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LHC Software Mike Lamont. LHC software - MAC November 072 7/12/2007 Outline LSA Core Hardware Instrumentation High level facilities Testing and deployment.

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Presentation on theme: "LHC Software Mike Lamont. LHC software - MAC November 072 7/12/2007 Outline LSA Core Hardware Instrumentation High level facilities Testing and deployment."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC Software Mike Lamont

2 LHC software - MAC November 072 7/12/2007 Outline LSA Core Hardware Instrumentation High level facilities Testing and deployment

3 LHC software - MAC November 073 7/12/2007 LSA Middle tier designed to provide services to allow effective accelerator control GUI Applications Business Layer HardwareDatabase Client tier Server tier

4 LHC software - MAC November 074 7/12/2007 Among other things it covers… Optics  Information about all devices  Machine layout  Twiss parameters Settings generation  Generation of initial settings based on optics Settings management & trim  Management of values for all parameters  Coherent modifications  History of changes and rollback Hardware exploitation  Equipment control  Sending settings to the hardware Equipment & beam measurements  Equipment monitoring  Data concentrators e.g. BLM, BPM 06/11/2007

5 LHC software - MAC November 075 7/12/2007 Generic Applications Data model & business layer are common for all accelerators  reuse applications SPS LHC 06/11/2007

6 LHC software - MAC November 076 7/12/2007 Trim

7 LHC software - MAC November 077 7/12/2007 Optics

8 LHC software - MAC November 078 7/12/2007 Generic Equipment Control

9 LHC software - MAC November 079 7/12/2007 Generic Measurement

10 LHC software - MAC November 0710 7/12/2007 BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99 BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99 BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99 BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99 BLM1BLM2BLM3BLM4BLM5BLM6BLM7BLM8BLM9BLM10BLM11BLM99 4000 Beam Loss Monitors BLMs Concentration Publication Operator Console 1 Operator Console 2 Logging Fixed Displays Operator Console 3 Operator Console 4 … Broadcasting Data Concentrators

11 LHC software - MAC November 0711 7/12/2007 Security Role Based Access Control (RBAC)  Restrict access to accelerator devices  Developed in the framework of the LHC at Fermilab Software (LAFS) collaboration Management of Machine Critical Settings (MCS) 06/11/2007 Fully incorporated into the LSA framework

12 LHC software - MAC November 0712 7/12/2007

13 LHC software - MAC November 0713 7/12/2007 Development, test, and production databases One account for LEIR, SPS, HWC, lines, LHC AB/CO/DM: Ronny Billen, Chris Roderick

14 LHC software - MAC November 0714 7/12/2007 LSA It has been deployed and thus tested on:  SPS  LEIR  TI2/TI8/CNGS and other transfer lines  SM18 magnet tests  HWC Database is in good shape Technology well established Core software in place, tested and deployed TI8 CNGSTI2

15 Main Hardware Systems

16 LHC software - MAC November 0716 7/12/2007 INJECTION KICKERS  XXXXXX BEAM DUMP  XXXXXX POWER CONVERTERSXXXX COLLIMATORS  XXXXX RF  XXXXX Longitudinal FB  XXXXX Transverse Damper  XXXX MAGNETSXX MKQAXXXX WARM MAGNETSXXXX RADIATION MONITORSXX SPECTROMETERSXXX Application XPOCAnalog Acquisition Alarms Software Interlocks Critical Settings Post Mortem Timing

17 LHC software - MAC November 0717 7/12/2007 Power converters Full functionality exploited  Hardware Commissioning  Ramp and Squeeze Tests  Tracking tests in SM18 Tested interfaces to:  Post mortem  LSA  Logging  Alarms  Timing

18 LHC software - MAC November 0718 7/12/2007 Squeeze

19 LHC software - MAC November 0719 7/12/2007 RF Slightly behind the curve here  Slow control established  Functions via FGCs – standard LSA  Requirements spec circulating Delphine Jacquet

20 LHC software - MAC November 0720 7/12/2007 Injection kickers

21 LHC software - MAC November 0721 7/12/2007 Beam Dump Can’t touch too much at the high level Important though is XPOC Prototype in test generating many GBs from kicker tests in IR 6

22 LHC software - MAC November 0722 7/12/2007 Collimators Serious prototyping and testing done Development still going on at the middle level. Big system, lot of work to get the full system singing and dancing. Stefano Redaelli

23 LHC software - MAC November 0723 7/12/2007 LHC Timing All LHC processes (e.g. injection, ramp,...) will be synchronized and triggered using timing events  Sent by the LHC Timing System LSA provides services to manage these events  Creation, modification  Loading to and unloading from the Timing System LSA Timing module LHC Timing System Other modules

