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Warrandyte Community Resilience Craig Lapsley. Challenges Population change Climate change Urbanisation Globalisation Community look and expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Warrandyte Community Resilience Craig Lapsley. Challenges Population change Climate change Urbanisation Globalisation Community look and expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warrandyte Community Resilience Craig Lapsley

2 Challenges Population change Climate change Urbanisation Globalisation Community look and expectations Victoria can expect higher-than- average temperatures, more days above 35 degrees, reduced rainfall, and an increased number of droughts and extreme weather events, including more frequent bushfires and storm activ ity Every 11 hours, in Melbourne's suburban growth areas, enough babies to fill an entire prep class are born.

3 Emergency Management Journey – Public Safety To now…..  Community Education  Community Engagement  Community Information  Community Safety  Community Risk Management The next generation - the opportunity  Resilience - stress & shock  Community - people, business, services, environment  Connecting - conversation, trusted networks/leaders  Lifelines - wellbeing, liveability, sustainability, viability

4 Resilience …. capacity of individuals, communities, businesses, institutions and systems to survive, adapt and grow no matter what chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience….. chronic stress  climate change,  high rates of chronic illness,  lower rates of community participation,  unemployment – particularly youth acute shock  Natural disaster - Bushfire, Flood, Storm  Health emergency - Heatwave, Pandemic,  Infrastructure emergency - Electricity supply, Cyber

5 Community Connection community = people, business, services, environment connection = trusted networks, trusted leaders and social capital / cohesion trusted networks/leaders: traders, medical & health services vets/animal welfare, agriculture / land management welfare groups local churches service clubs community & sporting groups

6 Shared Vision Safer and more resilient communities We work as one Working in conjunction with communities, government, agencies and business

7 Emergency Management Sector Values and Behaviours Values Leadership Accountability Integration Agility Behaviours Respect others Work as one Focus on the community Listen and communicate Acknowledge good and focus on opportunity

8 How it affects me Supporting people and communities

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