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WGISS - GEO Way Forward Issue 1.0 Ivan Petiteville WGISS-24, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Thursday Sep. 18, 2007.

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1 WGISS - GEO Way Forward Issue 1.0 Ivan Petiteville WGISS-24, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Thursday Sep. 18, 2007

2 Background (1/3) Since 2 years, new orientation of CEOS: main activities focused on the support to GEO CEOS goal: support GEO in coordinating all the space activities related to GEOSS For the 1 st time in CEOS history, CEOS requests the active support of its 3 WGs on identified GEO Tasks (from GEO 2006 WP, & GEO 2007-2009 WP)

3 Background (2/3) Yearly agreement between the CEOS SIT represented by CEOS Executive Officer (CEO) and GEO Secretariat on the GEO tasks: –CEOS Lead & POC –CEOS Lead –CEOS Contributing For the first two years, WGISS has amended / refined that list with CEOS SIT agreement, given its expertise, interests of its members, resources available. Some GEO Tasks have been suppressed, some others have been added. CEOS informed.

4 Background (3/3) In addition, WGISS has taken some measure: –Structure: nomination of a GEO Coordinator (role allocated to the Vice-Chair) Nomination of WGISS Points of Contacts to interface the GEO Tasks where WGISS is engaged –Process: Refocus activities of Subgroups, Task Teams and Project Teams on well identified GEO activities Updated the WGISS 5-year plan to give some rules for the definitions of the TTs’ objectives and for the creation of new TTs / Projects. Close monitoring of WGISS Contribution Close coordination with CEOS SIT team. Regular reporting from WGISS to CEOS

5 Current status 14 GEO tasks supported at various level WGISS Contribution praised by GEO Director during last CEOS Plenary (Nov. 06) About 1/3 of GEOSS components are registered as CEOS ones. After two years of support to GEO, the overall WGISS contribution is rather satisfactory given the lack of resources. As raised a few times during WGISS-24, there are certainly still areas for improvement. Some lessons learned may be drawn after those 2 years

6 Way Forward (1/2) Initiate a thinking process to improve both the WGISS structure & working process taking into account: –the agreements between CEOS SIT and GEO Secretariat –the resources available today versus the resources that would be needed –the interests of the WGISS participants / agencies

7 Way Forward (2/2) Thinking process requires: –Good knowledge of GEO and CEOS SIT –Good knowledge of WGISS capabilities, experience and resources –Small team to arrive quickly to useful conclusions and recommendations (e.g. at next WGISS-25)

8 Strategy Team Composition Team Leader: –Martha as incoming Chair Members: –2 Subgroup Chairs –1 representative of Technology Teams (e.g. Lyn) –1 representative of Projects Teams (e.g. Wyn ) –1 member of current CEOS SIT Team (Ivan) –1 member of future CEOS SIT Team (Ken)

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