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Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009 Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009 Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009 Matthew O’Connell, CEO May 28th, 2009

2 2 Key Enablers for Successful Public-Private Partnership Favorable Regulatory Framework Committed, long-term, “Anchor Tenant” –To help attract outside investors Viable channels for commercialization of excess capacity Commitment to High Service Levels Good availability of skilled and well educated people Mutual trust and long term outlook

3 3 Key U.S. Satellite Laws and Policies Land Remote Sensing Policy Act Gave the Department of Commerce regulatory authority over all commercial land imaging satellites 1992 Presidential Decision Directive-23 Permitted US firms to sell high resolution satellite imagery and to export associated equipment to foreign countries 1994 National Security Presidential Directive-27 Directed that US commercial remote sensing companies be used to fulfill US Government mapping requirements 2003 National Space Policy Re-affirmed NSPD-27 and emphasized that USG should not compete with US commercial space enterprises 2006

4 4 Advantages of Commercial Satellite Imagery to Government Programs Provides more “eyes in the sky” – originally, defense/intelligence Reduces taxpayer burden - commercializes excess capacity and provides cost-effective Remote Sensing. Quickly provides capabilities that typically take longer for Government programs to supply. Promotes healthy competition that aides innovation and accelerates the introduction of new services. –Disaster relief; Environmental and agricultural monitoring; etc. Broadens the knowledge and user base beyond Government defined needs. –More exposure to diverse user solutions and needs.

5 U.S. Government Investment in Industry Initial NGA Investment Incremental NGA Investment 2004 - 2009 $435 $500 $350 $150 $500 April 2003: The President signed the "U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Policy", which says that all Federal agencies should use commercial imagery to the maximum extent practical. ClearView Program (2003-2007) ClearView Program (2003-2007) NextView -1 Vendor (2003 Award) NextView -1 Vendor (2003 Award) NextView-2 Vendor (2004 Award) NextView-2 Vendor (2004 Award) 2003 The US Government has invested over $2.0 billion in the commercial imaging satellite industry post 9-11 IKONOS satellite was a substantial provider under ClearView contract Under the NextView contract, NGA funded half of the development of two next- generation, high-resolution imaging satellites, including our GeoEye-1 The US Government has invested over $2.0 billion in the commercial imaging satellite industry post 9-11 IKONOS satellite was a substantial provider under ClearView contract Under the NextView contract, NGA funded half of the development of two next- generation, high-resolution imaging satellites, including our GeoEye-1

6 6 NextView program US Government funded half the cost of two next generation satellites – response to 9/11 and desire to establish robust imagery industry for other purposes In return, US Government got source of imagery that supplements US Government systems at a very reasonable price. Funding for GeoEye - 1 –Half the cost of the satellite: $217 MM – paid over 4 year construction period according to milestones –Committed to minimum imagery purchase – $197 MM over 18 months; since revised to flat $12.5 MM per month –GeoEye raised $250 MM debt (Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank) and $107 MM equity –Element in award decision: Viable Commercial Model

7 7 GeoEye Today Locations –Headquarters: Dulles, Virginia –Operation Facilities Thornton, Colorado St. Louis, Missouri Mission, KS –4 Secure Facilities Employees: 500+ –High percentage with advanced degrees Imagery from diverse platforms –GeoEye-1 –IKONOS –Aerial –OrbView-2 Value-added production services NASDAQ: GEOY –Profitable, growing, well capitalized –Revenue: 1st quarter 2009 up 26% over 2008; 2008 full year $149MM A leading global provider of location- based intelligence services. To enable timely, accurate and accessible location intelligence. Who we are Our Mission

8 8 Aerial Sensors GeoEye Constellation Satellite Sensors -2

9 9 Revenue Mix

10 10 Production/Processing Expansion St. Louis – “source agnostic” – increasingly important as more satellites are launched –Expanded facility by 50% Thornton –Tripling size available for classified production Expanding web-based delivery of products and services

11 GeoEye’s Milestones GeoEye acquires aerial company and invests in China GeoEye acquires Space Imaging GeoEye begins trading on NASDAQ Predecessor company founded Launch of OrbView-2 satellite Launch of IKONOS satellite GeoEye Wins $500M DoD NextView contract Launch of GeoEye-1 satellite 1992 1997 1999 2003 2007 2004 2005 2008 2006 2009 NGA signs Service Level Agreement with GeoEye ($12.5M per mo) IKONOS Servicing ClearView Contract 2002

12 12 Increase in Financial Value

13 13 Headcount Growth “Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds” “In a brain based economy, your best assets are your people” Gen. Colin Powell, “Advice on Leadership” 2004 106 2004 106 2009 500+ 2009 500+ 2005 2006 2007 2008

14 14

15 GeoEye-1 Half-Meter Imagery - Jan. 30, 2009 - Eiffel Tower, France

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