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Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies The National Context Niall Cussen Principal Planning Adviser DECLG.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies The National Context Niall Cussen Principal Planning Adviser DECLG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies The National Context Niall Cussen Principal Planning Adviser DECLG

2 Because anticipating future needs crucial to ensuring that the right kind of development happens in right places and at right time Because co-ordination of public and private sector activity creates the conditions where investment and job creation flourishes Because delivery needs the bringing together of key sectors: community, employment, housing, infrastructure, environment Why Plan?

3 Putting People First/ Local Government Act 2014… 31 Local Authorities – some large, some small… Through the Regional Assembly dimension, individual local authorities can work together and increase impact… Generate ideas and proposals to Government for action… Create easier structures for engagement with Government… Establish stronger co-ordination and governance structures… Better information, better policy, better planning Why Have a Regional Dimension to Local Government?

4 Unemployment reduced from nearly 17% to circa 9% and falling steadily Exchequer moving into balance – ahead of target Cities, especially Dublin now recovering/growing quickly Recovering investor, consumer sentiment Tackling legacy issues – unfinished developments down from nearly 3000 in 2010 to probably less than 600 today Moving from crisis management phase to preparing for longer term and more sustainable growth patterns But! we must continue to learn from our mistakes Building on Progress…

5 Ensuring an evenness in recovery, rural and urban… Chronic undersupply of housing and emerging infrastructure shortages in key urban areas… Investment requirements in key locations vs pressure on public capital programme and lack of traditional development contribution income… Making reforms work: Core Strategies (2010) Vacant Site Levy (2019)… Alignment of financial and physical planning/place making for overall benefit… Key Challenges…

6 Strategic Planning and Investment: Powerful Combination

7 Planning in Ireland: What Works/Doesn’t Difference? Plan-Led vs speculative development…

8 Critical Success Factors

9 Infrastructure Information Accessibility Sustainability Adaptation Certainty INVESTMENT

10 PUBLIC DOMAIN Accessibility Legibility Security Spaces Shape Water Mix Spirit INVESTMENT


12 RETAIL Mixed Use / Ground Floor Mixed Use / Ground Floor Hubs Hubs Multiple Role of Small Multiple Role of Small Retail / Cafes Retail / Cafes

13 CULTURE Cultural Quarters Cultural Quarters Cultural Infrastructure Cultural Infrastructure Public Art Public Art Events Events

14 + Effective Governance + Innovation Culture

15 New circumstances = National Planning Framework (NPF) to replace the National Spatial Strategy (2002)… Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies require a fresh strategic context… Infrastructure planning by Irish Water, National Transport Authority, energy grid operators needs a fresh strategic context… New economic realities require a more focused approach, including on regions… New policy challenges: climate change adaptation, transitioning to a low carbon economy, well being, environmental protection… Government Policy on Strategic Planning…

16 An integrated view of how Ireland should develop strategically Urban and Rural Competitive, Sustainable Place-Making Housing and other key property requirements Resilience, Low Carbon, Environment The Nationally Strategic Developments Implementation – How? Who? When? How Much Completion by 2016 Content of the National Planning Framework

17 Potential Models: 3 rd Scottish National Planning Framework

18 Roadmap for preparation to be published Q4 2015 High level document describing the key urban/rural trends, environmental, social and economic drivers/implications and policy responses to 2026 Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill No.2 2015 will provide a statutory process for preparation/adoption by Dáil Éireann Ministers want an inclusive NPF preparation process Regional “Drafting Teams” with DECLG as co-ordinator – Major Scope for Regional Assembly and LA participation with Regional Strategies to closely follow Hard choices will be required – coupled to EU Directive requirements Preparation of the National Planning Framework

19 Statutory process governed by P+D Act (as amended by LG Act 2014) - Detailed arrangements to be finalised NPF and RSES work needs to be developed together to inform both processes (not top- down) Assembly level co-ordination Hard work will be done at Strategic Planning Area (SPA) level Ultimately subject to Ministerial oversight before they are finalised Implementation through existing City and County Development Plans and new Local Economic and Community Plans Implementation oversight: Minister Building the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies

20 Regional Indicators Report NIRSA/ESPON Joint DECLG/ESRI forecasts re economic output, employment, demography (by Q1 2016) Many reports to draw from Evidence Based Policy Development - Sources

21 Purpose of regional strategies is to lead and co-ordinate Lead, taking into account national policies Co-ordinate local authorities to secure shared (national and local) objectives Should be a clear link between national, regional and local level policies Key decisions settled nationally and regionally Assembly input to city/county plans and local economic and community plans framed in the light of the RSES National and Regional: Examples of Co-ordination

22 Planning process and Irish Water must work together as provided for under Water Services Act 2014 Irish Water must take account of Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy IW will play a crucial role in the RSES process along with other key departments and agencies Investment priorities must be clear clear National-Regional-Local: Water Services and Planning

23 From National to Regional to Local… (LECP’s) Enterprise sector supports – micro-enterprise development and smoothing the path for larger projects Regeneration initiatives – urban and rural Natural resource sector – marine and renewable energy sector (Challenges here) Activity based tourism – (LG sector could lead on common standards)

24 We have come through very difficult times and are well positioned Successful places/regions are well planned places/regions Government has given the Regional Assemblies a key task To be delivered as a key element of a co-production Work is about to commence with resources committed A strategic input from Members will be crucial! Conclusions

25 Resurgence of Planning National Level: National Planning Framework Regional Level: Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies Local Level: City/County Plans Local Economic and Community Plan Governance:OPR

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