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Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot Fabrice LE BARS.

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Presentation on theme: "Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot Fabrice LE BARS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot Fabrice LE BARS

2 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 2 VAIMOS, an autonomous sailboat for oceanography Copyright Ifremer

3 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 3 VAIMOS, an autonomous sailboat for oceanography  VAIMOS = Voilier Autonome Instrumenté pour Mesures Océanographiques de Surface Collaboration between Ifremer (mechanics and electronics) / ENSTA Bretagne (automatics and embedded computer science) Designed for oceanographic measurements at the sea surface

4 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 4 VAIMOS, an autonomous sailboat for oceanography

5 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 5 Autonomy / control Copyright Ifremer

6 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 6  Purpose Cover autonomously an area as accurately as possible while the accompanying oceanographic ship has other activities Autonomy / control

7 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 7 Autonomy / control  From waypoints following to line following Primitive heading control loop Existing approaches : basic waypoint following The robot follows a heading in direction of its waypoint Waypoint reached when in a predefined radius Problem : nothing prevent the drift between waypoints (because of currents...) => Line following (use the distance to the line)

8 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 8 Autonomy / control  Line following

9 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 9  Feasible headings for a sailboat Existence of headings difficult to follow depending on wind orientation Need of 2 types of different strategies : direct route or tack Tack : +or- 45 deg around the wind angle Autonomy / control Wind

10 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 10 Autonomy / control Init GetSensorsData NavigationManager Supervisor DirectTack PrimitiveHeadingController SetActuators

11 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 11  Example Autonomy / control Wind

12 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 12 Theoretical validation of the controller Copyright Ifremer

13 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 13  Representation by differential inclusions and application of Lyapunov analysis methods to transform the stability problem in a set inversion problem  => Demonstration that the robot will always stay in a strip around its target line and will try to join it if it is outside Theoretical validation of the controller

14 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 14 HIL simulation Copyright Ifremer

15 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 15 HIL simulation

16 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 16 HIL simulation

17 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 17 HIL simulation

18 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 18 HIL simulation

19 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 19 Real tests Copyright Ifremer

20 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 20 Real tests

21 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 21 Wind Desired Brest-Douarnenez trajectory (red lines made by yellow waypoints) and effective trajectory (green) Details of a change between tack and nominal route, decided by the robot Copyright Ifremer Real tests Copyright Ifremer

22 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 22 Real tests

23 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 23 Real tests  Analysis of data from the experiments using a dashdoard (during the tests and after)

24 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 24 Higher level algorithms Copyright Ifremer

25 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 25 Higher level algorithms  Obstacle avoidance  Tracking of other boats  Communication and cooperation with other robots to act as a swarm  Tow heavy loads  Save/retrieve energy

26 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 26 Further work Copyright Ifremer

27 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 27 Further work  Make the line following algorithm available on ROS  Use other formal validation methods  Test and integrate it in other simulation frameworks  Add fail-safe modes (e.g. without wind sensor, compass…)  Improve energy management

28 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 28 Questions?

29 Control of an autonomous sailboat : application to the VAIMOS robot 23/12/2015- 29

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