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Quick Ways to Support Diverse Learners. Supporting Gifted Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Ways to Support Diverse Learners. Supporting Gifted Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Ways to Support Diverse Learners

2 Supporting Gifted Students

3 Characteristics of gifted students: Advanced vocabulary Good memory Learns very quickly and easily Creativity Large fund of information Generalizes skilfully Comprehends new ideas easily Has many ideas (fluent) Feels free to disagree Makes abstractions easily Risk-taker; speculates Makes judgments and decisions Perceives similarities, differences, relationships Questioning; very curious about many topics Sees things in varied ways unique or unusual ideas Adds details; makes ideas more interesting Transforms or combines ideas Sees implications or consequences easily Finds subtle humour, paradox or discrepancies Sets own goals, standards High level of energy Intense involvement in preferred problems and tasks Prefers to concentrate on own interest and projects

4 Learning Objective Examples: Language Arts: –To compose an extended piece of fiction with the same themes as The Outsiders. (compacting, extension, differentiation of product) –To explore the career options that integrate journalism, writing and fine arts. (choice, individual project, differentiation of product) Math: –To extend his understanding of Math 6 concepts and demonstrate higher level problem solving skills (cluster grouping, Challenge class, compacting) ALL STUDENTS HAVE: Will further develop critical thinking skills; will further develop ability to problem solve; will demonstrate higher level thinking in various subject areas and in Challenge class

5 Compacting = streamlining the grade level curriculum by eliminating material students have previously learned. THIS IS IMPORTANT because it allows students to learn new things rather than practice what they have already learned. e.g. Math – have student complete the 5 most difficult questions for the assignment, if they get them correct they move onto an enrichment or advanced activity

6 Enrichment activities = control, choice, challenge. Individual study options: “I need to know about this” & “I was just wondering about…” –open-ended topics –give the students freedom to choose product –encourage students to work extend thinking by analyzing, evaluating and creating

7 Differentiation for One

8 Supporting ESL students An effective ESL program: maintains and produces academic progress; provides for the student’s integration into the mainstream of school society; validates the student’s heritage, language and culture.

9 Adaptations… Retain the learning outcomes of the prescribed curriculum, can include alternate formats, instructional strategies, or assessment procedures.

10 do list, prioritizing tasks 2.fill in the blanks, copied notes, word banks 3.highlight key words or paragraphs to find information 4.outlines, graphic organizers 5.Calculators 6.step by step prompts for math 7.pair written with oral instruction 8.allow more time 9.use of computer

11 –

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