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CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
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Light Measurement Overview
Light Measurement Overview
Perceived Light Light is electromagnetic energy within a narrow range of frequencies. Each different wavelength of light energy (if seen alone) is perceived by the human eye/brain as a different, fully saturated, color. Light is electromagnetic energy within a narrow range of frequencies capable of causing the sensation of vision. The human eye/brain combination acts, in some respects, like a radio receiver tuned to receive this particular range of radio frequency energy. Other electromagnetic energy at frequencies lower than light include radio waves, microwaves, and infrared heat waves, and at frequencies higher than light are ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma, and cosmic rays. The high frequency visible light range, or spectrum, of terahertz is usually specified by wavelength rather than frequency. Each different wavelength of light energy (if seen alone) is perceived by the human eye/brain as a different color. The lowest frequency visible light energy (extreme red) has a wavelength of about 750 nanometers (billionths of a meter). The highest frequency visible light energy (extreme violet) has a wavelength of about 380 nm.
Light Measurement Overview
Human Sight Characteristics Three characteristics define the way the human eye/brain sees light. Brightness: Perceived light energy level. Hue: Dominant wavelength, color or tint of the color. Saturation: Degree of purity from light of other wavelengths. (zero saturation = white; equal energy of all wavelengths) The human eye/brain combination responds to three different characteristics of emitted or reflected light energy. These three human sight characteristics are brightness, hue, and saturation. Brightness is the visual sensation in which an area appears to emit more or less light. Brightness is a characteristic of any light source, while hue and saturation are characteristics only of light sources that are not balanced white light. White and shades of gray have different brightness levels, but have no hue and have zero saturation. Hue is the perceived color of visible light energy, expressed as violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, etc. This hue may be a result of a single wavelength of light energy or the dominant wavelength of multiple wavelengths of light energy. The term color is often interchanged for hue. Since white light is a combination of all colors of light, and has no dominant wavelength, it has no hue. Saturation is the colorfulness of an area judged in proportion to its brightness, and is primarily the degree to which light energy is concentrated at a single wavelength. Light energy of a single wavelength, appearing to the eye/brain as the color red for example, is at maximum saturation. Light of equal energy at all wavelengths appears to the eye/brain as white and is at zero saturation. As some white light is added to pure red light, the red desaturates somewhat to a pastel pink. As more light is added at wavelengths other than red, eventually the color reaches zero saturation, which is white light.
Light Measurement Overview
Light Measurement Units Two types of measurement units are used to measure light and relate it to the human sight characteristics. Luminance (brightness): FootLambert: U.S. unit of luminance (radiated light), 1 lumen per square foot Nit (cd/m2): S.I. unit of luminance (radiated light), 1 candela per square meter Chromaticity (hue and saturation): CIE chromaticity coordinates (x,y): From 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram (Kelly Chart) CIE = International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale De L'Eclairage) To specify precise color measurements of light energy from a source or reflecting surface requires light measurement units. Many light measurement units have been developed, but only a few are important in monitor servicing. Luminance is an absolute light measurement unit closely related to the relative human sight characteristic of brightness. The luminance of monitor CRTs, at full brightness and contrast settings, is typically in the range of 30 to 100 footlamberts. The footlambert is the U.S. measurement unit of luminance. It specifies the amount of light energy, per square foot, emitted from a light source (such as a CRT) or reflected from a lighted surface. The nit is the.S.I. measurement unit of luminance. It specifies the amount of light energy, per square meter, emitted from a light source (such as a CRT) or reflected from a lighted surface. The specification of light measurements relating to color (hue and saturation) has proven a bit more complex. Rather than a single unit of measurement for hue and another for saturation, a single graphical measurement is used to represent both properties. This measurement is coordinates from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
Light Measurement Overview
Luminance Measurement Luminance is a light measurement term closely related to the human sight characteristic of brightness. The footlambert is the U.S. measurement unit of luminance. It specifies the amount of light energy, per square foot, emitted from a light source (such as a CRT). The luminance of CRTs, at full brightness and contrast settings, is typically in the range of 30 to 80 footlamberts.
