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Developing a fisheries management proposal for the Dogger Bank SACs Euan Dunn Chair, NSRAC Spatial Planning WG.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a fisheries management proposal for the Dogger Bank SACs Euan Dunn Chair, NSRAC Spatial Planning WG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a fisheries management proposal for the Dogger Bank SACs Euan Dunn Chair, NSRAC Spatial Planning WG

2 Three Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) UK NL GER

3 Institutional framework for fisheries management proposal Dogger Bank Steering Group (UK, Neths, Germany, Denmark) NSRAC SPWG Focus Group Fishing industry NGOs MASPNOSE FOREWIND Liaison

4 Five benthic communities Van Moorsel, GWNM (2011) Species and habitats of the international Dogger Bank. ecosub, Doorn.

5 Danish sandeel fishing effort 2007-2009 ( copyright ICES )

6 Beam trawl effort 2007-2009 (copyright ICES)

7 MASPNOSE facilitated stakeholder meetings (Forewind participation at key stage)

8 Interactive spatial tools – joint fact finding

9 Result of NSRAC process Significant progress (NSRAC final position paper to DBSG) on mapping options and rationale but no consensus between NGOs and industry on closures (areas, gears) Formulation of proposal to the Commission then defaulted to the DBSG, with NSRAC stakeholders as observers

10 Comparison of maps Dogger Bank Steering Gp Map (33.4% closure )

11 Forewind zone on the UK cSAC

12 Fishing industry presented DBSG with amended map (Oct 2012) on basis of emerging Forewind information Rationale: As Forewind projects are built, these are de facto closures for bottom trawl gears Once the combined coverage of fisheries management zones and windfarm areas exceeds 30% (for the whole SAC complex), then the coverage of fisheries management zones should be reduced in order to maintain an effective 30% coverage of areas not accessible to bottom trawl gears

13 UK govt position on windfarm development in UK waters ______________________________ Development consent will be considered after a full environmental impact assessment and, if necessary, an appropriate assessment under Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive

14 No consensus (NSRAC, DBSG, national fisheries directors) on whether to exclude Seines from closed areas - Commission will decide when DBSG submits proposal (end June?) Scottish (or flyshooter) seine

15 Forewind Issues for NSRAC Spatial planning measures relating to fisheries Fisheries mitigation measures Appropriate assessment Statements of Common Ground

16 NSRAC would like Forewind’s take on: Lay-out options for DB projects and potential fisheries limitations of those Long term perspective on total development (all potential projects) Legal position in relation to potential exclusion of fisheries from windfarm development areas Ecological assessments and implications for project development Future engagement and consultation with NSRAC

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