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10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( WELCOME TO THE GATHERING PLACE.

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Presentation on theme: "10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( WELCOME TO THE GATHERING PLACE."— Presentation transcript:

1 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( WELCOME TO THE GATHERING PLACE

2 www7, 7th World Wide Web conference held in brisbane, australia feedback from WWW7 april 14 to 18, 1998 10. Juni 19982reto ambühler (

3 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( www7, 7th World Wide Web conference held in brisbane, australia feedback from WWW7 april 14 to 18, 1998

4 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( the main messages: feedback from WWW7 HTML is dead XML is the solution for everything (better HTML, MathML, SMIL, etc.)

5 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( is HTML really dead ? feedback from WWW7 W3C panel: HTML will probably be around forever HTML V4.0 has become a recommendation on 18-dec-1997

6 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what's new with HTML V4.0 ? (1) feedback from WWW7 1. almost all attributes that specify the presentation of an HTML document (e.g. colors, alignment, fonts, graphics, etc) have been deprecated in favor of style sheets

7 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what's new with HTML V4.0 ? (2) feedback from WWW7 2. more control over tables, e.g. header, footer, short and full description for cells

8 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what's new with HTML V4.0 ? (3) feedback from WWW7 3. additional attributes for forms, such as hidden, read-only, legends etc. plus support for "dynamic forms" (e.g. pre-processing of user input such as data validation)

9 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what's new with HTML V4.0 ? (4-5) feedback from WWW7 4. OBJECT-tag to insert any type of objects including images, scripts, block of text etc. 5. ON-action attributes together with scripts add more interactivity (e.g. ONMOUSEOVER)

10 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what's new with HTML V4.0 ? (6-7) feedback from WWW7 6. improvements for internationalization (UNICODE, text direction, character sets) 7. FRAMES are now part of the extended standard

11 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( the bad news about HTML V4.0: feedback from WWW7 to my knowledge, today the current version of the populare browsers do not fully support this standard

12 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( demo: table with header & footer feedback from WWW7 the following slide shows the HTML source code then i show you how Netscape, Internet Explorer and Amaya present this source code

13 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( table with header & footer (source) table with header and footer table with header and footer ZAHLEN BUCHSTABEN zahlen buchstaben 00 A 01 B : 24 Y 25 Z

14 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( demo: OBJECT-tag feedback from WWW7 the following slide shows the HTML source code then i show you how Netscape, Internet Explorer and Amaya present this source code

15 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( OBJECT-tag (source) OBJECT demo OBJECT demo this is an object <OBJECT DATA="wombat_roadsign.gif" TYPE="image/gif" HEIGHT="150" WIDTH="150"> watch for wombats !

16 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( XML: feedback from WWW7 eXtensible Markup Language authors can develop their own set of elements (tags) and attributes DTD browsers must have access to the DTD in order to process the document

17 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( does XML replace HTML ? feedback from WWW7 tim berners lee said: "there will be a transition from HTML to XML" others say: "it's not a replacement" our guess: HTML will become one application of XML

18 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( MathML: feedback from WWW7 Mathematical Markup Language supported by Amaya, the experimental browser of the W3C based on XML

19 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( demo: MathML feedback from WWW7 the following slide shows the HTML source code then i show you how Netscape, Internet Explorer and Amaya present this source code

20 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( MathML (source) : x = 2 a + b : x = 2a + b

21 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( conclusion: feedback from WWW7 the evolution continues there are a lot of talks about standards, methods, tools and applications, but no talks about "what is good web-design ?"

22 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( therefore we raise the question: "what is good web-design ?" feedback from WWW7 what are the does ? what are the don'ts ?

23 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( sources of information: feedback from WWW7 WWW7 website WWW7 proceedings WWW7 trip report by reto ambühler this presentation

24 10. Juni 199824 tagebuch australienreise 1998 reto ambühler (

25 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what must a good authoring tool provide ? (1-3) 1. it must produce correct HTML 2. it must support style sheets 3. it must provide means to ensure a consistent corporate design

26 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( what must a good authoring tool provide ? (4-6) 4. is must make sure all (internal) links are correct 5. it must be easy to publish pages 6. it must support teamwork

27 10. Juni 1998reto ambühler ( WELCOME TO THE GATHERING PLACE

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