Light Measurement Overview
Chromaticity Measurement Chromaticity is a type of light measurement related to the human sight characteristics of hue and saturation. The CIE developed a chromaticity diagram which graphically depicts the relationship between hue and saturation. The diagram plots the pure spectral colors (hues) around the curved border ( nm). The results of mixing any of these fully saturated spectral colors are shown at the base and interior of the diagram. In 1931 an international commission on illumination (the C.I.E.) developed a chromaticity diagram which graphically depicts the relationship between hue (light wavelengths) and saturation. This C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram (also known later as the Kelly Chart for improvements Mr. Kelly made to it) also shows the affect of mixing two or more colored lights to produce another color or white. The tongue-shaped diagram shows the pure spectral colors around the curved border of the tongue, plus the results of mixing any of these spectral colors at the base and center of the tongue. Colors shown around the outside of the diagram are highly saturated, progressing to zero saturation white at the diagram's center. Note that purple and other colors at the base of the diagram do not correspond to any single wavelength of light. These non-spectral colors are the result of a mixture of various proportions of spectral colors.
Light Measurement Overview
Chromaticity White Reference The CIE coordinate pair of x = 0.333, y = (E) specifies the white light (zero saturation) produced by mixing equal light energy of all wavelengths. The color of any point immediately surrounding the equal energy white point would also appear white, if seen by itself with no other color reference. The CIE coordinate pair of x = 0.313, y = (D65) is the white color which was chosen as the standard white reference for all video and computer display systems. The C.I.E. diagram provides an x-y grid coordinate system to precisely specify any spectral or non-spectral color. A C.I.E. coordinate of x = and y = 0.333, for example, specifies the white light perception produced by equal light energy of all wavelengths. The color of any point immediately surrounding the equal energy white point would be perceived as white, if seen by itself with no other color reference. This range of nearly white colors surrounding the equal energy white point is known as the "near white" region of the C.I.E. diagram.
Light Measurement Overview
CIE Chromaticity Diagram If any two color points are chosen, the colors falling on the connecting line are those colors able to be produced by mixing the chosen colors. If any three color points are chosen, the area included by the connecting triangle represents the range of colors able to be produced by mixing the three chosen colors (also called the color gamut). If any two color points are chosen on the diagram, a line drawn between the points passes through the range of colors produced by mixing various proportions of the two original colors. If any three color points are chosen, not on a straight line, the area included by the connecting triangle represents the range of colors able to be produced by mixing the three chosen colors. Any three colors not lying on a straight line with one another are a set of color primaries. The three points shown are the colors of the CRT phosphors primaries specified by the NTSC for the U.S. television system (but seldom precisely the actual phosphor colors used in TVs). The connecting triangle includes the full range of colors able to be produced by a CRT using these color phosphors.
Light Measurement Overview
CIE Chromaticity Diagram Any three colors not lying on a straight line with one another are a set of color primaries. The three points shown are the colors of the CRT phosphor primaries specified by the NTSC for the U.S. television system. The connecting triangle encloses the full range of colors able to be produced by a CRT using these color phosphors. If any two color points are chosen on the diagram, a line drawn between the points passes through the range of colors produced by mixing various proportions of the two original colors. If any three color points are chosen, not on a straight line, the area included by the connecting triangle represents the range of colors able to be produced by mixing the three chosen colors. Any three colors not lying on a straight line with one another are a set of color primaries. The three points shown are the colors of the CRT phosphors primaries specified by the NTSC for the U.S. television system (but seldom precisely the actual phosphor colors used in TVs). The connecting triangle includes the full range of colors able to be produced by a CRT using these color phosphors.
Light Measurement Overview
Color Temperature Color Temperature is a measurement concept that is sometimes also used to specify different near-white colors. Color Temperature is referenced to the color of carbon when it is heated to different temperatures (measured in Kelvin -- °Celsius plus 273).
Light Measurement Overview
Color Temperature Colors which are created by heating carbon to different temperatures form a continuous line across the CIE Chromaticity Diagram - known as the black body curve. Only colors exactly on the black body curve are specified by the original absolute color temperature. We sometimes use yet another method of measurement, known as color temperature, to specify the hue of near-white light sources. The unit of measurement for color temperature is degrees Kelvin (°Kelvin = °Celcius + 273). The reference for this measurement is the color of light produced when carbon is heated to different temperatures. Common light sources range from a color temperature of around 2500° K (more red) to over 9000° K (more blue). Equal energy white is approximately 6000° K. An easy comparison to think of for color temperature is a black iron bar heated to different temperatures in a blacksmith's forge. As the bar begins heating, it glows an orangish-red, while at hotter temperatures the bar becomes a bluish-white.
