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Part-time Appointment Committee Training Workshop Sheila McKee-Protopapas WLUFA Executive Director Kendra Young Administrative Manager: Faculty Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Part-time Appointment Committee Training Workshop Sheila McKee-Protopapas WLUFA Executive Director Kendra Young Administrative Manager: Faculty Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part-time Appointment Committee Training Workshop Sheila McKee-Protopapas WLUFA Executive Director Kendra Young Administrative Manager: Faculty Relations Wilfrid Laurier University January 2013

2 Part-time Appointment Committee (PTAC) – Article 13.2 Names of members of PTAC must be posted on departmental websites (13.2.1) – A page should be set up for CAS in each sub-unit – Will include this and other information Chairs of PTACs will attend annual training workshop (13.2.2) 2

3 PTAC is elected by department-in-council (13.2.3) or faculty-in-council (13.2.4) which means that CAS will have input regarding members 13.2.3 - makes it explicit who serves on PTAC. It is chaired by the Chair of the sub-unit and has two full- time faculty elected by the D-I-C. The CA has no provision for the participation of other full-time faculty or CAS on PTAC. It might be a good idea to elect an alternate at the same time. Procedures for use of the alternate should be established. 3 PTAC (cont’d)

4 PTAC – Laurier Brantford For courses attached to a program, the PTAC will consist of the chair of the program coordinating committee and two other members of the PCC, elected by the PCC (13.2.3, 13.2.5). The Brantford campus PTAC will perform the PTAC duties for Brantford courses not attached to a program, and for Waterloo courses offered at the Brantford campus (13.2.6). 4

5 PTAC (cont’d) 13.2.7 - PTAC has the sole responsibility to act for the sub-unit in posting courses under 13.3, reviewing applications for the same (13.4., 13.5) and evaluating CAS Members for seniority status 13.6). The Chair and the two elected Members are the only ones with authority and responsibility to act and they report directly to the Dean, not the D-I-C. 5

6 PTAC (cont’d) PTACs will keep minutes of their meetings and they will be available to the Dean, and to WLUFA in the event of a grievance (13.2.8) 6

7 Posting of Positions – Article 13.3 Appointments that are subject to the rights of Members with seniority status are exempt from posting requirements (13.2.9) Positions must be posted for at least 15 calendar days (13.3.1) Email notification of all postings must be sent to Members on seniority list – i.e., Members who have done any teaching in the department within the last 36 months (13.3.1) 7

8 Postings (cont’d) On-line posting form (Appendix F) Contains all information listed in 13.3.2 Consistent from year to year Clarity in academic qualifications Deadlines for posting are set out in CA (13.3.3) 8

9 Appendix F: Posting of Positions Department:Course Name/ #: Term: Start/ End Dates Day(s)/ Times: Location/ Type:  Waterloo  Brantford  Kitchener  Online Learning Hours per Week/ Hours Total: Anticipated Class Size: Additional Course Requirements:  None  Lecture Attendance  Lab  Tutorial  Screening Notes on Additional Course Requirements: Hours for Additional Course Requirements: Salary: 9

10 Appendix F (cont’d) Qualifications: Required:  Doctoral Degree  Master’s Degree  Bachelor’s Degree If Applicable:  Discipline  Area of Specialization 1  Area of Specialization 2  Professional Designation  Other Submit with Application:  Cover Letter  CV  Letters of Reference  Teaching Dossier A DDRESS A PPLICATIONS TO : A PPLICATION DEADLINE : This appointment is in accordance with the Part-time Contract Academic Staff Collective Agreement, for which the Wilfrid Laurier Faculty Association (WLUFA) is the exclusive bargaining agent. Posted On:Posting Ends: 10

11 Posting – Web Form Training session is available Administrative assistants should already have passwords to access the posting site p=20466 p=20466 11

12 Application for a Position – Article 13.4 13.4.1 specifies what constitutes an application – Must be in writing (can email, but must follow up with hard copy) – Current CV – Any other materials the applicant wishes to submit – Departments may ask for sample course material, but it must be optional and departments can’t demand a comprehensive course outline 12

13 Applications (cont’d) External applicants can be asked for letters of reference (13.4.2) Members can only be evaluated on their Official File and the materials they submit – ‘Other evaluations’ does not mean the opinion of other F-T faculty who wish to give their opinion to the PTAC – Participation by non-PTAC Members in the deliberations of the committee is contrary to the CA 13

14 Application for a Position – Article 13.4 Roster– 13.4.3 Members must complete a Roster Application Form to be considered as having applied for courses as they become available (Article To exercise their first right of refusal under Article, Members with seniority are to submit a roster application (Article 14

15 Roster (cont’d) Members with seniority status who do not submit a roster application apply for courses as they are posted (Article and are considered under Art. 13.6.3. Dean’s notification of the Roster under Article is to include the CAS Roster Application Form Appendix G –Notification must go to all Members who have seniority points in the Faculty 15

16 Appendix G – Roster Application Form PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: WLU ID Number: Department/Program: Email address: Telephone: Contact Information for May 1 to August 30 (if different from above) Email: Telephone: Dates Unavailable for Contact (if any): Materials Attached to this Application: Current C.V. (Required) List any other material(s): cover letter, teaching dossier, etc. (Optional) SENIORITY INFORMATION: Total Seniority Points as of April 15 List the courses in which you have seniority status 16

