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Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Making a Team Contract.

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1 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Making a Team Contract

2 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Why have a contract? A team contact is used so that all members of the team understand their role on the team. Each team will generate their own contract and mechanism for self-assessment.

3 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Objectives Discuss issues with doing a team project. Clearly state expectations for yourself and team members. Make sure you know what the expectations are for the project. Create a leadership structure for team. Decide on responsibilities for each team member. Decide what happens when work does not get done. Draft a team contract

4 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Think Time Team work can be a valuable way to complete organizational tasks. However, if poorly structured, team work can also be difficult, time consuming, and frustrating. In your previous school career you have completed team projects and worked in teams. Reflect back on your team projects and write down some of the issues you have encountered in team work. Write down four things you have done to make teams function well. Write down four things that you would like to improve from previous team experiences.

5 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Contract Planning Generate two lists: –(i) a list of rules of conduct and responsibilities that the individuals have to the team –(ii) a list of responsibilities that the team has to its individual members. Decide on the items that are most important and come to a consensus on a ranking for each list.

6 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Design Contract Formulate a team contract based on your team generated lists. Your team contract should include the following: A common statement of team goals. Ground rules for team behavior, including: Identification of and agreement on team communication - email, phone, etc. Mechanisms for governance - What roles are needed? Who fills what role? Are roles rotated ? Schedule and structure for team meetings. What happens when someone is not doing what they need to do?

7 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Design Contract (cont.) Mechanisms and guidelines for decision-making. If you don’t agree, how will you reach agreement. A mechanism for documentation of project work. How will individuals and the team keep track of progress on the project?

8 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Finalize Each team member should sign the completed contract and keep a copy in their project notebook. The team should also submit a copy of the signed contract.

9 Sports & Entertainment Business Marketing I Credits note: These materials were adapted from 'Practical Guide to Teamwork' from Bucknell University and materials created by Jon Stolk

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