24 LHC software - MAC November 0724 7/12/2007 Timing Tests in progress

25 Instrumentation

26 LHC software - MAC November 0726 7/12/2007 Instrumentation BPMs XXX1 BLMs XXXX1  BCT X1 BTV XXXX1  Rest Gas XXXX3  Sync. Rad XXXX1  Wire Scanners XXX2  Luminosity X1  Tune etc. XXXX1  AGM X2  Schottky X2  Wall Current X2  BST 1 ConcentrationSettings PriorityCritical Settings LoggingPost Mortem SW Interlocks State GUI

27 LHC software - MAC November 0727 7/12/2007 For all systems assume: Fixed displays Logging Measurements  All measurements to be recorded together with measurement parameters (SDDS)  Standard facilities for display, browsing and analysis  Archiving, references etc.  Access for post-mortem, post-run analysis, web access etc.  Standard data format  Interface to analysis tools Post Mortem Standard fitting routines All in place

28 LHC software - MAC November 0728 7/12/2007 BPMs BPM: acquisition & concentration & publishV0.1 in place BPM: trajectory displayProto in place BPM: trajectory and orbit correctionYASP BPM: multi-turn analysisV1 in place BPM: beta beating analysisWork in progress BPMDLHC - dump line BPM- BPMITLHC – interlocked BPMs- Orbit, threading, closure etc. etc.Done and dusted Multi-turn analysis, beating etc.Work in progress

29 LHC software - MAC November 0729 7/12/2007 Orbit c/o YASP Jorg Wenninger

30 LHC software - MAC November 0730 7/12/2007 BPM Concentration

31 LHC software - MAC November 0731 7/12/2007 Beam Loss Monitors acquisition & concentrationDeployed, tests ongoing Beam Loss Monitors – display v2Prototype Beam Loss Monitors – expert app.To spec Beam Loss Monitors – Management of Critical settings – configuration & tests Threshold tables in place, application to be done Beam Loss Monitors - LoggingTests in progress Beam Loss Monitors – PM, Study buffers, XPOCTests in progress BLMs

32 LHC software - MAC November 0732 7/12/2007 BQBBQLHC – Tune meter Tune:  FFT  Continuous FFT  PLL  Feedback Chromaticity  Baseline: Frequency modulation/PLL V3 requirements spec in circulation (c/o LAFS) (Template & components exists for SPS)

33 LHC software - MAC November 0733 7/12/2007 Other Instrumentation RADMON – acq – conc - displayPrototype in place BQHTLHC – head-tail ChromaticityBI BSRALHC Abort gap monitorSpec BSRTFLHC/BSRTSLHC Synchrotron radiation monitors LAFS – V1 in place BGILHC – Rest Gas MonitorLAFS BWSLHC Wire ScannerLAFS – V1 in place Wall Current Monitors (RF) BQSLLHC - SchottkyLAFS - specification BTVI/BTVMLHC Screens (matching monitors)Extension of existing BRASCLHC/BRASGLHC - Luminosity monitorsPre-spec

34 LHC software - MAC November 0734 7/12/2007 BCTDCLHC & BCTFDLHC & BCTFRLHC

35 LHC software - MAC November 0735 7/12/2007 Synchrotron radiation monitors Dennis Nicklaus FNAL

36 LHC software - MAC November 0736 7/12/2007 Wire scanner Elliott McCrory FNAL

37 LHC software - MAC November 0737 7/12/2007 Screens Markus Albert

38 LHC software - MAC November 0738 7/12/2007 CMS Luminosity

39 High level applications

40 LHC software - MAC November 0740 7/12/2007 FIDEL Using data from series cold measurements FiDel models components of total field in aperture of magnet Set of parameterized equations - fit to the measured behaviour of the set of magnets in a circuit

41 LHC software - MAC November 0741 7/12/2007 MAD & FIDEL

42 LHC software - MAC November 0742 7/12/2007 FiDeL status Data collection has advanced at a reduced pace. Data available today covers about 60 % of the magnet families and work is in progress to complete the LHC Magnetic Archive. The work has focused on:  preparation of the structures for the synthesis of the model parameters (machine layout),  storage of the parameters (database supported by AB-OP),  retrieval and use of the parameters (FiDeL in the LHC controls). Tracking tests were performed in the benches of SM-18 to verify the accuracy of the model:  2 dipoles (MB2598, MB2624),  1 SSS (SSS064),  powered through LSA, implementing the FiDeL algorithm for field forecast and correction,  verified B1 tracking among sectors, B2/B1 tracking among main quadrupoles and dipoles, b3 and b5 correction at each dipole.  Fruitful AT-AB collaboration in the preparation, running and evaluation of the test results Luca Bottura