Light Measurement Overview
Correlated Color Temperature The correlated color temperature concept was developed later to describe near-white colors not exactly on the black body curve. A correlated color temperature of 6000 K, for example, can mean any color along the 6000 K correlated color temperature line. All color measurement devices display correlated, rather than absolute, color temperature.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Human Vision The human eye sees light through rod and cone type light receptors. Rod receptors give us black and white vision, especially in small detail and low light. Red, green, and blue cone receptors, which each have a different response to different frequencies (colors) of light, give us color vision.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Human Vision The average response of the cones of the human eye to light across the visible spectrum is shown by the Standard Observer Response graph, developed by the CIE. We call this tristimulus vision, as there are three types of receptors that individually send information to our brain and allow us to perceive different colors for the different mixtures of light energy within the visible spectrum.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Measuring Devices Tri-stimulus color measurement devices (called colorimeters) work very much the same as the human eye. Three light sensors receive filtered light from the display to be measured. The spectral filters allow only a certain part of the light spectrum to reach each sensor. The frequency response of each spectral filter duplicates the response of one of the types of cones in the human eye.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Measuring Devices The measurement information from each of the three light sensors is the same as the information from each of the three types of cones in the eye, only in electronic signal form. This information allows us to compute a different measurement result for the different mixtures of light energy within the visible spectrum, in a way that duplicates the response of the human eye/brain combination.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Measuring Devices To accurately predict the response of the human eye to a combination of light energy at different frequencies, a tristimulus color measurement device must “see” light exactly the same way the human eye sees light, at all color frequencies.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Measuring Devices This is critical, as different display types produce strong peaks of light energy at different frequencies. If the spectral filters are inaccurate at some frequencies, some displays will be measured inaccurately.
Light Measurement Overview
Tri-Stimulus Measuring Devices If a tri-stimulus colorimeter uses spectral filters that are accurate to the human eye response at all frequencies of light, the instrument will accurately measure all displays of the past, present, and future.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The CP5000 'ColorPro' All-Display Color Analyzer System has spectral filters that are accurate to the CIE standard observer response, at all frequencies of light. Now you can confidently measure and calibrate any video display ( LCD, DLP, Plasma, CRT, and any future technology) with the CP5000, knowing that you've aligned it to industry standards and made the display deliver its peak performance.
ColorPro Overview Accurately align color tracking and luminance levels on all video displays. Easy-to-use graphical interface greatly decreases calibration time, with easy to follow display screens. Continuously updated accurate readings, even at low light, lets you calibrate video displays with flexibility not provided by other measuring instruments. Portable operation makes it easy to align displays wherever they are installed. Display Calibration Report for owner documentation and future reference. Pod holder and extension cable accessories ease projector and video wall adjustments.
ColorPro Overview CP5000 'ColorPro'
The CP5000 Color Analyzer system includes two measurement sensors, the ColorPro III and the ColorPro IV. The measurement sensors are available with either USB or standard serial connectors.
ColorPro Overview CP5000 'ColorPro'
The ColorPro III is designed with a precision white diffuser over the light sensors, to integrate incoming light from over a wide viewing angle. The ColorPro III sensor is designed to measure all displays except LCD flat panels - this includes CRT and plasma direct-view displays and CRT, LCD, DLP, and LCoS front and rear projectors.
ColorPro Overview CP5000 'ColorPro'
The ColorPro IV is designed with individual light pipes leading to each light sensor, to provide a restricted light acceptance angle. The ColorPro III sensor is designed to measure all LCD flat panels.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
To measure a direct view or rear projection display with the CP5000, attach the ColorPro III sensor directly to the face of the display (ColorPro IV for LCD flat panel). Ambient light will have some effect on the measurement, even on a direct view display, so reduce the room lights to a low level (or drape a cloth over the sensor).
