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VISUAL NOTES. 1. PRESENT DATES Present dates on a timeline with visual pictures (drawings) from the reading. Make sure spacing and the dates are even.

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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL NOTES. 1. PRESENT DATES Present dates on a timeline with visual pictures (drawings) from the reading. Make sure spacing and the dates are even."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. PRESENT DATES Present dates on a timeline with visual pictures (drawings) from the reading. Make sure spacing and the dates are even in terms of time, as you did with your Spanish American Timelines.

3 2. IMPORTANT NAMES/ OTHER There are several important names located in the reading. Here are the ones you need to know: 1. Alexander Kerensky7. Red Terror 2. Lenin8. soviets 3. Cheka9. July Days 4. Bolshevik10. October Revolution 5. Reds11. February Revolution 6. Whites12. soviets

4 3. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ROMANOVS? Include a few sentences on the Romanov’s fate.

5 4. WHAT KIND OF GOVERNMENT DID RUSSIA END UP WITH? In a sentence, state what kind of government Russia ended up with, and what was the new country called?

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