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Genetic Diversity -What makes each species unique -Variety within a species -Safeguards against future problems Species Diversity Includes ALL living things.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Diversity -What makes each species unique -Variety within a species -Safeguards against future problems Species Diversity Includes ALL living things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Diversity -What makes each species unique -Variety within a species -Safeguards against future problems Species Diversity Includes ALL living things Ecosystem Diversity -Habitats - Interconnections The variety of life on earth

2 Threats Human Interaction 1. Cutting down trees 2.Loss of habitat 3. Increased human population Natural Factors 1.Climate 2.geology 3.soil 4.water Invasive Species 1. Reproduce Quickly 2. Spread over landscape and waterway 3.FEW natural controls Herbivores Predators diseases

3 Invasive Birds and Mammals House Sparrow Aka English Sparrow NutriaFeral Swine

4 Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Gypsy Moth Emerald Ash Borer

5 Invasive Plants Mile-a-minute Purple Loose Strife Garlic Mustard Multiflora Rose

6 Invasive Aquatic Species Rusty Crayfish Asian Carp Didymo (Rock Snot)

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