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Vitor Giesteira, 9E. The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship 1. Access 2. Communication 3. Literacy 4. Security and Safety 5. Etiquette 6. Rights and.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitor Giesteira, 9E. The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship 1. Access 2. Communication 3. Literacy 4. Security and Safety 5. Etiquette 6. Rights and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitor Giesteira, 9E

2 The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship 1. Access 2. Communication 3. Literacy 4. Security and Safety 5. Etiquette 6. Rights and Responsabilities 7. Law 8. Health and Well 9. Commerce

3 Access  The attempt to enable everyone to have access to technological devices and Internet, to create a greater foundation for Digital Citizenship.  Many people do not have access to any sort technology, this is known as Digital exclusion.  According to the codes of Digital Access people should have fair access to technology no matter who they are and where they come from.

4 Communication  This is the exchange of information through an electronic device.  Eg. e-mail, mobile phones, SMS, MSN and other web 2.0 technologies.  Many users don't make appropriate decisions and use, when exposed to this variety of digital communication options and this is one of the limitations.

5 Literacy  The process in which technology is used for educational purposes, in schools and as an individual for own benefit.  Recent technologies are being introduced into schools and offices such as videoconferencing, on line sharing spaces such as wikis and bloggers.  Digital Citizenship is all about educating and spreading information around more efficiently.

6 Security and Safety  The electronic precautions to guarantee the safety of your private information.  We cannot trust anyone having our own personal information, just like we don't trust anyone keeping for example car keys.  There are federal laws regarding Internet safety, but many times these are not respected.

7 Etiquette  Is a basic set of rule everyone should follow to make Internet a better tool for everyone who uses, including yourself.  This basically means treating others respectfully, not hacking other people, not downloading illegally, plagiarism, not cussing, etc.  Space is given to these people who use Internet against the rules of Digital Citizenship.

8 Rights and Responsibilities  What we can and what we are expected to do in a digital world.  With this particular element culture is an important factor.  Copyright is also a major issue with your rights, so if you want to use an image or anything that doesn't belong to you, you should make sure it is copyright free.

9 Law  The electronic responsibility for your actions and deeds.  Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society. Users of technology need to know and understand that damaging other people's work or any thing that does not belong to you is a crime, hacking into others information, plagiarizing, creating and sending viruses, downloading illegal music, etc.

10 Health and Well  Physical and psychological health under the use of technology.  The excessive use of digital technology can cause problems such as eye problems, repetitive stress syndrome, etc.  Digital Citizenship includes the ability of the users being able to protect themselves and be aware of these risks.

11 Commerce  Buying and selling goods through a digitally powered device.  The availability purchasing basically anything via the web, has become more and more popular and easy.  Although there is still a lot of illegal activities taking place in the Internet, such as gambling. We (users) need to be aware of how to make use of this advantage without breaking the laws of Digital Citizenship.

12 Bibliography  http://digiteen09-3.flatclassroomproject 

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