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Motion—Velocity Concepts. Gain comprehension in basics of motion and velocity of your BattleBot Calculate measurements dealing with their BattleBot’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion—Velocity Concepts. Gain comprehension in basics of motion and velocity of your BattleBot Calculate measurements dealing with their BattleBot’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion—Velocity Concepts

2 Gain comprehension in basics of motion and velocity of your BattleBot Calculate measurements dealing with their BattleBot’s motion Visually diagram motion and velocity of their BattleBot’s data The concepts of this lesson will allow you to:

3 Motion—Velocity Terms Discuss and Review Position Vector Average Velocity Slope Instantaneous velocity Distance Displacement Speed Instantaneous Position Scalar Time Interval Constant Velocity Velocity Position-Time Graph

4 Calculating Velocity In order to calculate velocity you need to find the distance an object has traveled and in what time interval. Since we are calculating the velocity between two points we will calculating the average velocity. The BattleBot Nightmare travels a distance of 12 meters, in a time of 0 to 8 seconds. What is the average velocity of Nightmare between this time interval? D 1 = 0m D 2 = 12m T 1 = 2 s T 2 = 10 s V avg = 12 - 0 8 - 0 1.5 m/s Solution:

5 Position-Time Graph 0 5 10 Time (s) Position (m) 0 5 10 15 Slope = Rise Run V avg = dd t t

6 Review and Questions

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