43 LHC software - MAC November 0743 7/12/2007 The integral dipole field in two MB’s track on average within  1 unit of B 1, with peak error of 2.5 units of B 1 and reproducibility from cycle to cycle well within  1 unit of B 1 (including measurement errors !) The ratio B2/B1 tracks on average within  0.01 unit of tune Q, and the reproducibility from cycle to cycle is within the tolerance window of  0.003 unit of tune (including measurement errors !)  1 unit of B 1  0.003 units of tune Q Analysis by P. Xydi, AT-MTM FiDeL tracking test results 1/2

44 LHC software - MAC November 0744 7/12/2007 The reproducibility of the b3 compensation, on two MB’s, same powering sequence, is 0.1 units of b3, equivalent to 5 units of chromaticity (excellent !) The compensation of the integral b3 in a single dipole, using the FiDeL algorithm, has an error of  0.25 units (quite good !) Integral b3 before compensation Integral b3 after compensation Analysis by N. Sammut, AB-OP  10 units of chromaticity  FiDeL tracking test results 2/2 FIDEL@LSA by Merek Strzelczyk, AB-OP

45 LHC software - MAC November 0745 7/12/2007 On-line Model (MAD-X) Simulation and validation of settings changes before applying them to the hardware Creation of KNOBS (e.g. bumps) … Jutta Netzel, Ilya Agapov

46 LHC software - MAC November 0746 7/12/2007 Sequencer Reyes Alemany Tested:  Ramp & squeeze tests  SM18 All key functionality provided by LSA

47 LHC software - MAC November 0747 7/12/2007 Selected to-do list RF - beam controlSpec in place BLM – threshold managementWork in progress TuneLAFS? Luminosity optimization etcSpec in progress K-modulationSLAC Collimator scansWork in progress Measurement procedures: aperture, dynamic aperture, matching, scans Triggered acquisition – data collection and organization Interface to feedback systems On-line Aperture Model And a lot, a lot of details: settings, FIDEL, configuration…


49 LHC software - MAC November 0749 7/12/2007 Testing Currently use unit testing (automated black-box testing) for business logic and Data Access Objects GUI applications are tested manually  Logic operating on the database  development DB  Hardware access  usually on a real hardware (or test FGCs) Goal  setup a testing hardware environment which could be used for a systematic testing (before each release)  Lab FGCs, Beam Instrumentation

50 LHC software - MAC November 0750 7/12/2007 Deployment and testing

51 LHC software - MAC November 0751 7/12/2007 Dry injection run –next week OpticsAs usual, ramp and squeeze… SettingsPower converters, RF, Kickers, Collimators, Bumps, injection point steering FIDEL450 GeV – decay, transfer functions for 78 TimingBST, GMT, timing tables, events, telegrams, injection request, application, sequencer KickersTiming, control, analog acquisition Power converters~ 250 in voltage simulation mode CollimatorsFSM, settings, monitoring, drive ScreensControl, acquisition BPMs, BLMs, WS, SRMsEvent triggered acquisition Standard facilitiesMode, FD, logging, alarms, RBAC

52 LHC software - MAC November 0752 7/12/2007 Collaboration Good collaboration between Operations, Controls and Hardware groups. Remarkably fruitful collaboration with Fermilab  LAFS (Project Leader: Dave McGinnis) RBAC (Suzanne Gysin) Wire Scanners (Elliot McCrory) Synchrotron Light Monitors (Dennis Nicklaus) Valuable input on sequencer, tune etc. (Jim Patrick, Jerry Annala, Dean Still) “Possible” future projects: luminosity monitors, rest-gas monitors, Schottky monitors, triggered data acquisition

53 LHC software - MAC November 0753 7/12/2007 Conclusions Majority of LSA functionality has been implemented. It has been deployed and tested. Now in exploitation phase - harness functionality to meet LHC requirements Staged approached for deployment and testing:  Individual systems, HWC shadowing, dry runs, magnet measurements Devil, as always, in the details - still a lot to do…

54 LHC software - MAC November 0754 7/12/2007 Acknowledgements AnthonyLEIR, SPS, SETTINGS ++ Ronny & ChrisDATABASE DelphineDatabase, Settings, SOD, ++ EricCollimators GHHKickers Greg KrukCORE ++ GuyTZ, INSTRUMENTATION JorgSPS, ORBIT ++ JuttaCORE, On-line model LasseGENERATION MarekGENERATION, FIDEL, MAD MarkusBCT, AUTOTRIM, SPS++, ACTUAL TRIM NicholasCORE + BLM + MONITORING RaphaelCORE ReyesSEQUENCER StephaneTIMING VitoCORE, SEQUENCER Wojtek SliwinskiCORE ++ & LAFS

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