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International Aerospace Quality Group The Initiatives of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) Steve Shepherd ~ European Sector Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "International Aerospace Quality Group The Initiatives of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) Steve Shepherd ~ European Sector Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Aerospace Quality Group The Initiatives of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) Steve Shepherd ~ European Sector Leader

2 International Aerospace Quality Group Initiatives aimed at meeting our initial focus and objectives: “...continuously improve the processes used by the supply chain to deliver consistently high quality products...” “… common aerospace quality standards and requirements…” “… process of continuous improvement at suppliers…”

3 International Aerospace Quality Group Initiatives take note of known problem areas from audits and quality escapes and the need for global safety level improvements: “Supplier Control” is a significant issue Variability in the process often lies with the primes Need a step change in performance

4 International Aerospace Quality Group See the aerospace industry as a global one Use common quality standards world-wide Extend and share best practices usage Push for standardisation of documents, materials, processes, products … Push for common implementation methodologies, ie recognised evaluation, qualification schemes/organisations Ensure Authorities ‘recognition’ of IAQG initiatives Obtain harmonised positions between Authorities Evaluation of impact & value - prioritisation Evaluation Criteria for initiatives

5 International Aerospace Quality Group International Quality System Standards Quality Standard Implementation Variation Management of Key Characteristics First Article Inspection Document Non-conformance documentation Qualification of standard parts Internal Audit Software Quality Standard 2D permanent part marking standard Harmonisation of NDT training standards International Approval of Special Processes Chartered Initiatives

6 International Aerospace Quality Group Risk and Safety Management Advanced Production Quality Planning Harmonisation of process specifications and material standards Direct shipment to end customers Sampling plans Electronic signature Supplier Control in a Global Environment – Risk Management – In-process Metrics + study items being pursued by each Sector Study Items

7 International Aerospace Quality Group 9100 developed as an international aerospace Quality Standard working with ISO TC20/WG11 to incorporate airworthiness and special industrial requirements. International implementation process developed based heavily on the AECMA-EASE model using a common questionnaire 9100 alignment with ISO9001-2000. NB: Aerospace special requirements remain as 9100 until Nov 2003 minimum. Similar Aerospace Quality System Standards developed and published for repair stations (9110) and stockist/distributors (9120) with associated questionnaires (9111/9121) - currently Europe only. Quality System Development

8 International Aerospace Quality Group First Article Inspection (FAI); 9102 ~ an international standard that improves on current individual company requirements and uses common documentation. Variation Management of Key Characteristics; 9103 ~ a more rigorous approach than FAI to ensure repeatable, capable manufacturing processes. Non-conformance documentation; 9131 ~ development of common non-conformance documentation for concessions/ waivers and escapes/disclosures. Product Qualification; 9133 ~ development of an international methodology to document the results of Qualification of standard products (cf AECMA-CERT, NADCAP). Quality Improvement Initiatives

9 International Aerospace Quality Group Internal Audit - Proposal to use new ISO19011 + influence ISO to make minor additions Software Quality Standards - European guideline document to be published. New standards being defined 2D permanent part making standard - marking, reading & validation; (9132 published) Harmonisation of Global NDT requirements for Personnel training; EN4179/NAS410 - harmonised draft prepared International Approval of Special Processes; industry controlled process to assess suppliers’ special process capability - European pilots running for assessment with NADCAP + global management structure proposed 2001/2002 Initiatives

10 International Aerospace Quality Group 9100 - Quality Standard - available - Sept 2001 for ISO 2000 rev. 9101 - 9100 checklist - available as EN - ISO 2000 rev drafted 9102 - First Article Inspection - available 9103 - ‘Component Proving’ - July 2001 9110 - Maintenance Standard - available as EN - rev to ISO2000 9111 - 9110 checklist - available as EN - rev to ISO2000 rqd 9120 - Stockist std - available as EN - rev to ISO 2000 in draft 9121 - 9120 checklist - available as EN - rev to ISO 2000 in draft 9130 - Record Retention - available as EN 9131 - Non Conformance Documentation - July 2001 9132 - 2D Part Marking - Sept 2001 9133 - Product Qualification - at formal ballot ISO 19011 - Internal Audit - ballot comments provided Initiatives Publication status

11 International Aerospace Quality Group IAQG Strategy Development Effective communication and documentation Metrics Member/Author User Guide Organisation/Governance Internal initiatives

12 International Aerospace Quality Group IAQG internal initiatives: Metrics; –number of internationally published documents –implementation of products internally through the supply chain –chartered sub-team work completed on target –reduction in quality system audits

13 International Aerospace Quality Group IAQG internal initiatives: Metrics - summary of initiative implementation; –9100 Quality System: current deployment to suppliers - 60% current deployment internally - 50% – 9102 First Article: current deployment to suppliers - 18% current deployment internally - 18%

14 International Aerospace Quality Group Implemented Published Standards & Guides Sector Standards & guides – Normalisation in Program Drafts in Ballot Studies Outstanding items from members general assemblies and other “bright ideas” IAQG ACTIVITIES REVIEW A little ! 6 5 6 9 A lot !

15 International Aerospace Quality Group Concluding comments: A tremendous opportunity for us all: –Airlines/Airframe-benefit from quality improvements –Supply chain-benefit from; - consistency and clarity of approach, requirements and documentation - multiple oversight reduction Very strong international co-operation with determination to drive forward at speed with ‘meaty’ deliverables


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