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The Use of Miniaturized Detection Technology with the Iphone or Android to Determine Water Composition and Bacterial Load of Agricultural and Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Use of Miniaturized Detection Technology with the Iphone or Android to Determine Water Composition and Bacterial Load of Agricultural and Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use of Miniaturized Detection Technology with the Iphone or Android to Determine Water Composition and Bacterial Load of Agricultural and Industrial Water Sources F.M. Platt Texas A&M University, D.B. Burnett Texas A&M University International Petroleum Environmental Conference November 17-19 2015

2 ICP in a Working Laboratory

3 Hach Basic Frac Kit

4 Hach Reagent Pillows

5 Hach Turbidity Meter

6 Lamotte Frac Kit

7 On Site Testing; Microbial Influenced Corrosion (MIC). 7

8 What We Would Love to Have in the Field

9 Duck Pond (Fresh Water) in Webb County, TX

10 Eagleford Frac Pond

11 Test Site in South Texas for Static Parameter Monitoring for Potential Contamination

12 Horiba U50

13 Horiba u50 non wifi Turbidity (U-53G only) Range: 0-1000 NTU Resolution: 0.01 NTU Accuracy: 0 to 10 NTU: ±0.5 NTU 10 to 1000 NTU: 3% (reading) or ±1 NTU whichever is greater Sensor probe Measurement temperature: -5 to 55° C Mass: Approx. 1800 g (Approx. 3.97 lbs) Control Unit: Mass: Approx. 800 g (Approx. 1.76 lbs) LCD: 320 x 240 liquid crystal display with backlight pH Measurement principle: Glass electrode method Range: pH0 to 14 Resolution: 0.01pH Repeatability: ±0.05pH Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Measurement principle: platinum electrod method Range: -2000 mV to +2000 mV Resolution:1 mV Repeatability: ±5 mV Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Measurement principle: polarographic method Range: 0 to 50.0 mg/L Resolution:0.01 mg/L Repeatability: ±0.1 mg/L Conductivity Auto range Automatic temperature conversion (25°) Salinity Range: 0 to 70 PPT Resolution: 0.1 PPT Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Range: 0 to 100 g/L Resolution: 0.1% F.S. Seawater specific gravity Measurement principle: Conductivity conversion Range: 0 to 50 t Temperature Measurement principle: Thermistor method Range: -5 to 55°C

14 smarTROLL Multiparameter (MP) Handheld

15 Chemical parameters: Dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity (actual or specific), salinity, total dissolved solids, resistivity, and density Physical parameters: Air and water temperature, barometric pressure, water level, and water pressure

16 Hach SL1000

17 SL1000 Test Parameters ParameterReporting Range ammonia0.05-1.5 mg/l ammonia, free0.05-1.5 mg/l Chlorine, Free0.12-4.6 mg/l Chlorine, Total0.12-4.6 mg/l Copper0.06-5.75 mg/l Monochloramine0.12-4.6 mg/l Nitrite0.005-0.6 mg/l

18 LaMotte Mobile WaterLink Spin

19 LaMotte Test Disk

20 LaMotte Test after Reaction with Water Tested

21 Lamotte Components

22 LaMotte Spin Parameters

23 Waterlens

24 Waterlens Test Tray with implied Dilution Schedule

25 Waterlens Results DateTimeSource 10/7/201410:05AMPERMEATE AnalyteDilution FactorMeasured ConcentrationActual Concentration Turbidity (NTU)0838 Total Iron (mg/L)000 Calcium (mg/L as Ca+2)10002.112110 Boron (mg/L)108.888 DateTimeSource 10/8/20141:50PMFEED AnalyteDilution FactorMeasured ConcentrationActual Concentration Turbidity (NTU)02.5 Total Iron (mg/L)00.9 Calcium (mg/L as Ca+2)10001.971970 Boron (mg/L)106.565

26 Cost Parameters UnitUnit Costsoftwarereagents expendable per test LaMotte Spin$1,040Included$3.00 Water Lens In development Horibba U-50$3,225 hach sl1000$2,950 smarttroll$3,200

27 On Site Testing; Microbial Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Current Mobile Monitoring Options Molecular Technology Ease of Use Testing Time (min) PortabilityAccuracyMicrobial Activity Tested Cost per Test ATP LuminUltra Easy5Very GoodGoodAll (viable & nonviable ) $7 BactiquantModera te 11Very GoodGoodAll (viable only) $20 QuickChek SRB Modera te 10Very GoodOKSRB (viable & nonviable ) $14 Rapid-B Flow Cytometer Easy3Benchtop Based Very Good All (viable only) $20 Bug BottlesEasy5-7 daysBenchtop Based OKSpecific to Media (viable only) $0.60 Current rapid test mobile technologies quantify total bacterial numbers QuickChek SRB is the only rapid test mobile technology that measures a specific group of bacteria (Victor Pena Sales Account Manager) gas.php gas.php Slide No. 27

28 Bactiquant Biological Unit

29 Drone Sampling  Quick to site  Properly setup multiple samples  Set schedule  Inaccessible area for man sampling  Hazardous duty area (poisonous conditions) such as H2S

30 Duck Pond (Fresh Water) in Webb County, TX

31 Eagleford Frac Pond

32 South Texas Ranch with Multiple Sample Points

33 Questions?

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