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Calendar Today Nov. 30 – Topic: Vegetarian Diets – Do Something! Assignment is de no later than Dec 2 for 15 points – There is NO Food Security assignment!

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Presentation on theme: "Calendar Today Nov. 30 – Topic: Vegetarian Diets – Do Something! Assignment is de no later than Dec 2 for 15 points – There is NO Food Security assignment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calendar Today Nov. 30 – Topic: Vegetarian Diets – Do Something! Assignment is de no later than Dec 2 for 15 points – There is NO Food Security assignment! – Exam 3 (final) Review sheet is posted Wed. Dec. 2 – Food Security/Domestic Hunger/Wrap up – Final deadline for Do Something! Assignment

2 Vegetarian Diets

3 It’s clear why Clara Belle recommends a vegetarian diet. Think-Pair-Share-other reasons Taste Availability Environmental Concerns Culture/ Religion Affordability Animal Rights

4 It’s clear why Clara Belle recommends a vegetarian diet. Think-Pair-Share-other reasons Taste Availability Environmental Concerns Culture/ Religion Affordability Animal Rights

5 Vegetarian Variations Lacto Ovo …. No animal flesh Includes dairy/eggs…often high fat! Macrobiotic, Pescetarian, Frutarian… etc! Vegan……No animal flesh or by-products Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, beans, seeds A common diet, but not often chosen! Can be a very healthy diet

6 Think. Pair. Share.

7 Vegan health advantages? Vegan health concerns? Low sat fat No cholesterol High fiber Phytochemical rich Relatively cheap Low calorie density Nutrient dense Smart choice for environment and our health Iron and Zinc Beans, whole grain, fortified food, supps* Vitamin B-12 Fortified food, supps* Vitamin D Fortified dairy/soy/cereals, sun, supps* Calcium Beans, leafy greens, most tofu, fortified food, supps* Why isn’t protein a major concern?

8 Yes Affirmative! No problem!! Of course!!! You tellin’ me this big hunk gets his protein from plants? Head’s up if feed infants a vegan diet: very high protein need (g/lb) very small stomach capacity

9 Best diet sources of protein Nuts Grains Legumes – beans (esp. soy) Animal flesh Eggs Dairy products Protein supplements Note: often unneeded easy to overdose $$$

10 Source of protein…Plant or Animal… determines protein quality! Nuts Grains Legumes – beans ( Animal flesh Eggs Dairy products Protein supplements whey, casein soy

11 Quality: High or low, how do you know? High Quality EAA mix matches human need Animal products and soy (engineered) aka complete Low Quality EAA mix ≠ our need as a stand alone food Plant products… grains, nuts, beans, seeds aka incomplete  so must combine protein sources

12 How can you meet protein needs with no animal products/flesh in your diet?

13 Protein Complementation (PC) Grains + Legumes (beans) Grains…rice, corn, barley, oat, wheat… Beans…pinto, soy, black, garbanzo… Think. Pair. Share. Think up a few vegan main dish ideas Include portion size and grams protein Use My Fitness Pal US favorite PBJ 18 grams protein 2T. pb + 2 slices Dave’s Killer bread

14 Rice and Beans

15 Corn (grain) and Black Eye Peas

16 Garbanzos + Wheat (Hummus and Pita)

17 Think. Pair. Share. Why is a plant-based diet environmentally smart ? Take a break. Be back in ~10

18 Water/Arable Land: Finite Resources Agriculture is largest US/global H 2 O consumer Most U.S. ag land/H 2 O used for animal production – pasture – grain (corn/soy) acreage (most to cattle in feedlots)

19 Environmental impact varies by food choice 2015 global pop ~7.2 billion Adding ~80M/yr Most prefer meat-based diet This diet is ‘resource greedy’ Resources inadequate to produce meat-based diet for all Topsoil Fossil Fuel Water

20 For every 100 cal of grain fed to animals ….. 40 new calories of MILK 22 new calories of EGG 12 of CHICKEN 10 of PORK 3 of BEEF It takes ~1/3 cal  1 cal grain Feedlots

21 Beef: The Impact What does it take to make a pound (16 oz.) burger? aka ‘4x4’ or ‘Double Big Mac’ – ~10 pounds of grain (corn/soy) – ~100 pounds of topsoil – ~ 2, 500 gallons water

22 ‘Thneeds’ Plan for the future…meat consumption habits will change as resources for production become scarce. Improve the balance between your ‘needs’ vs. ‘wants’. Reduce/eliminate energy intensive, wasteful (food) products. Reap benefits of a diet better for you/environment; Become more food secure in the process. The things you THINK you need!

23 Do Something! Identify two realistic ways you can eat more like a vegan.

24 Veg Up Try a Meatless Monday Switch from cow’s milk to soy milk Reduce portion/frequency of meat-based meals Buy local, organic meats and/or 100% pasture fed beef, not feed-lot beef. Challenge yourself! Eat vegan one meal/day prior to Nutrition 10 final?!?!?!


26 Optional Slides

27 A World Demanding More Predict zero growth ~ 2050 global w/pop ~9B To feed 9B the basics, need 100% crop production Why? Huge production needed because developing nations growing prosperous, eat more animal products Animal products, are non-renewable-resource- hungry and polluting to produce! – fossil fuels, fresh water, topsoil, high waste productio

28 Environmental Cost to Produce Meat Land damage – erosion, overgrazing, deforestation Intensive water use (feed grain and animal production) Air/water pollution (manure, drugs, greenhouse gases**) Biodiversity  ;  resistant species Heavy fossil fuel use

29 Fossil Fuel Calories  Edible Calories 1/3 Cal  1 Cal grain protein 2 Cal  1 Cal ready to eat cereal protein 1-5 Cal  1 Cal veg protein 10-90 Cal  1 Cal animal protein

30 Can you order these by protein content??? Bean Burrito Hamburger 4oz. and bun with toppings Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Tofu vegetable stir fry Chicken pot pie Oatmeal and soy milk 1 Cup

31 My Fitness Pal data ( homemade recipe ) Bean Burrito Hamburger 4oz. and bun with toppings Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Tofu vegetable stir fry Chicken pot pie Oatmeal and soy milk 1 Cup 10 #6 30 #1 19 #3 21 #2 12 #5 18 #4 Grams ProteinID Quality High and/or Low

32 My Fitness Pal data ( homemade recipe ) Bean Burrito Hamburger 4oz. and bun with toppings Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Tofu vegetable stir fry Chicken pot pie Oatmeal and soy milk 1 Cup 10 #6 L 30 #1 H/L 19 #3 L 21 #2 H/L 12 #5 H/L 18 #4 H/L Grams ProteinID Quality High and/or Low


34 Early vegetarians returning from the kill !

35 Farmer Bill found that the cows had built their own electric fence. Copyright ©1977 David Farley Maybe the cows knew before we did that we’ve been eating too much meat.

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