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Community Urban Food Forest + Permaculture Garden Victoria, BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Urban Food Forest + Permaculture Garden Victoria, BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Urban Food Forest + Permaculture Garden Victoria, BC

2  A garden of possibility...... “ Imagine a green space in the heart of your neighbourhood designed to provide fresh organic food, conserve and recycle resources, create native bird/insect habitat, and generally improve the local quality of life.” — Geoff Johnson, Originator

3 Spring Ridge Commons is an example of what is possible when you transform an under-utilized, marginal spaces ( a barren gravel lot)

4  into a productive space both in terms of yields such as food and medicines 123 456

5  and in terms of social yields such as experiences of beauty, nature and solitude,

6  community and fun.... 1 23 5 6 4 2

7  learning, 123 4 5 6

8  a sense of belonging through contribution to a common space 12 3 4 4

9  and place making........ 12 3 4 5 6

10  and experimenting with new relationships to land and people. The site establishes common ground between all people who enter…. Safety Comfort

11 1 2 3 4 5

12 1 2 34

13 12 3 45 67

14  “Friends of the Spring Ridge Commons” became a society under the BC Societies Act on July 6, 2012 for the following purposes:BC Societies Act  a. To preserve and protect the Spring Ridge Common(s) as a community open space that is freely accessible to the neighbourhood and the larger community. b. To ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the Common(s) as a community site, open to all by providing opportunities for people to experience community through shared management of the commons and hands-on knowledge sharing about permaculture design techniques and ecologically sound food growing practices. c. To provide a cultivated wild habitat in which birds, bees and other insects can thrive. d. To promote permaculture as well as other organic agricultural practices on the site. e. To preserve and protect fruit/production trees, shrubs, herbs and perennials that are free to harvest by all. The by-laws of the society are those set out in Schedule B to the Society Act.


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