit preparation, Paul Drumm has agreed to use Technical Memo, rather than MICE NOTES, to append info that is not currently in the TRD. It works like an appendix to a report. The technical memo is a controlled document and gets updated as and when required. MICE note doesn’t and is therefore difficult to QC and update. The technical memo may refer to the MICE NOTES for convenience.

6 Time scale Recognising that it will take each work package at least 2 to 3 rework (experience gained so far indicates this need) to bring the audit to a standard that we can review it internally by the group before the external review, we need to work out a schedule so that the group can conduct the internal audit in a timely and organised manner. A quick look at the task:- No. of design audits in Phase 1: 11 No. of Safety audits in Phase 1: 11 Total 22 audit forms to complete: Assuming each takes an average 2.5 re- work, there will be approximately 55 work cycles to get the right information on the audit forms. Assuming it takes an average 2.5 days for each work cycle, it will take a total of approx. 140 days just to get all the relevant boxes fill in correctly – a solid 7 months work! That is before we can audit them internally! We must there have an agreed schedule for all these work so that we don’t get ourselves in a mess!

7 We should aim to come up with an acceptable schedule for this audit exercise before the next meeting

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