17 Appendix G (cont’d) AVALAILABILITY INFORMATION Workload: Number of courses preferred per term: FALLWINTER Spring/ Intersession/ Summer Campus Availability: WaterlooBrantford Courses: Courses you are interested in teaching: 17

18 Appendix G (cont’d) Section B: Music Faculty – Applicants for Hourly Instruction Section C: Applicants Returning to the CAS Bargaining Unit Section D: Applicants Entering the CAS Bargaining Unit AVAILABILITY INFORMATION Note below the Hour(s) per week in each term you are interested in teaching TERMFallWinterSpring HOURS PER WEEK List all courses, term and whether regular or overload taught with the full-time bargaining unit since you left the CAS Bargaining Unit (refer to article Course #Sec.Term/YearRegOverCourse #Sec.Term/YearRegOver List all courses, term and whether regular or overload taught with the full-time bargaining unit during this year and the previous academic year (refer to article13.6.1.4) Course #Sec.Term/YearRegOverCourse #Sec.Term/YearRegOver

19 Roster (cont’d) Important: An e-mail to your office listing the courses the Member would like to teach is not an application for the roster. An application to the roster is the completed “CAS Roster Application Form” with the current c.v. attached Members MAY also submit other materials (e.g., teaching dossier, sample course materials) 19

20 Criteria for Appointment – Article 13.5 New – Assessment Form (Appendix H) – Will be used to assess all applicants except those with seniority in the course in question – Form will be attached to minutes of PTAC meetings – Criteria are the same as the old 13.5.1 – Points-based system (except first criterion) 20

21 Appendix H – Assessment of Candidates NAME Information used in the assessment: List all sources of information used to assess the candidate, including teaching dossier; teaching evaluations from WLU; teaching evaluations from another institution(s); the Member’s official file, if applicable; any other information provided by the candidate (specify). (a) requisite academic qualifications (circle one)yes no (b) satisfactory record of teaching/ 17 (c) teaching experience in the posted course or similar course/ 16 (d) total seniority points/ 15 (e) other relevant qualifications/ 14 TOTAL POINTS/ 62 21

22 Assessment Form (a) Requisite Academic Qualifications: The applicant has the requisite academic qualifications for the position as posted, i.e., the relevant academic degree or certificate, education in the academic specialty, and/or the appropriate professional training and experience. Departments shall specify the minimum degree necessary for the position and they should specify the area or field for the required degree. Departments may also specify recognized professional degrees or designations or specialized training (e.g., LLB, BEd, CA, language proficiency). If the applicant does not have the requisite academic qualifications for the position as posted, he/she shall not be considered for the position. 22

23 Assessment Form (cont’d) (b) Satisfactory record of teaching: The assessment of the candidate’s teaching record shall be based on the candidate’s university teaching evaluations under Article 19, or the equivalent from another institution, the candidate’s teaching dossier, and any other information submitted by the candidate. 17 points less than satisfactory performance – 5 points satisfactory performance – 8 points above satisfactory performance – 11 points very good level of performance – 14 points excellent performance – 17 points 23

24 Assessment Form (cont’d) (c) Teaching experience in the posted course or similar courses: 16 points No experience in posted or similar course(s) – 0 points Some experience in similar course(s) – 4 points Extensive experience in similar course(s) – 8 points Has taught the posted course – 12 points Has taught the posted course more than once – 16 points 24

25 Assessment Form (cont’d) (d) Total seniority points: 15 points The applicant has accrued a total of ten (10) or more seniority points (e) Relevant qualifications including scholarship in the field and/or relevant professional experience: 14 points Indicate the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Qualifications must be directly relevant to position advertised 25

26 Assessment (cont’d) A Member with seniority status and the most seniority points shall be offered all of the available courses for which he/she is entitled up to the maximum under 16.3.2 If a Member has seniority and applies for more than 3 courses per term, it is up to the Member to select which 3 courses he/she wishes to teach – The Members have right of first refusal 26

27 Seniority – Article 13.6 Professional Development Evaluation – Art. 19.5 More than one visit to the class can be made by the Dean or designate for assessment (19.5.3) Additional visits are subject to mutual agreement of both parties (19.5.3) Discuss performance with Member (19.5.4) Discussion happens prior to written report to Dean (19.5.4) 27

28 Letter of Appointment – Article 13.7 Dean’s office will notify the chair of PTAC when the signed letter of appointment has been received (Article 13.7.8) Names of successful candidates will be posted on the department website no later than 10 days following receipt of signed LOA 28

29 Department Website Names of PTAC members (13.2.1) Job posting form (Appendix F) Roster application form (Appendix G) CAS Assessment form (Appendix H) List of successful candidates (13.7.8) Other information the department wishes to post 29

30 Questions About Process? If you have questions regarding PTAC processes please contact either Faculty Relations or WLUFA – Faculty Relations: Kendra Young, ext 2980, – WLUFA: Sheila McKee-Protopapas, ext 2367, It is best to ask for clarification or interpretation of the CA prior to making hiring decisions 30

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