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Digital Citizenship and Safety How you interact with others and with information online is just as important as how you interact face-to- face…maybe even.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship and Safety How you interact with others and with information online is just as important as how you interact face-to- face…maybe even."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship and Safety How you interact with others and with information online is just as important as how you interact face-to- face…maybe even more so.

2 The Social Contract A social contract is an unwritten or written agreement within a society that establishes the rights and duties of its citizens in order to maintain a safe and organized environment. Generally, the citizens of the society agree to give up an acceptable measure of personal freedom in exchange for protection or service from the government. Its success depends primarily upon each citizen acting in good conscience, coupled with a system of enforcement. Is there a social contract that governs the Internet and our digital society?

3 What is Identity Theft? How do people get your ID/information? What can happen when/if they do? What can you do to be as safe possible? OnGuard (4 minute video) OnGuard You are a Commodity

4 What do I do if it happens? Take action immediately! The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)Website has the answers: FTC

5 Whiteboards List the first three things you do if you are a victim of Identity theft: 1 File a Fraud Alert Report 2 Get your credit reports (3) 3 Create an identity theft report

6 A word about public computers BE CAREFUL if you use public computers for any [personal] account that requires a user name and password. Criminals can purchase keystroke logging devices for very little money and they take only a few moments to install. With these devices malicious users can gather information typed on a computer from across the Internet. (“Teach kids”)

7 Check your Address Bar:HTTPS "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure“ This means you are on a secure page. There should also be a lock. Macy's

8 Trusting a website US/windows7/When-to-trust-a-website-IE9 US/windows7/When-to-trust-a-website-IE9 Kiva

9 Whiteboards! Draw an address bar Show me what should appear first if the site is secure Where can you usually check for settings and security information on a website?

10 Your Digital Footprint On your whiteboards, list everything you can think of that is included in your digital footprint. Now, write “yes” or “no” of you would want future employers, or spouses to see all of your information.

11 It matters Why does it matter? Will it always matter? Could it become even more important in the future?

12 How to refuse online There are three steps to a refusal when you value your relationship with the one requesting something from you. Say no Provide a reason that is TRUE (no visiting grama in the hospital) Suggest an alternative action, activity, event, choice*

13 Know what to do Scenario #1: Dating for 6 months, 10 th grade Jake: Hey, What r u up 2? Micayla: Doing homework in bed. Jake: In bed huh? R u dressed? Micayla: Sort of… Jake: Sort of? Sounds sexy- why don’t u send me a pic of “sort of” Micayla: (Use the three steps we just learned to let Jake down easily.)

14 Scenario #2 You are with friends at a party and there is (underage) drinking going on. People start taking pictures of each other and you are worried about your photo appearing on Facebook for all to see, even though you aren’t even drinking… What do you do? (Use the three steps to extract yourself from the situation)

15 Scenario #3 You receive a text with an inappropriate picture of another student at school. Others are passing the photo on and they expect you to too. These people are not your friends and never were. What should you do?

16 Closure Whiteboards=exit slip: List three things you learned today: Tomorrow we will cover: Online predators and creepers How to be responsible when researching- Usage rights and giving credit to sources

17 Works Cited/Consulted “Identity Theft and Data Security.” The Federal Trade Commission, Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2013., 2005-2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. Macy’ Macy’, 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013 “Teach Kids.” Internet Safety Tips… New York Public Library, 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. “Teens.” Washington State Office of the Attorney General. LookBothways, Inc., 2008. Web. 10 Nov 2013. “Video and Media.” Dept of Homeland Security, 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013 “When to Trust a Website.” Microsoft, 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.

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