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National Honor Society November 12/13, 2015 Welcome! All members sit in the front section of the auditorium. Next meeting will be on January 14, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "National Honor Society November 12/13, 2015 Welcome! All members sit in the front section of the auditorium. Next meeting will be on January 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 National Honor Society November 12/13, 2015 Welcome! All members sit in the front section of the auditorium. Next meeting will be on January 14, 2015.


4  SIGN IN – Alphabetically.  A-I Left of Stage  J-P Center of Stage  Q-Z Right of Stage After the meeting

5  Welcome  Who We Are  Expectations  Online Information Forms  Officer Nominations Today’s Agenda

6  Mr. Robbins teaches Etymology and Creative Writing.  Mrs. Warren teaches Honors German, I-AP.  Both are located in room E104.  Both may also be contacted via e-mail at NHS Sponsors

7  maintaining the minimum 3.85 weighted cumulative GPA  Attending ALL monthly meetings  participating in ALL activities, including the induction rehearsal & ceremony in spring  observing class rules and school policies  receiving no disciplinary action, including dress code & tardies  completing four hours of tutoring  completing ten hours of service to the school or community. Expectations of NHS Members

8  Meeting attendance is required. Please make arrangements for this.  YOU are responsible for taking care of your business (the business of being an NHS member in good standing)! Attendance

9  What qualifies as an excused absence?  a written explanation of absence to one of the advisors at 2:30 pm the day before the absence or by 7:10 am on the day of the meeting.  If the member does not fulfill this responsibility, the absence is unexcused.  A member who is absent from school on the day of the meeting or checks out early, must see a chapter advisor when returning to school to verify absence/dismissal (bring your pink slip!) and to receive current information. Attendance

10  What should an attendance excuse note look like?  It MUST:  Be typed!  Be signed by your parent or coach (No exceptions!)  Have a telephone number where the signer can be contacted during the day (They will be verified!)  A note from a Doctor’s Office (signed) is acceptable.  Illegible signatures, handwritten notes, and no contact information given will not be accepted and will count as an UNEXCUSED absence. Attendance

11  What does not qualify as an excused absence?  Working, not having a ride home, and making up a test with a teacher are examples of unexcused absences.  This is a case of personal responsibility; you know when you have work, when you have been absent & have makeups, and when you have NHS meetings.  Being a responsible young adult means making arrangements in your schedule. Attendance

12  Excessive tardies.  Uniform violations.  Cell phone used during school.  Any major offenses (e.g.: cheating, skipping class, leaving campus without permission). All of these will be grounds for a dismissal hearing. Grounds for dismissal

13 WSHS NHS Online Information Form Online Information forms are to be completed online at: Information Forms are due by this Monday, November 16, 2015. This includes the ONLINE submission and the paper confirmation form.

14 WSHS NHS Online Information Form

15  If forms are submitted AFTER a due date, whether they are information forms or tutoring hours, the sponsors will take the forms.  Taking the form from you does NOT indicate that your LATE form has been accepted.  The WSHS NHS HONOR COUNCIL decides whether or not any late forms (of any kind) are accepted. Late Forms

16  WSHS NHS Honor Council:  Mrs. Bafford  Ms. Douglas  Sergeant Myers  Ms. Oster  Ms. Longino  Mr. Henry  The members of the council vote on the admission & acceptance of new members, and the probation, dismissal, and continuing status of current members.  Mr. Robbins and Mrs. Warren organize the meetings of the council, but are NOT allowed to vote. WSHS NHS Honor Council

17 NHS 2015-16 Officer Nominations Officer Nominations are to be completed online at: Nominations are due by Monday, November 16, 2015. Officer Candidates will be notified by Mr. Robbins and Mrs. Warren with the campaign option.

18  Locate important information  Online Forms  Updates  Service Opportunities  Contact information, etc.  Meeting dates  WSHS NHS Website


20  You may begin to submit hours for community service ONLINE in now at (Due March 17th, 2016)  You may not submit these hours on paper.  Because we know that some NHS members have completed tutoring hours, or will begin soon, we have left copies of the original PAPER forms for download, on the WSHS NHS website at  You will use those to keep track of your tutoring hours. It is recommended to turn in your hours as they are completed. You will NOT be using those forms for submission of Service hours. Submission of Service & Tutoring Forms

21  The supervisor of your community service, volunteering, etc. must sign documentation for you WHEN YOU COMPLETE the service.  This can be a letterhead from the organization, for example.  Due dates for Service hours and Tutoring hours are listed in your memo and on the website.  Must tutor White Station High School students at WSHS under supervision of a WSHS teacher/counselor.  Teacher must be in room during entire time of tutoring.  Cannot tutor during school hours unless you are a TA or in study hall during the time you tutor.  Must put exact hours of tutoring not you “tutored about an hour over the past 3 days.”  Cannot tutor at your house.  No DOUBLE hours. If another club requires service hours or participation in an activity, you may NOT count those hours for NHS. Such submissions will be rejected and may result in probation. Submission of Service & Tutoring Hours

22 Turkey Drive  Donation of $15 for a turkey for a family of four (Check made out to White Station High and exact cash accepted)  You will pay Mr. Robbins or Mrs. Warren in E104 after school or on designated days during lunch in the cafeteria.  The deadline is 11/18/15.  OR- Two hours assisting Sgt. Myers with collecting cans throughout the school and bringing them to the designated spot. There will be a sign-in sheet in E104. First Chapter Service Project

23  Pay attention to submission deadlines and requirements.  Listed in your memo and on the website!  Use our website as a resource to find service opportunities!  Don’t hesitate to contact your sponsors, if you have any questions.  Email us at! Service Opportunities

24  Submit Student Information Forms ONLINE by Monday, November 16 th, 2015.  Print the confirmation page and sign and date it.  Please drop off confirmation forms outside Mrs. Warren’s room (E104). Officer nominations, summer and/or 1 st semester service hours, and 2 tutoring hours are due 12.11.15.  DO NOT INTERRUPT YOUR SPONSORS INSTRUCTIONAL TIME TO SUBMIT FORMS!!! FRIENDLY REMINDER


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