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
To measure a projector’s direct light output with the CP5000, place the ColorPro III sensor on the supplied tripod holder. Position the sensor within a couple inches of the center of the screen, with the white diffusor pointed directly back at the projector. With the ambient room light totally extinguished, this allows the CP5000 to accurately measure the color of the projector’s direct light output.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
To measure the reflected light from a front projection screen, place the ColorPro III sensor on the supplied tripod holder. Position the sensor about 12 inches from the center of the screen, with the white diffusor pointed directly at the screen. At this distance, the white ColorPro III diffusor averages out the reflected light just ahead of the sensor, effectively eliminating the effects of the sensor’s shadow. With the ambient room light totally extinguished, this allows the CP5000 to accurately measure the color of the projector light reflected from the screen.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The sensor pod connects to a PC USB port or serial com port 1-4. The standard NTSC/ATSC D65 white reference is able to be selected, plus custom settings are available. Refresh rate synchronization is provided for testing at a detected display refresh rate (Initial Sample) or at a constant 60 Hz or 50 Hz refresh rate.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The unified display screen shows all measurement indicators simultaneously. A full range of numeric indicators are provided for complete information on display performance. The graphical displays show adjustment effects at a glance. The Update/Averaging adjustment slider optimizes the measurement stability at any light level.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The CIE Chromaticity Diagram display provides quick visualization of white balance control interaction. The open box center target defines the selected white reference color coordinates. The measurement cursor and color “steering lines” show the effects of display adjustments.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The Delta RGB analog bar graph display facilitates quick adjustment of video display cutoff and drive controls. One of the three colors is selectable as the adjustment reference color, to which the other two colors are adjusted. This simplifies adjustment when only two drive controls are provided. The bar graph resolutions (end points) are easily changed for coarse or fine touchup adjustments.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
White Balance/Color Tracking Adjustment Controls Cutoff/Bias controls adjust color balance at low luminance levels. Drive/Gain controls adjust color balance at high luminance levels. Cutoff/Bias Controls Drive/Gain Controls
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
White Balance Adjustment - Cutoff A display’s cutoff/bias controls are adjusted for color balance at a low luminance level. These may be mechanical controls, or digital adjustments in the on-screen service menu.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
White Balance Adjustment - Drive A display’s drive/gain controls are adjusted for color balance at a high luminance level. These may be mechanical controls, or digital adjustments in the on-screen service menu.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
The Display Calibration Report allows display performance to be captured and documented. Pre-calibration and post-calibration performance are both easily documented. Customer information and display information are stored in an MS Access database for easy reference and reports. The data file can be opened in Access or imported into Excel.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
Display Calibration Report The Display Calibration Report printout shows the Pre-Calibration and Post-Calibration color alignment and tracking on a graphical report. The report provides documentation to the display owner that the display is optimized for most accurate color.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
Display Calibration Report Report page two graphs the display’s color temperature tracking and color error tracking. The color temperature tracking graph shows the display’s measured color temperature over a range of luminance levels. The delta color error tracking graph shows the display’s straight line xy error from the desired color coordinates. (A straight line xy error of is shown as a DExy of 10).
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
Display Calibration Report Report page three graphs the display’s output luminance over the range of input signal IRE levels. The non-linear gamma relationship between input signal and light output is shown both numerically and graphically. Ideally, the display’s gamma should be constant over the entire luminance range. (A CRT display normally has a gamma between 2.3 and 2.5.)
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Color Analyzer
Calibration Library An on-line library of digital service menu access codes is available to ColorPro owners to simplify white balance calibration without service literature.
CP5000 ‘ColorPro’ Specifications
General Measurements: xyY, Luminance (Foot Lamberts or cd/m2), DRGB, Color Temperature, DExy Update Rate/Averaging: Adjustable White References: D65, D50, E, D55, D75, C, 3000K to 12000K in 500K steps, Custom, Custom Capture. An unlimited number of custom references can be stored to disk. Host System: Pentium-class PC running Windows 95 or higher. Operating Temperature: 10 to 25°C Operating Relative Humidity: 10 – 80% (non-condensing) Operating Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 ft. Accuracy 20°C, relative to NIST-certified reference at D65 ColorPro III Accuracy: xy: ± 0.002 65 cd/m2 minimum) Y: ± 2% Repeatability: xy: ± 0.002 (same-sensor/no-dismount) Y: ± 1% Luminance Range: 0.05 – 800 cd/m2, 0.01 – 233 foot Lamberts ColorPro IV Accuracy: xy: ± 0.004 Luminance Range: 3 – 350 cd/m2, 0.9 – 102 foot Lamberts Sensor Field of View: 10° (±5°)
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