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Energy for n00bs. Sector overview GenerationTransmissionDistributionCustomer.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy for n00bs. Sector overview GenerationTransmissionDistributionCustomer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy for n00bs

2 Sector overview GenerationTransmissionDistributionCustomer

3 Tech menu Large plantScalableDistributed Nuclear FissionGas turbines (and w/CHP)Diesel/ Gasoil generators Coal (and coal w/cofiring)Onshore windMicro wind Coal CCS (pre, post and oxyfuel) Solar PV (crystalline, a- silicon, thin film, organic, etc) Solar PV CCGTHydroSolar thermal CCGT CCS (pre, post and oxyfuel) WaveMicro hydro OilGeothermalBiomass boilers (and w/chp) BiomassEnergy from waste, incineration, gasification, AD, etc Gas/ fuel cell/ heat engine CHP Hydro (barrage, large dam)TidalHeat pumps (various) Offshore wind???? Geothermal

4 Key figures Typical plant size Typical plant site Typical plant costs Typical running costs Grid implications ????

5 SWOT Analysis StrengthWeaknessOpportunityThreats (risks) CostWhat roles can it play in a mixed energy portfolio? Catastrophic failure ReliabilityWhich applications (in heating/electrical loading) does it fit well? Fuel shortages/ sustainability issues LongevityMight we see Tech improvements?Pollution Track recordDoes it have other uses (waste disposal, etc) or useful bi-products? Price volatility EfficiencyJob creation? VersatilityEconomic growth? IntermittencyIP development? Fuel scarcityWill deployment substantially drive E-curve?

6 Task: Complete Tech menu and divide up amongst the group. Design 1 slide template containing key information and SWOT analysis and a good image Go away and fill out your designated slides, put them on the wiki, and return to present to the group. For technologies with a range of different types (eg solar PV or wave power), find examples of different varieties and compare and contrast them FRIDAY- We’ll be balancing the energy mix!

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