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Satellite Imagery for Agronomic Management Decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Satellite Imagery for Agronomic Management Decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satellite Imagery for Agronomic Management Decisions

2 Winter Wheat, Pond Creek in North Central Oklahoma April 23, 1998 Variability???

3 April 23,1998 TM Scene over North Central Oklahoma

4 Image Processing and NDVI Computation Clear-sky Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes of north- central Oklahoma, spanning the period 1991 to 1999, were obtained from Space Imaging with radiometric and geometric corrections. The TM scenes were chosen so that the satellite overpasses occurred at or near the heading stage of winter wheat in the area (mid April to early May).

5 Dates and TM scenes used in the study: April 4, 1991 May 9, 1992 April 25, 1993 March 27, 1994 April 2, 1996 April 20, 1997 April 23, 1998 May 12, 1999

6 OSU Wheat Pasture Research Unit Overlaid on top of April 23,1998 False Color TM Image (Green, Red, and NIR bands). Grain wheat Grazed out wheat N

7 OSU Wheat Pasture Research Unit with NDVI from April 23,1998 TM Image7

8 Calibration curve of wheat grain yield as a function of Landsat TM NDVI. Oklahoma State University Wheat Pasture Research Unit, Marshall, OK Calibration curve of wheat grain yield as a function of Landsat TM NDVI. Oklahoma State University Wheat Pasture Research Unit, Marshall, OK.

9 Cherokee Pond Creek OSU WPRU Marshall Relative Locations of Test Farms and OSU Wheat Pasture Research Unit

10 Field-average wheat grain yield, as predicted from NDVI and measured by farmer cooperators.

11 Field-average wheat yield as a function of field- average NDVI, compared with the OSU WPRU prediction equation Field-average wheat yield as a function of field- average NDVI, compared with the OSU WPRU prediction equation.

12 Combine Yield Monitor and Satellite Estimated Wheat Yield Maps Yield Monitor 26.4 bu/ac Satellite Estimate 28.7 bu/ac

13 Normalizing Satellite Estimated Yield Normalization tends to remove the effect of weather, disease and other factors on the average yield. This minimizes the effect of abnormally high or yields when yield variability is compared between years or averaged over years. Yields can be normalized by dividing by the average yield for the field.

14 Wheat - Landsat TM Image Taken During April to Mid-May Linn Farm, Redrock, OK199219961998

15 Linn Aerial Image Aerial Image vs. Average Yields Terrace Effects

16 Linn Farm 7 Year Average Estimated Yield and Coefficient of Variation PortA Misclassified KirklandB KirklandB2 NorgeC2 NorgeB Floods

17 Wheat - Landsat TM Image Taken During April to Mid-May Kent Farm, Pond Creek, Ok 19961998

18 Pond Creek, Oklahoma Dale Silt Loam McLain Silt Loam Owner Identified Soil

19 Kent 160, Pond Creek, OK, Normalized Estimated Yield and Temporal Coefficient of Variation for Seven Years of Data Water and Hay for Calves Field Drainage

20 Cherokee, Oklahoma Reinach Very Fine Sandy Loam McLain Silt Loam Dale Silt Loam - SALINE

21 Cherokee, Oklahoma Hayed for Demonstration Plots Drainage problem from moldboard dead furrow Salt Slick

22 Hitchcock, OK < 0.85 0.85 – 0.95 0.65 – 1.05 1.05 – 1.15  1.15  Field Boundary Average Normalized Yield

23 Hitchcock, Ok – Yield 1992 & 1993

24 Hitchcock, OK - 1994 & 1996

25 Hitchcock, OK – 1998 & 1999

26 Hitchcock, OK < 0.85 0.85 – 0.95 0.65 – 1.05 1.05 – 1.15  1.15  Field Boundary Average Normalized Yield Broken out of native grass pasture in 10 ac increments in the 1970’s Farm since homesteaded

27 Disease Effect on Estimated Yield -Enid, OK 5% Set-Aside Ground Chisholm 2180

28 Carrier, OK – 1999 Yield Hail Damage

29 Tonkawa, OK Sprayed with Metribuzin for Cheat Not sprayed for cheat Area was intensively grazed by 105 calves. Wheat yield was about 3 times greater than estimated Saline Soil

30 Tonkawa, OK

31 What may be gained by even higher resolution sensing? 25 m Resolution (Re-sampled) Landsat TM 1m Resolution NDVI

32 Conclusions Satellite imagery can be used to predict yields. Normalized estimated yield can be used for management decisions: –Define average relative yield –Identify regions of high and low yield whose cause changes slowly over time Drainage Soil type Organic matter pH

33 Conclusions Images can be used to define management zones for the purpose of managing these variables. Imagery can complement yield monitor data or when yield data are not available can serve as a surrogate. Currently, Landsat TM images are the only source of historical data for the entire United States, and, despite the coarse resolution provides, a means to begin managing less than field size areas.


35 30 by 30 m Sensing and Treatment Resolution 1 m by 1 m

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